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Roland V-Combo VR-09


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Nice carpentry TJ. How much does that dual-shelf weigh?


Would look even better with the A61 of course, but either way the nice thing about this all-Roland rig is both boards have matching crappy actions! (Joke)


Someone posted a pic of a RD64+VR09 a little while back - that looks like a nice restricted-space rig. I'm working on my own "cramped venue" rig (61 below a Nord 73) and will post in a more appropriate thread later...


Cheers, Mike.

Thanks, but all I did was took the dimensions to a cabinet builder, he cut up some scrap 16mm MDF on his big cutting bench in about 3 minutes, I gave him $20AUS, took it home, counter sunk and screwed it together with 4 screws and then painted it with some aerosol can flat black.

It weighs 7.93Kg I'll have to have a look for that photo of the RD64. I was considering the A-61, but it has too many buttons/controls and ends up being too wide to fit snugly under the VR-09.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else experienced this:


Last night in the middle of a gig, my Vr09 spontaneously transposed itself - universally. I only discovered it as it came in with the first three notes of the song which were suddenly sounding in the key of Ab (the rest of the band, regrettably, was in A....) The orange transpose light was not lit. When I tried changing sounds the transposition stuck!


Fortunately it was an easy song so I was able to busk it in Bb, but needless to say, it could have been pretty disastrous...


I have no idea why this occurred. I didn't dare turn the VR off in case it created a huge click through the sound system. After a while I was able to change sounds and found it back in concert pitch.


I have noticed this problem at home on and off over the last few months, but each time I convinced myself that maybe I had accidentally pressed the transpose button or somehow been responsible for it. This was certainly not the case last night. Does VR stand for virus? :/


Any ideas on how to prevent this happening ever again?



"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Did you try flicking the pitch bender? I've had mine go funny a couple of times.

Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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Has anyone else experienced this:


Last night in the middle of a gig, my Vr09 spontaneously transposed itself - universally. I only discovered it as it came in with the first three notes of the song which were suddenly sounding in the key of Ab (the rest of the band, regrettably, was in A....) The orange transpose light was not lit. When I tried changing sounds the transposition stuck!


Fortunately it was an easy song so I was able to busk it in Bb, but needless to say, it could have been pretty disastrous...


I have no idea why this occurred. I didn't dare turn the VR off in case it created a huge click through the sound system. After a while I was able to change sounds and found it back in concert pitch.


Sounds like WesG might be on to something here ^^ If the transpose light wasn't on and it carried between patches, then I can't see the software glitching so disastrously and yet ONLY affecting the transpose settings. Someone in here has done a pitch.mod replacement before so might be worth looking into.

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Actually, I just had another thought. If the D-Beam was set to pitch, it's entirely possible that a set-list or i-phone or mic stand got close enough to engage it, and all the fussing to find the problem, coincidentally moved the perpetrator away, thus inadvertently fixing it.


Although I am still going with the VR-09's ability to warp space and time around it.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Did you try flicking the pitch bender? I've had mine go funny a couple of times.

Hi Wes. I didn't touch the pitch bender. The only time I ever use it is to turn the rotary on and off and I don't think I had used it at all prior to the song in question on Tuesday night.


I have started to find though, also in the last few months, that quite often now when I use it it has no effect on the rotary.... Is anyone else experiencing intermittent problems with it? Is there something which I could do to fix it?

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Sounds like WesG might be on to something here ^^ If the transpose light wasn't on and it carried between patches, then I can't see the software glitching so disastrously and yet ONLY affecting the transpose settings. Someone in here has done a pitch.mod replacement before so might be worth looking into.

Thanks Borntohang. I am certain that I did not touch that lever, but I will bear what you have said in mind should it ever happen again.... 95% of the time I play organ on the VR and it is set to control the rotary.

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Do you think it's possible that, rather than the VR-09 changing key, instead it simply causes time to travel at a different speed for those within a certain radius around it?

Ah MOI - you may be onto something here..... Perhaps VR stands for Virtual Reality...???

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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Actually, I just had another thought. If the D-Beam was set to pitch, it's entirely possible that a set-list or i-phone or mic stand got close enough to engage it, and all the fussing to find the problem, coincidentally moved the perpetrator away, thus inadvertently fixing it.


Although I am still going with the VR-09's ability to warp space and time around it.

I have only recently - in the last few months - started using the D beam. I use it exclusively to create silly noises (...yes I know... but I (and my bandmates) am easily entertained.. :D ) and never for pitch alteration (I didn't realise it could do that).


However, you have made me think.... My problems with the rotary not turning on and off date from about the time I started using the D beam. And also this new problem with the transposed VR...... It seems far fetched, but I wonder if there might somehow be a connection....... My VR worked perfectly for about 3 years beforehand...

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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I have only recently - in the last few months - started using the D beam. I use it exclusively to create silly noises (...yes I know... but I (and my bandmates) am easily entertained.. :D ) and never for pitch alteration (I didn't realise it could do that).


However, you have made me think.... My problems with the rotary not turning on and off date from about the time I started using the D beam. And also this new problem with the transposed VR...... It seems far fetched, but I wonder if there might somehow be a connection....... My VR worked perfectly for about 3 years beforehand...


I have had a few "what the??" moments where the pitch is off, and I notice that, without my realizing it, something has moved close enough to the D-Beam to engage it. Since it LOWERS pitch, and that was your issue, I am going to say that I'm now reasonably certain that's what happened to you. Mic cable, an ipad on on a clip, a piece of your stand, obviously an upper board that's too close if the VR-09 is your lower board, a piece of paper, a wire off the back of someone else's cab in front of you....anything that gets close enough to cross paths with the IR will send your pitch lower (presuming it's set to control pitch for that patch), and it would happen to EVERY patch that you tried, that has the D-Beam as a pitch controller.


This also jibes with you saying that you eventually changed sounds and found yourself back in concert pitch: my guess would be that the new patch did NOT have the D-Beam set to control pitch (or on at all), so all was right in the kingdom then.


My Mythbusters verdict on this one is Probable.

Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Thanks MOI - your logic, although not necessarily infallible, is compelling. I hope your suggestion is correct because that would mean that Veronica has not developed a rare organ disease.... And I can see how it might be possible: I do indeed have a mic stand attached to that corner of my keyboard stand, so it hovers over the D beam (but has never affected it before...) What is puzzling though, is that the sound I used has the D beam turned off. Could I have inadvertently turned it on? I did reprogramme that sound just before the gig, as the soundman told me that he wanted it louder... I guess I must allow that it is possible, and hope that that is what occurred.


Mythbusters verdict - impressive. :2thu:

Have you considered a career in Theoretical Practice, Organised Chaos or Diminishing Growth? :D

"Turn your fingers into a dust rag and keep them keys clean!" ;) Bluzeyone
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With this....


I do indeed have a mic stand attached to that corner of my keyboard stand, so it hovers over the D beam

...added bit of information, I'm boldly moving this over into the Solved column. Because that's how I VRoll.



Have you considered a career in Theoretical Practice, Organised Chaos or Diminishing Growth? :D


Are you asking if I am TP OCD, G? Because I am, I definitely am, no matter what people say.



Now out! "Mind the Gap," a 24-song album of new material.

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Hello guys,


I bought my VR-09 very recently (10 days ago).

I really like it but in the meantime, my PC crashed and I found a good occasion in France for a Macbook Pro. Now I have Mainstage etc, and I feel that I'd like to use my Mac !

I heard the midi implementation on the VR is really bad... To what point ? I'm a beggining in the midi world, I'm coming from acoustic piano (jazz mostly >>> See my video in signature).

Should I send it back and get a good midi controller ?

Or should I add a controller to the VR in order to have faders and nobs that are easy to program ? Can we do that ? I don't even know.


Thanks guys

Nord Electro 6D / Prophet Rev2/ Digitakt / Minilogue / Keyscape -

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Re adding a controller - not possible unless a) it is programmable and has midi din in/output or b) it is routed through your computer first (through USB) AND you are comfortable with sysex


Seems quite easy for a begginer like me ? :)

Nord Electro 6D / Prophet Rev2/ Digitakt / Minilogue / Keyscape -

New video :

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On the '09, is it possible to go from stop to fast rotary speed, while still going through the rotary circuit?


I actually got rid of Slow on some of my patches by setting the Slow speed for both High and Low to 0 and leaving the Fast speeds as normal. I felt like the slow spin was getting lost in a full rock band, you can still get some movement using the C/V and the ramp up is a bit more dramatic.

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You can also use the "Leslie speed to zero" setting on electric pianos and transistor organ patches - gives them a little bit more dirt (in a good way), by acting as an amp emulation.


(you guys probably already knew that, but in case you didn't, thought I would mention it)

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Perusing the web for hours today (and this thread) with a specific question about VR-09. I can't seem to get a DAW to record the rotary speed switching? It will record the PB data (and the VR-09 will make the desired rotary effect when I'm playing it) but upon playback from the DAW the Rotary doesn't happen at all?


Am I missing something easy or is this just the way it is?


Software V1.03


BTW if you want to see Presonus Studio 1 V3 and V2 crash assign the rotary effect to the damper pedal and attempt to record that. 100% reproduceable here...


I've been working on this silly thing for about 12 hours.... I was making MIDI assignments faster than this in 1986 on a Sequential Circuits 6 trak, a SQ Drumtrax, a Fender Chroma Polaris, A Korg Poly 61, and a DX7.... All with a Commodore 64 running Dr T's software :(



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It's nice to see folks talking about the VR09 in terms of what it can do, rather than what it can't! That YouTube demo is great. I use the VR09 as the "synth board" in my three-board rig, and get lots of good comments about my horn stabs and so on.



Hammond: L111, M100, M3, BC, CV, Franken CV, A100, D152, C3, B3

Leslie: 710, 760, 51C, 147, 145, 122, 22H, 31H

Yamaha: CP4, DGX-620, DX7II-FD-E!, PF85, DX9

Roland: VR-09, RD-800


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I keep thinking of replacing my VR-09 with a Mojo 61 (because GAS!), but I can't justify it with all the other sounds the Roland handles well (horns, blues harp, synth leads, pads, etc.). There are some things I wish it did better, but that's true of any piece of gear. It sure is a versatile little board.
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