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fun OT: Blindfold test


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4/4. no wait


it's got a bar of 7/4


no... no, it's 4/4 again - or izzit?


SK - you're a stinker!



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Hmm, worked for me and a couple others here, but sorry about that - try this: (short samples though, unfortunately)




The drumming on Hey Jude is 'nice'.


And I guess the blindfold test is now cancelled. It's not fair if you can't hear enough of this obscure recording to guess the players.


It's sax player Steve Marcus's 1969 album, with among others, Miroslav Vitous on bass, Herbie Hancock on piano and Rhodes, Larry Coryell on guitar, and Bob Moses on drums.


It's partially a joke album with creatively bad playing, but some of it burns. There's one song with a lush string arrangement, and one with just someone's kid playing a recorder. I kinda like the album - it captured the rebellious late 60's mood as perfectly as Jimi Hendrix. Obviously, it was completely panned by the critics... I think that was the goal.

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Afraid it won't play for me either SK. UK forum people can hear a short clip above. So all I've got to go on is the fact you're surprised who is on there and that short clip.


I've no idea.


I've found that my Belfast upbringing and desire to comment on subjects I know little about usually trumps the modicum of reserve I've attemped to develop across four decades on the planet...


So my guess - it's a 70s recording with Marcus accompanied by Sonny Sharrock (gtr), Ringo on drums (wouldn't that be great if it was true) and Jack Bruce wandered in off the streets, grabbed a mop, a bucket and a set of strings looked up and said "What? ... I played with God in the sixties, didn't he tell you? I can make anything sound good."


Steve Marcus (honks)

Sonny Sharrock (angular angry electric twangs)

Jack Bruce (mop & bucket)

Ringo (panel beater) - 'cause it ain't Buddy Rich

I'm the piano player "off of" Borrowed Books.
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Steve - how did I miss your post? Think I left the thread on screen while I was off tidying the debris that is my house on a school morning. Didn't hit update before replying.


No- to the best of my knowledge he never had Ringo anywhere near him. I like the idea of Ringo in the world of free improv though - where he blatters the kit a bit then grabs the overhead mic and starts reciting random bits from "Thomas The Tank Engine."


"Today on the island of Sodor, there is a new arrival ... and Thomas learns that pride comes before a fall.


In this episode, a Christmas tree is delivered from the mainland ... and Thomas learns that pride comes before a fall.


An important guest needs collected from the harbour ... and Thomas learns that pride comes before a fall.


Percy finds a ring that controls all the mortal engines and the Fat Controller has him take it far away to a volcano so that it can be detroyed in the flames in which it was forged ... and Thomas learns that pride comes before a fall...


Henry discovers a hidden door in the back of the engine shed. It leads to a magical land covered in snow with talking animals and a terrifying witch ... and Thomas ... yes that's right, you're ahead of me folks ... Thomas learns that ...."

I'm the piano player "off of" Borrowed Books.
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Wow...I'm speechless.


But Steve Marcus made some amazing records and definitely was an early "fusion" influencer. I have "Sometime Other Than Now", which is a burning early fusion date with great tones and playing from Don Grolnick - not to be missed, but never released on CD it seems.


I can't find any clips of it on the web, but found this interesting page from guitarist Steve Khan who was on the record (along with Will Lee and Steve Gadd):




Anyone have/heard of this?



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Speaking of shredding, hey stillgigging, you "shred" with words in your posts better than anybody. :rawk:


jerrythek - I remember hearing that Marcus record. I had another one, "Tomorrow Never Knows." Good article you posted too, thanks - I discovered in it that a drummer I know and played tons of gigs with was one of Marcus's original musicians, Bob Jospe. I had no idea - now I need to ask him about that.


Steve Marcus was talented. Besides his better known playing with Buddy Rich and others, he had an alter ego sort of like a musical Andy Kaufman.

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Thanks for the reminder on Steve Marcus. I used to own those two LPs plus Count's Rock Band. I recall really liking Count's Rock Band. Gotta see if I can get it on CD.
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