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I have a great idea: Let's start a third crumar mojo thread


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It could be a game changer.




now, about that...

It's a funny thing. I saw "tron: legacy" this week, and i could swear that in the club scene , the bad guy with the white hair who double crosses tron, shouts at him: "The game has changed, tron!"


They should have named him tronos, i guess.

Vermona Perfourmer mkii, Nord Stage 3 76
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In fairness to Moe and the other person who posted, they did so at the same time, which is different from the recent multiple Kronos/Nord Stage/Roland threads.


Nah. In that case, the threads should have been united after the first post. After all, this forum have a very strict policy, if judging by the latest reactions about people who posted questions about kronos, nord stage 2 and the upcoming new roland.

As kanker put it very nicely on the "let's bash the poor guy who asked a question without using the search function":

since there are other threads discussing this, there's no need for yet another one discussing it? Keeps things neat, keeps all the speculation information all in one place...


So i guess that zero tolerance is what's going on here the last few days. Why should this be any different?

Vermona Perfourmer mkii, Nord Stage 3 76
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Did you miss the part where I said they posted at the same time? Translation: neither could've been aware that the other was posting. Again, there's a difference. And as they say in Tron, END OF LINE.
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In fairness to Moe and the other person who posted, they did so at the same time, which is different from the recent multiple Kronos/Nord Stage/Roland threads.


Nah. In that case, the threads should have been united after the first post. After all, this forum have a very strict policy, if judging by the latest reactions about people who posted questions about kronos, nord stage 2 and the upcoming new roland.

As kanker put it very nicely on the "let's bash the poor guy who asked a question without using the search function":

since there are other threads discussing this, there's no need for yet another one discussing it? Keeps things neat, keeps all the speculation information all in one place...


So i guess that zero tolerance is what's going on here the last few days. Why should this be any different?

Perhaps because, as was pointed, out the two Crumar threads were basically simultaneously posted as opposed to one one day and one the next? Perhaps because they're threads about an interesting new piece of vaporware that we're not familiar with yet that were basically simultaneously posted, instead of another thread comparing one piece of vaporware to one piece of something that until recently was vaporware that almost no one has gotten their hands on a week after the last one died a slow, agonizing but welcomed death? Not too hard to get from point A to point B on this one IMO....
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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Is this the thread where I should be posting about comparing the Korg Kronos (have you guys heard about this? It looks AWESOME!!!) to the Nord Stage 2?

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Is this the thread where I should be posting...



Ummmm, NO. :)


This is the thread where I say:


Lighten up guys! Let's take a deep breath OUT and a big swallow of BEER IN! :laugh:


LearJeff is buying. :thu:


Remember... SUMMER'S COMING! :love:




(My apologies to the ladies on this forum. I was going to post a pic of me in this same swimwear...


I thought this was a bit easier on the eyes.) :)


"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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(My apologies to the ladies on this forum. I was going to post a pic of me in this same swimwear...


I thought this was a bit easier on the eyes.) :)

Tom, you could've posted this photo again. It looks like you're wearing shorts...? :thu:




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"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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(My apologies to the ladies on this forum. I was going to post a pic of me in this same swimwear...


I thought this was a bit easier on the eyes.) :)

Tom, you could've posted this photo again. It looks like you're wearing shorts...? :thu:


Ouch. :o


Yeah. They were shorts. But I had the foresight to wear a support garment under them. :idea:


BTW Dana, did you know there is a Deadly Egyptian Cobra Missing from the Bronx Zoo?


I realize that's over twenty miles from Brooklyn.


But there are cabs. :eek:


(I think of NYC, I think of D-Bon.)


Just sayin'. :snax:



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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It's sad to see the atmosphere around here deteriorate into constant sniping. I think I shall take a vacation from here for awhile.


Frankly, I feel the same. It's not a matter of censorship, or not wanting people to have some fun; for me, it's just a matter of signal-to-noise ratio. I don't have the time, or desire, to pursue endless threads without too much substance.

In particular, I don't remember the last time Dana posted something actually constructive. (but I don't read every development of every single thread, so I could have missed something)






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I'm not sure why you're singling me out with an unfounded statement and then apologizing for it. You and I have no personal beef with each other, so there's no need to create one.

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It's not a matter of censorship


Hey Carlo, in case this portion was based on my post in this thread, I give you this YouTube video in order to make sure the joke is clear:




(I'm guessing folks outside of North America won't get the joke without seeing an example of the show)

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I realize it's difficult to make a remark like the one I did, and not to look like a wannabe forum policeman. I'm not. Call me "serious-minded", if you like. Since Moe's post reflected my feelings exactly, I just thought to add my voice. In recent times, posting in this forum has become a little less pleasant for me than it used to be, due to the high concentration of nonsense chattering.

I made a general remark on what *I* feel about the trend the forum has taken in general. Sven, it's very possible that I'm missing a lot of the humour in those threads. Even so, my uneasiness isn't based aboout any *single* post or thread; rather, as I said, on a general trend.


Dana, far from me to try starting a personal anything with you or anybody else. I think, however, that's evident to anybody reading the forum that you are posting mostly dozens of little remarks on the witty/sarcastic side, generally saying not much substantial (in my view) about keyboards, music, or even the topics at hand. To me, this is strongly contributing to the general tone I was talking about. My opinion of course.


Please pardon my English, and the somewhat bitter tone... it's very late night here, I'm crushed, and life is not treating me well lately.

I'll shut up now.





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This thread is a reaction to comments aimed at improving the noise-to-signal ratio by avoiding redundant threads. This thread is 100% noise. And so it goes . . .

Gigging: Crumar Mojo 61, Hammond SKPro

Home: Vintage Vibe 64


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This thread is a reaction to comments aimed at improving the noise-to-signal ratio by avoiding redundant threads. This thread is 100% noise. And so it goes . . .


Yes, but at least it's self-contained noise, not cluttering up other thr... SQUIRREL!




Sorry, where was I? :freak:

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My Keyboard Corner Brothers and Sisters:


This forum is a mirror of what's going on in the world; and things aren't too good right now. Japan has its problems - big time. Who can they blame them on? Nobody. Mother Nature set the dominoes falling. Then there's Libya. I wouldn't want to be there. And what about the economy? Not only the US economy, but the global economy; it's miserable. Oh, and did I mention that the price of a gallon of gasoline continues to climb? I could go on.


I've noticed that the mood of the people who post on this forum is prickly as well. And frankly, It's contagious. I'm a bit snarky myself.


But then I ask myself "Why? What's going on here?" The answer is, as I said, this forum is a reflection of the general mood of folks all over the world.


The solution is to recognize this. Try to understand that you are not the only one who has your share of, what often seem to be, insurmountable problems. It's not just you, it's everybody.


So before you post something negative, critical, or otherwise nit-picking, remember that we've all got some pretty heavy weight on our shoulders. We come here to enjoy each other's perspective and talk about music, equipment, gigs, and yes, beer and cars and all the other things that we like. None of these things are off topic. Why? Because this is the same stuff we would talk about if we were in a pub together enjoying a beer... watching the ball game and telling bad jokes.


Folks, I really enjoy this forum. And I realize that it is not always going to be peaches and cream. There will be bitching. There will be moaning... and yes, even kvetching. But it's OK. And the reason that it's OK is that we're like a big global family. Many of us have been posting here for a long, long time. Lots of us have met each other through trade shows or local jams - like the two we organized in Richmond, VA. It was very cool to put a face with a name. Many of us have become really good friends who wouldn't have known each other had we not posted on this forum.


I may be the worst at moving a thread off-topic. I apologize for that. But, as I said earlier, it's not off-topic if it's something that would come up in a conversation in the pub. It's all stuff that is important to us musicians - and often specifically to keyboard players.


So don't get mad, take your ball and go home. Instead, remember that this forum is a living, breathing group of people who are, just like you, dealing with the shit (yeah, I said it) that life is putting out there. We're all in it together... and we've all got to try to make the best of it.


I hold all of you in high esteem, with great respect and admiration. I appreciate your talents, your skills, your perspective, and the opportunity to learn something new from you every day. Thank you for all that you do to make this forum a great place to hang out.





"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I'd say the majority of the "noise" here lately has been caused by a few people, and the reactions some have had towards them. Personally, I'd say the "witty remarks" fall somewhere out of that realm. Clearly not signal, but mostly not noise, either. Mostly...

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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As a reply to Tom's post, I would dare say that if you can play and own keyboards, and you can post on this forum, your life is probably pretty good. I understand it may not always feel that way. But maybe if you keep that in mind, it will help. :thu:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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My Keyboard Corner Brothers and Sisters:


This forum is a mirror of what's going on in the world; and things aren't too good right now. Japan has its problems - big time. Who can they blame them on? Nobody. Mother Nature set the dominoes falling. Then there's Libya. I wouldn't want to be there. And what about the economy? Not only the US economy, but the global economy; it's miserable. Oh, and did I mention that the price of a gallon of gasoline continues to climb? I could go on.


I've noticed that the mood of the people who post on this forum is prickly as well. And frankly, It's contagious. I'm a bit snarky myself.


But then I ask myself "Why? What's going on here?" The answer is, as I said, this forum is a reflection of the general mood of folks all over the world.


The solution is to recognize this. Try to understand that you are not the only one who has your share of, what often seem to be, insurmountable problems. It's not just you, it's everybody.


So before you post something negative, critical, or otherwise nit-picking, remember that we've all got some pretty heavy weight on our shoulders. We come here to enjoy each other's perspective and talk about music, equipment, gigs, and yes, beer and cars and all the other things that we like. None of these things are off topic. Why? Because this is the same stuff we would talk about if we were in a pub together enjoying a beer... watching the ball game and telling bad jokes.


Folks, I really enjoy this forum. And I realize that it is not always going to be peaches and cream. There will be bitching. There will be moaning... and yes, even kvetching. But it's OK. And the reason that it's OK is that we're like a big global family. Many of us have been posting here for a long, long time. Lots of us have met each other through trade shows or local jams - like the two we organized in Richmond, VA. It was very cool to put a face with a name. Many of us have become really good friends who wouldn't have known each other had we not posted on this forum.


I may be the worst at moving a thread off-topic. I apologize for that. But, as I said earlier, it's not off-topic if it's something that would come up in a conversation in the pub. It's all stuff that is important to us musicians - and often specifically to keyboard players.


So don't get mad, take your ball and go home. Instead, remember that this forum is a living, breathing group of people who are, just like you, dealing with the shit (yeah, I said it) that life is putting out there. We're all in it together... and we've all got to try to make the best of it.


I hold all of you in high esteem, with great respect and admiration. I appreciate your talents, your skills, your perspective, and the opportunity to learn something new from you every day. Thank you for all that you do to make this forum a great place to hang out.





Beautifully said, Tom. +1000 I think some people could take it easy with the ironic comments, i think we're all here for the same reason, to help each other. so no need to pick on a new guy or someone who has less knowledge of the keyboard world than you. maybe it's better to just ignore a topic you dislike than trying to show you know more using ironic comments. but let's keep the jokes alive, sometimes it really cracks me up when i'm bored at work and worried about the next bill. :laugh:


Just my opinion, i'm somewhat new here, but i've been a moderator on another forum for quite a few years, and i know how it works, the newbie is always picked on. that aside, i got some great help from you guys, i really appreciate that and I myself am here to learn and help when i can. so let's all take it easy and stop being grumpy :laugh: Cheers!

"The purple piper plays his tune, The choir softly sing; Three lullabies in an ancient tongue, For the court of the crimson king"
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Dana, far from me to try starting a personal anything with you or anybody else. I think, however, that's evident to anybody reading the forum that you are posting mostly dozens of little remarks on the witty/sarcastic side, generally saying not much substantial (in my view) about keyboards, music, or even the topics at hand. To me, this is strongly contributing to the general tone I was talking about.

It's funny how wit and sarcasm get people all riled up, especially when humor is the least of this forum's problems, and actually one of its strongest assets. Things were fine until this recent wave of idiocy hit our shores via the likes of midijr and zahush76. If I'm not saying anything "substantial" -- and I would argue that wit and sarcasm qualify, especially if they're used in service to call out idiots -- it's because most of the topics don't deserve it. One need only to look at the recent, ridiculous pissing contest over the Kronos vs. Nord Stage 2 and other similar, unnecessary threads to see what's really making the forum exhausting to wade through lately. Less idiocy would truly be a game changer.




A few words about spelling and grammar... This is a forum in which we rely on the written word to communicate. I value words and choose mine carefully. If people don't care enough to spell correctly, use proper grammar, and sound intelligent, I don't care enough to take what they're saying seriously. I'm not referring to contributors for whom English is not their native language but to people such as midijr and others who either blatantly disregard spelling and grammar or are too lazy to give a shit. Abuse language enough and everything starts to break down.

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