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What's happen to the Rhodes Supersite?


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Here's what is in the Google cache (last sentence is maybe telling?):




As for holding to fullness,

Better to stop in time!


Keep on beating and sharpening a sword,

And the edge cannot be preserved for long.


Fill your house with gold and jade,

And it can no longer be guarded.


Set store by your riches and honour,

And you will only reap a crop of calamities.


Here is the Way of Heaven:

When you have done your work, retire!




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So, it doesn't always have the same message. I just visited the site, with the following result:


Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub;

It is on the hole in the center that the use of the cart hinges.


We make a vessel from a lump of clay;

It is the empty space within the vessel that makes it useful.


We make doors and windows for a room;

But it is these empty spaces that make the room livable.


Thus, while the tangible has advantages,

It is the intangible that makes them useful.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:




Technical details of permanent failure:

Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 no such address here" (state 14).




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Hmmm.... that's pretty telling; an actively maintained domain will (should) have a valid webmaster@ address. This tells me that perhaps Mr. Brandstetter took some action, and the domain owners packed up the tents and split.


Let me do a bit of digging, see if can trace what went down...

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Well, a quick search discovered the following:


  • The last update captured by Archive.org was Sept. 27, 2007
  • The FenderRhodes.com Facebook Page is no longer in existence
  • The Brandstetter cease & desist lawsuit was rejected by the courts in July 2007
  • You can also try either of the following email address: input@fenderrhodes.com, james@fenderrhodes.com
  • I'm not incented enough to do any more digging ;)


If you want to access any of the older information, click on the first link above to see the archive of the website on Archive.org.





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Sven = Poirot


Just as I wanted to reread the tuning method for my Rhodes. Hopefully the archive.com got it.



If it was there in '07, then it'll be there. Once you hit the main site, all the links work (albeit showing what Archive.org captured at that point in time). :thu:


And I'm more Clouseau, but thanks! :cool:

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It was definitely active more recently than 2007. I've posted there in the last couple of months.


I already got a failed delivery to input@fenderrhodes.com... we'll see what happens with james@fenderrhodes.com


I also contacted the Rhodes Music Corporation (Brandstetter et al) and asked if they would care to end the speculation that we're engaging in. :) Waiting for a response.

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To put an end to the speculation, here's the response I got from the Rhodes Music Corporation:


"We did not know that Fender Rhodes Supersite was offline.


Our complaint with the site was settled years ago. The Fender Rhodes

Supersite has been a very valuable resource for all the Rhodes musicians

and techs. Rhodes Music Corporation has a very good relationship with

Fredan and he has been very supportive and helpful with the new Rhodes

Mark 7 instruments as well as their manufacturing.


Harold's dream was that the analogue Rhodes design return to its great

stature in the market place once again. This site has been an invaluable

source for all Rhodes lovers. James Garfield and Fredan should be

acknowledged for their devotion to their huge fan base and keeping the

Rhodes brand in the public view. We hope to see them up again soon."


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Checked today... you all need to read this


New host for discussion forum needed


I can no longer maintain the FenderRhodes.com Discussion Forum due to continued attacks from LIVE HUMAN SPAMMERS who are employees of companies in Eastern Europe and China, meaning that all of the traps I have set in the code to catch robots are not working. The person who takes over will need to be a webmaster with PHP, MySQL and Perl skills (it is a customized version of phpBB2 with a Perl cron that runs the file caching system). And no, it is not a paid position: you will be given full ownership of the forum itself! Email me at james(at symbol)fenderrhodes(dot symbol)com if you can help. Many people are sad that this part of the site has disappeared.

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There seems to be a misunderstanding... hopefully I can help clear it up.


1) The site was not hacked.


2) The problem is spam in the forums.


3) James is getting out of the business.


Sounds to me like he's just tired of dealing with it all, and wants to walk away. Can't say I blame him, I'm sure it's been a tough haul to try and deal with people that take his work for granted.


Nothing has been lost, he took it offline himself.

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Back in the day, I was the service tech at Dyno-My-Piano. I will do my best to answer any questions until the site is available again. Feel free to PM me.


1935 Mason & Hamlin Model A

Korg Kronos 2 73

Nord Electro 6D 61

Yam S90ES

Rhodes Stage 73 (1972)

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Looks like it will be back up eventually...Kudos to CL for stepping up and taking it over.



Cormac Long has volunteered to port the discussion forum to a more secure platform and host it at a different domain. I'll be linking to it here when the forum's new site is online."


Constantly striving to measure up to the quality of my gear
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