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Lead guitar player walks out


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Wow, walked off stage in the middle of a gig for $20... some people just never cease to amaze me.


When we were auditioning bass players a couple years ago, we pretty much did our search via word of mouth. I had a short list of guys I knew that were sort of cream of the crop. But after talking to a lot of people, there was one who on paper would have been perfect, but there was a history of conflicts with previous bands, including one that was a very well known touring act. I din't even bother contacting him - we don't need that drama. I'd rather have an "adequate" bass player than an awesome one with name recognition who's a PITA.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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If you're on tour, you may spend an hour on stage and 23 in transit. People will be hung over and tired and there might be a lot of small (and some big!) problems occuring where collaboration is the only way to make it work.


You owe it to yourself to travel with sensible people or you'll end up going crazy yourself... ;-)

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Guitarists are a dime a dozen.


Lead players are a dime-a-dozen.


The guitarist sounds extraordinarily unprofessional to me, but so is this attitude.


No, actually, they are 10¢ for twelve. In fact here's an ad from our local Craigslist: Lead Guitar Players


Ha ha ha!! :D


To the OP: Needless to say, lose this idiot immediately.



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When putting a new band together, its important to size up musicians before you decide to even audition them. If there's no references this muso has, I do this with multiple emails and a good phone conversation to evaluate whether the person is a normal dude or just a plain ole whack job. Usually there's an indication somewhere in their comments. Definitely by the end of an audition you can tell if your going to have problems with someone.



I've been burned a few times, so I make phone calls about people and get "references" without (or with) them knowing it. Some behaviours don't come out until the gig, unfortunately.


I hired one dude to mix an album that sounds a lot like the OP's guitarist. Honestly, I think these guy's think that emulating "rock stars" is part of the game. This guy was literally looking for things to challenge. The OP's guitarist was too. Let's face it, walking out because your buddy has to shell out 5 bucks is a planned move. If it wasnt the cover charge, it would have been something else later in the evening.


I don't know the relationship between this guitarist and his step-parents. If it were me up there and my mom was there, my lil 74 year old 5 foot 4 mom with her bad hip and legs would have KICKED my ASSSSSSSSSSSSS til kingdom come for actin like that. :D If my Dad was there........................... Great Ceasar's Ghost! He'd drag my butt on stage, make me apologize to every person individually, I'd have to write an essay about it, and he would ground me at the age of 45. :evil:

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That's really bizarre behaviour.


Slightly OT but very related, but have you ever played for the door and have friends get insulted about having to pay cover? I had a guy do that once... "Oh I had to pay cover, I thought you'd get me in for free..." So I pulled a five out of my wallet and tried to give it to him, he goes "no man, I don't want you to have to pay for my cover..." (ummm...). A few minutes later, he asks another friend, "Did you have to pay?". I interupt and calmly say, "Dude, after we play if you feel that we weren't worth 5 bucks, I'll personally get the door man to give you your money back"... He shut up and ended up dancing a storm for the rest of the night.


I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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I don't really play bars, but I do a whole lotta concerts. Here is my mantra regarding tickets:


" I don't work for Ticketmaster"- Cygnus64 :thu:


I've had too many bad experiences, it's a lot of running around before shows, leaving tickets at will call windows, people who show up late, on and on. I finally learned to just stay clear of the whole thing. I make an exception to those who gave birth to me and those I am having sex with.


When I play backup for some touring group, I tend to get the most calls. "Hello Dave? This is John Smith! John Smith, I sat beside you in Mrs. Adams 6th grade math class? Yeah, any way you can get me tickets to see John Tesh?" :laugh:

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When putting a new band together, its important to size up musicians before you decide to even audition them. If there's no references this muso has, I do this with multiple emails and a good phone conversation to evaluate whether the person is a normal dude or just a plain ole whack job. Usually there's an indication somewhere in their comments. Definitely by the end of an audition you can tell if your going to have problems with someone.


Often you can, but sometimes you can't. It's only after the trouble occurs that you go, "ohhhhh" to the earlier behaviors that should have been an indication but you didn't pick up on.


Not sure what it is, but there's a plethora of hobo's disguised as musicians
It's not limited to musicians. There are nut jobs in every profession. The other professions/businesses are better at hiding it, mostly because they have to as it is harder to fire the people than dumping a bum in a band is.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I finally learned to just stay clear of the whole thing. I make an exception to those who gave birth to me and those I am having sex with. :laugh:


Usually not the same person, right? :rimshot::laugh::D






OK. I apologize for that. Yannis D made me do it.

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I finally learned to just stay clear of the whole thing. I make an exception to those who gave birth to me and those I am having sex with. :laugh:


Usually not the same person, right? :rimshot::laugh::D






OK. I apologize for that. Yannis D made me do it.


Twas a good setup on my part. I would have been disappointed if someone didn't go for it. :laugh:

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Twas a good setup on my part. I would have been disappointed if someone didn't go for it. :laugh:


:) ...a calculated risk. banking on your awareness of what a great setup that was + living in the Raleigh area at one time (a sense of humor is required) + understanding 'bottom of the bucket' muso humor (which you've had to put up with most of your life, right?)


Thanks for that! :thu:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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The midway through the 2nd set part of this, just adds to the humour...

Everyone's coming late and then peed off that they can't get in...


So did the lead player walk off stage and leave then? Walk out of the bar with his guitar, his parents and 4 friends?


That's so strange. Did he have other gear? What happend to it?

I'm just saying', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
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As a lead guitar player (in most cases, a guy who shares lead guitar chores with another guitarist), I hope that we don't ALL have that prima donna reputation!


For me to walk off the job, it would have to be something far more major than a family member having to pay to get in. (Of course, since I've mostly played in churches, that's never been an issue. Some of them are practically desperate enough to PAY people to attend.......)

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I've recently run into analogous (but nowhere as extreme) unprofessionalism from guys I wouldn't expect it from. It's forced some of us to be able to think on our feet and make the gig work no matter what. What's with this trend? Is there something in the water?



You'd think so, with some of the stuff I've seen recently. One of the bands with which I played in '08-'09 had an interesting twist on the situation: their guitarist was becoming increasingly blotto on stage, and they wanted to replace him. But, as the band's lead singers had a past reputation of heavy drinking on stage (which they were starting to slip into again), the pool of guitar players in the area was rather wary of the group. So, they were having a hard time replacing the guy; kind of surreal...


I once had to cover for him from my rig, and still play what key parts I could, when he couldn't even stand up for the third set.


If you're a pro you don't get intoxicated on the gig, throw tantrums, walk out, etc. That's kid stuff; little kid stuff. And little kids just don't belong on stage: they bump into stuff, try things they shouldn't, and sometimes hurt themselves and others in the process.

Initially, I laughed at the absurd behavior of clpete's guitarist. Now I think it's kind of sad.



'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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Initially, I laughed at the absurd behavior of clpete's guitarist. Now I think it's kind of sad.



I still find it funny. :laugh: Pathetic for sure, but funny nonetheless. What's so funny about it is the reason. Diana Ross blew off a gig where they gave her a black limo rather than a white one. Even she would look down at this guy. :laugh:


My favorite part of the story is the step-parents. To equate getting to skip the cover charge with some kind of musical super-stardom is right outta Sitcom-land. I can see free tickets to a cruise, The Final Four, VIP loge seats at Madison Square to see the Stones, etc. But the best part is that after this douche walked out, his step-parents were probably telling him "That's my boy, you really showed THEM".

Hmmmmm, come to think of it, it is kinda sad.

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I've been in bands for too many years to count but have never had anything that stupid happen. I mean - what that guitar player did goes beyond arrogant self-importance and ventures into the moronic.


I've played in both country and rock bands. As a rule the country guys are more grounded in reality so this is a real head scratcher. It's the rock lead guitar players who think they are gods.


We did not have a written contract with the club but their long standing rule is that you are allowed a guest pass for your spouse.


This is almost always the case in my experience - and no more than that.


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But the best part is that after this douche walked out, his step-parents were probably telling him "That's my boy, you really showed THEM".

Hmmmmm, come to think of it, it is kinda sad.


I think you nailed it right on the head. Within his little hick support group it probably made perfect sense. They probably went home and stomped around the double-wide reliving the moment until the beer ran out.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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"Walks out"? His ass shoulda been chased out.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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But the best part is that after this douche walked out, his step-parents were probably telling him "That's my boy, you really showed THEM".

Hmmmmm, come to think of it, it is kinda sad.


I think you nailed it right on the head. Within his little hick support group it probably made perfect sense. They probably went home and stomped around the double-wide reliving the moment until the beer ran out.


Yep, that's the type of crowd.


"Man, that was so awesome when you just stomped outta there. That'll show 'em. They'll never hassle you about getting us in for free ever again!"


(because you'll never be allowed to play there again :freak:)

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The midway through the 2nd set part of this, just adds to the humour...

Everyone's coming late and then peed off that they can't get in...


So did the lead player walk off stage and leave then? Walk out of the bar with his guitar, his parents and 4 friends?


That's so strange. Did he have other gear? What happend to it?


Yeah he walked out of the club with his step parents and some friends that did pay. I never saw the 4 friends at the door. He left with just the guitar and strap. That's all he brought in. The amp, chords, mic, stand, DI and stomp box were the other band members. He didn't even have a case.


I feel sorry for the guy. His step parents were pushing him to walk and certainly didn't do him any favors. He also has some real issues. A lot of these he brought to himself but life's dealt him some hard blows. He is very talented and if he got it together he would have his pick of bands to play with.


He has been calling the leader/singer to get paid and is threatening him with bodily harm. He is asking for full pay plus an extra $20. The singer says he is not going to pay him.


We play for free. We get paid to set up and tear down.
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Turns out they had 4 friends at the door that wanted to get in free and the lead player said he wouldn't play if they had to pay.






That's beyond hilarious (although I'm sure it wasn't for you at the time). I'm sure his step parents must have been proud of their boy. :laugh: Was this fella's name George Costanza, by chance?


This story is a hoax: what guitar player has 4 friends!???

Hitting "Play" does NOT constitute live performance. -Me.
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also has some real issues ... and is threatening him with bodily harm.


That takes it up a step from merely being fired to the band leader should get the police and courts involved.


This guy has ALREADY shown that he has a total lack of good judgment, he may actually be dangerous. This needs to be nipped in the bud - quickly.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

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"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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[He has been calling the leader/singer to get paid and is threatening him with bodily harm. He is asking for full pay plus an extra $20.


I think at that point, if I was involved I would tell him, in no uncertain terms, that if he even contacted a member of the band that the authorities would be called.

I was expecting an outcome like this, based on a similiar situation years ago.


I feel sorry for the guy.


Obviously none of us know him, but there's a big difference between acting like a douchebag and threatening someone. Whatever problems he had in being raised are irrelevant when he takes it to the next level.

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Yeah he walked out of the club with his step parents and some friends that did pay. I never saw the 4 friends at the door. He left with just the guitar and strap. That's all he brought in. The amp, chords, mic, stand, DI and stomp box were the other band members. He didn't even have a case.


I feel sorry for the guy. His step parents were pushing him to walk and certainly didn't do him any favors. He also has some real issues. A lot of these he brought to himself but life's dealt him some hard blows. He is very talented and if he got it together he would have his pick of bands to play with.


He has been calling the leader/singer to get paid and is threatening him with bodily harm. He is asking for full pay plus an extra $20. The singer says he is not going to pay him.


No gear, no case for his guitar and pressure from his step parents? How old is this guy? 17?


Now he's threatening to get paid AND wants an additional $20? For what, making it easier to fire his dumb ass?

Yamaha C7 Grand, My Hammonds: '57 B3, '54 C2, '42 BC, '40 D, '05 XK3 Pro System, Kawai MP9000, Fender Rhodes Mk I 73, Yamaha CP33, Motif ES6, Nord Electro 2, Minimoog Voyager & Model D, Korg MS10
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But, despite our "godly" status, most of us guitarists don't walk out in the middle of gigs! Even if we decided to quit the band, we'd at least finish the evening, and probably give proper notice.


I think of Jeremy Spencer, who used to play with Fleetwood Mac. He become a fundamentalist Christian, and felt he should quit playing rock'n'roll. But the band was in the middle of a tour, and they said to him, "Man, at least finish out the tour with us," which he agreed to do.


I think that's more typical than walking out in the middle of a gig. Maybe I'm naive.....

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Really if you think about it, the lead guitar players action was not out of the norm, as they are all gods. Just ask them. They will tell you all about it! :rawk:


Naw, I play with some guitarists who are cool. Support the song, not too loud, always respectful and professional on the gig. They are rare, but they exist.


Hi Vincent! :wave:




Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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He has been calling the leader/singer to get paid and is threatening him with bodily harm. He is asking for full pay plus an extra $20. The singer says he is not going to pay him.


"Uh, yeah. We paid everyone at the end of the gig. What? You weren't there? Too f***in' bad. You should remember that next time you think about pulling a juvenile stunt like this."


My next call would be to make a report to the police, so that if things start "happening" to my property - slashed tires, rocks through windows, missing pets, etc. - they'll have a prime suspect. If he threatened the bandleader, that's a crime all by itself. The police *will* go speak to him and maybe he'll wise the f*** up.

Question was asked: how old is this guy?

Muzikteechur is Lonnie, in Kittery, Maine.


HS music teacher: Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Music Theory, AP Music Theory, History of Rock, Musical Theatre, Piano, Guitar, Drama.



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He has been calling the leader/singer to get paid and is threatening him with bodily harm. He is asking for full pay plus an extra $20. The singer says he is not going to pay him.



Real life is indeed stranger than fiction, and frequently funnier; what a whacked story...


But you probably should suggest to the leader/singer that he get a hold of a hand held recorder, and record - off the phone headset - the next conversation with the guitarist; also it's important to inform the guitarist that he is being recorded. He'll find it may come in handy - especially in court - if anything bad goes down. Hopefully the guitar player is just a windbag full of gas, though...

'Someday, we'll look back on these days and laugh; likely a maniacal laugh from our padded cells, but a laugh nonetheless' - Mr. Boffo.


We need a barfing cat emoticon!








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