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not sleeping the night before a gig.not nerves other factors


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Dear Abbey


Here in Aussie its 1.25am, its hot as hell [but not the centre of hell, probably up a little on that podium that some of the lessor demons reside.].


I have a gig tommorrow night but cannot sleep. I am performing without sleep


I get thru it alright but I want to be like I was when performing 3 nights a week...blissfully sleeping pre gig.


Abbey have been off the road from band work for 7 years, although have done one ups and partys to keep my hand in. Definately not nerves as these are easy gigs,[probably anticipation is the problem].,


First gig 3 weeks ago for xmas party for 150 or so nurses, easy, but could not sleep night before.


New years Eve private function in Local club, night before couldnt sleep, 200 guests, easy gig, ...


So this third gig again no sleep tonight, again this will be an easy gig in a Recreation club...so no real worry there.


I think my probs stem from a hard year, both parents passing away [old age], buying a house with my fairly new partner [worrying I have been living single for last 25 years now have a partner living with me], Selling my old crappy house with difficulty to buy "our" house ,etc etc and I usually fail and drink some coke too late at night thus giving me indigestion and keeping me awake.


And lastly and probably most annoying is the damn Tinitus...the ringing is so LOUD


So Abbey....what do I do


If I dont reply to this thread tonight, hopefully I am trying to sleep, and maybe this cruising of this website helped...hee hee.



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Sleeplessness starts for a lot folks, esp. males, in mid-40s and up. Get up, go to a space (couch, etc) where you can fall asleep easily, and read some slow-moving non-engrossing nonfiction. Try not to obsess about not sleeping and about why. Stay away from caffeine later in the day and keep the alcohol to under 2 (glasses of wine, bottles of beer, shots of spirit). YMMV. Hope this was boring enough to help.
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I've always had a problem with staying up too late and then having trouble getting up in the morning. If I let my body do what it wanted, I'd probably be up all night and sleep all day. Late night is when I naturally get productive for some reason.


Anyway, I've found caffeine to make matters worse. One thing I did that helped what to cut myself off of any soda or anything with caffeine after dinner and replace it with beer or wine... not much, but usually a couple over the course of the evening. Probably less important that it's alcohol and more important that it's not caffeine.


Also, anything you can do to take your mind off of the stresses in life - a lot of times I'll fall asleep on the couch with the TV on... at low volume so that the next explosion doesn't wake me up again!



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I go a step further and not have caffeine the entire day before a serious gig if possible.


For some reason, quiet background talking can put me to sleep, so here in the US we have CSPAN which broadcasts our legislators at work making speeches before their peers. I can put that on softly and get great sleep (as can many of our politicians I suspect).

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While alcohol is a great way to combat being sober, it's not much help for insomnia. It could make the problem worse, because insomnia can actually be caused by alcohol.


I used get insomnia fairly frequently, just in general, not with any recognizable pattern (ie. before a gig). Try 1.5 to 3mg of melatonin about a half hour before bedtime. Always makes me sleep like a baby.

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Dear Abbey


Happily I did sleep when i went to bed...so woke at 8 am so about 5.5 hours, not too bad i reckon..this forum was the tonic i needed


Gotta pack car , and a 2 hour drive to play at 5.30 tonight so a 10 finish with a 11 packup and a 2 hour drive back ...so should be fine,.


ironically i was planning to take a windsurfer up there to get some lake cruising in...yea right no sleep and physical effort, part of that anticipation thing too ...next time as we are booked into a few more clubs up there.



indeed guys I think the cafeine intake is the killer, was a bit low on food last nite so the Cola caused quicker indigestion,


I always realise I shouldnt drink Cola before bed...but I did. [there is still an undrunken glass on the nitetable so I must have resisted a bit.]


Think I'll take the Pro's advice and no Cola the day before.


Anyway what about this forum...eh..great nite stalking for those who can't sleep..at least I didnt have Mike's "musician stress dreams." perhaps a bit Freddy Kruggerish I imagine.


thank You Abbey for your kind Advice.


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I've been working as a sleep technician for the last year. I'm in the lab right now watching people with sleep disorders try to overcome their issues. If anyone has questions about sleep or any of the 92 sleep disorders, PM me and I will help the best I can.






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Try 1.5 to 3mg of melatonin about a half hour before bedtime. Always makes me sleep like a baby.


Cut out the caffeine after noon or so and try the melatonin. Works great for me. I had the same problem but not driven by gigs, but I think stress. (Actually gigging is a form of stress release for me. I always sleep great after a good gig.....)


Good luck!!!!

Montage 7, Mojo 61, PC-3, XK-3c Pro, Kronos 88, Hammond SK-1, Motif XF- 7, Hammond SK-2, Roland FR-1, FR-18, Hammond B3 - Blond, Hammond BV -Cherry
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hi keymoe

slept like a log after gig although it was extreme heat wave conditions with no air conditioning,fortunately our guitarist had a holiday home up there and offered me a bed, and slept from 1.30 till daylight, up for a look around the area and off for a swim,took half the day driving down the coast [2 hours up from sydney] and another swim, to get home late arvo and to bed at nine and full sleep till morning...


yes a gig sure makes you sleep next night.


think i'll watch the cola before gigs now on, dont know if this melotonin is readily available here, but try to avoid taking things if i can help it.


good gig, everyone dancing non stop all nite..very surprised

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I was trying to recall something I saw on TV that was an all natural supplement with 3 ingrediants, Tryptophan, Melatonin, and I don't recall the 3rd. Anyway, while searching, I found the following interesting article:


Melatonin For Insomnia - One Alternative Sleep Aid


It talks about what stimulates the body's production of Melatonin and that Melatonin comes from Tryptophan, which your body does not produce (it must be consumed in your diet). So if you don't like supplements, maybe just eat more Turkey!



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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thanks 80'zLZ interesting link, will take me a while to go thru it, havent found in the link yet toyour reference to foods with it in, but the particular food you mentioned in your posting is appealing



maybe just eat more Turkey!


now that sounds great,but turkeys are not that popular in Australia ,usually xmas time is when Turkeys are more readily available here, other than turkey "loaf" which I have been having lately at Subway...hee hee.[which I imagine would have all the goodness squeezed out of it]


I would definately enjoy eating Turkey if it was readily available here, unfortunately my partner is gluton free and it is increasingly rare to buy poultry here that is not in someway stuffed or basted in gluton, making chicken hard to share for us let alone a turkey which is harder to find in any manner...but so tempting...mmmm mmmm I'll look into that . hee hee



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It didn't mention specific foods in the article, but it is widely known (around here anyway) that Turkey is loaded with Tryptophan. That's why we all pass out after our big Thanksgiving Turkey dinner.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Read a white paper on some hardware/software product by IBM. You'll be out in 2 minutes! Sorry, I'm not much help. I've never had issues sleeping the night before a gig. I'm at the age now where the late afternoon nap after work is a miracle of nature though. A half hour to an hour, around 5pm, up by 6 and I'm good to go.

Live: Nord Stage 3 Compact, Nord Wave 2, Viscount Legend

Toys: Korg Kronos 2 88, Roland Fantom 08, Nord Lead A1,Roland FA08, Novation Ultranova, Moog LP


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Lately I have had some nights were I can't sleep, but it seems to come and go. The last time was before and after the NYE show.


The night before the gig I may have got 2 or 3 hours. I got home after the gig around 2:30 am and needed to be on the road by 9:00 to meet band member to get to another gig that started at noon. Again I couldn't sleep for a long time and woke after a couple hours to alarm clock not ringing and the time was 8:57. I flew out of bed, jumped in and out the shower and was on the road by 9:10. I got to the meet spot about 10 minutes late were I bought a 24 oz cup of coffee and a 16 oz energy drink. An hour later we arrived at the gig. I was wide awake, wired and a little dingy.


Needless to say I was not at the top of my game for the 6 hour gig, but for the most part I played well. The band didn't seem too happy with me as the NYE gig was with another band and had little sympathy for my lack of sleep. But. the guy who hired us was happy and we are supposed to be getting more of his gigs.


We play for free. We get paid to set up and tear down.
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