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Ok, home again after a trio gig where the piano was, to put it very kindly, "less than ideal". It took three times the effort to extract some decent music out of that thing. Not a bad instrument per se(Yamaha C2 I believe), just in desperate need of a regulation and tuning. The hammers were so hard, it felt like playing a CP70... :freak:


What has this to do with reharm, you ask: Well, among my own stuff, I played a couple of tunes from the Cole Porter series... and someone has recorded the gig. :) So as soon as I can obtain a copy of the recording, I could post the audio + the sheet music for those tunes.


I've downloaded your two takes of "Night and Day", Dave, and I was once again amazed at the abundance of harmonic ideas you were able to put into action around that little melody. I really like it. Thanks!


I've also listened again to the other versions, and guys, there's material to analyze for days and days. (and nights... sorry :freak:) I've also printed Linwood's score.


Thanks a million to everyone who has responded to my 'challenge'; I hope there will be others. Soon it will be my turn! :thu::)




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Dave, my hat's off to you once more. I wrote those changes with the deliberate intention to use them for a tour de force blowing ride - for my playing, to be sure. :D Plus, I practiced them quite a bit to achieve that Petersonian machine-gun speed. To hear another pianist's interpretation is refreshing and challenging.



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Really enjoyed the Night And Day contributions.


Richard - nice intro and reharms. The arrangement will sound great with a group, too.


SK - I like the Metheny-like intro. As expected, nice voicings and reharms.


Linwood - Thanks for that chart. I've learned some great new voicings.


Dave - Impressive arrangement. It's got an "edge" to it. The bass-leading motif really dictates the reharms. Your solo was very good.


Here's my version of Night And Day. It's quickly recorded with quirks and all. Kinda uptempo latin stuff with a "cocktail piano" vibe, especially the cheesy ending. :D


Night And Day

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Thanks Mojazz; the samba feel is nice and fun. :)


And again, thanks to everyone who has posted their versions of N&D... because you have really helped me to get the (few) neurons moving. I've listened to all your takes again, and now I'm actually doing my own version! It's still missing a few touches, but I could be able to post it shortly, like in an hour or so. Thanks again! :thu:



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OK, here it is. I'm quite tired and in need to crash into bed, so I left several rough spots - I really wanted to post it tonight. :)


It's nothing too brilliant, to be sure, and it needs adjustements... but at last I have a version. The block is over! Here, I've only played the theme (no blowing), plus a possible exit/interlude groove.


Some of the reasoning which I've followed:


1) I really liked the "twisted montuno" concept from some of your versions, so I did something similar for the beginning; but I knew I didn't want a dark, dense reharm - rather, a good balance with lighter, clear moments. So that's was I tried to achieve as a general color.


2) I didn't want to clutter it with changes: I'd like to have some fun when blowing on it live. So I chose to use changes which last for two bars each. Naturally, they're modal-style changes, a bit like "500 Miles High" or similar stuff.


3) It's suited for group playing, *not* piano solo; it's intended for a latin/funk groove. The various breaks and pauses that you hear in the piano solo version are to be intended in that light.


Finally, it would really benefit from a better performance... :D But here it is anyway; it gives you the basic idea.

Once again, thanks three million for all your excellent versions. And nothing is preventing us from posting further ones! ;)


Night and Day



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Cool, Carlo. I especially liked your line with that funk break and the montuno type vamp at the end is great. That was fun.


The tune almost takes a backseat to the concept here, which I think in the case of N&D, is actually a good idea. The implied change in keys during the A sections was something I heard too, but I just dabbled in it and didn't go much beyond that.


Good version, Carlo!

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I wanna return a thanks to you SK for starting this thread (Dave too for his thread). It's been a good incentive for me to explore and develop reharms. Usually, I used to avoid any #11 or quartal voicings because most of the jazz hacks I play with hate that sound. No "outside" playing or you stay outta the jam session. Stay in the "pocket".

Top jazz vets like Carlo, Dave, Richard, yourself and the other contributors demonstrate that reharms are more than the occasional tri-tone subs :thu::cool:

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You're welcome and thank you, mojazz - no need to thank me. All I did was start a topic - posed a question and hit "submit." Thanks to players like you who have made it a thread.


Just one thing: don't let people ever tell you how you're supposed to play. Just because it's not their 'pocket' doesn't mean it's not your pocket (unless, of course, they're putting cash in it.) So stay at it, as long as you're growing.


These are all just experiments in harmony. It's a tamer, more reserved way of thinking, like composing, and not the broader way I think when I play. And it's not completely practical either; even with a chart, you can't take your most extreme reharm to a band gig and expect it to always work.


So I don't 'think' reharm on a gig, as playing is in the moment and I want to stretch in other ways besides chords. But full improvisation is what a jazz player craves to do. Whether it's lines or chords - textures, rhythms or silence - one feeds the other.



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Hi everybody! In a hurry for a change.... :D


Dave and Mojazz - I can't wait to try N&D with a group... about recording it, however, I have two album to finish in the coming summer... all I could do is to force it to my quartet :D (a totally different group from the trio) and record a reharsal. :)

I also want to state once again, that I would have never come to do my version without listening to the various ones which were posted. I've overcomed a block that had lasted for years!


Mojazz - if your bandmates are content with playing bebop and you enjoy that, there's nothing wrong with staying in the style. If, however, they are trying to tell you that modern harmony "is not jazz" or such bullshit, tell them that quartals, modal chords, reharms, etc. have been played for about 50 years now. Living in the past could be reassuring, but it's almost never healthy.


I've been in the Keyboard Corner from the very beginning (year 2000!), and this thread gets my prize for the best ever! Talking about gear is exciting and all, but exchanging so many informations about *music* in real time, from different parts of the world, and with practical examples of everyone's playing, is heaven to me. Probably, the best use of the internet a musician can hope for.


A further big *thank you* to Steve and all the other contributors! I would love to keep this thread alive for a while - but even as it is, I think it deserves to be a sticky. As soon as I have a little time, I'll write Dave about it.


Gotta go. Keep reharming! :wave:



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Very good, Dave! I like both versions. The second one sets that Evans/Mehldau vibe at the start, just to peek at Tristano later, before the ending statement. Very nice.


Another oldie to rediscover..

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So I just got home from a gig, came here and couldn't find the thread. I thought maybe it had finally been deleted. I just figured "oh well, not enough interest."


Then I found it here - stuck at the top! THANKS to Dave Bryce, or whoever did this, and for the suggestions to make it a sticky by marino and cnegrad. It will save time and make it a lot quicker and easier to find. Thanks to the KC forum/management for being open to what we're trying to do.


And thanks again to the members who have shared hours upon hours of their time to this thread for the sake of music.


Now, I guess I better do some more reharms, as I hope more members will too. Like me, you have nothing to lose by submitting music, other than your reputation and self esteem. :) (Kidding!) But thanks. :thu:

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Steve - I sent a PM to Dave suggesting to make it sticky, and he did it in no time! Well, what I really meant was to add it as a link to the "Key Threads" sticky, so that it would be easy traceable at any moment... I think that having it as the very first single sticky thread would be a bit excessive. I already wrote back to Dave about it; let's see what happens.
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Hate to sound go out of date but this was far-out! I'm Heading to Upstate NY this morning for a gig, friends and an overnight. I'll catch up to this thread (if I can keep up!) again next week!


This is the Dizzy Gillespie classic "Con Alma".

It alternates between 3/4 and 5/4. Really meant to played w/ a rhythm section but hopefully you can get the idea.

The blowing section I changed to all 3/4.


lb :thu:




 CP-50, YC 73,  FP-80, PX5-S, NE-5d61, Kurzweil SP6, XK-3, CX-3, Hammond XK-3, Yamaha YUX Upright, '66 B3/Leslie 145/122

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Here's a re-write of my Night & Day reharm, just for the heck of it! :deadhorse::D


It's supposed to be a funky, samba-ish version. I multi-tracked the bass and pno tracks, like the first one. Don't have any drums handy right now, maybe later, you have to imagine the drums.


I cherry-picked a few ideas from the other N&D contributions, hope you don't mind, guys!


Divshare: Night & Day Ver 2.0


Dave Ferris, I enjoyed your playing on How Deep Is The Ocean



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OK, our very patient moderator has followed me once more without even making a comment (thanks Dave, you rule!), so a link to the Reharm Room is now included in the "Key Threads" sticky at the top of the main KC page.

This will be useful if one of us (or someone else) would try to find the thread in the back pages, where it will fall sooner or later, to either add to it or simply check it. No need to use the horrible search function!


No time for anything else right now... I'll be back soon.




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Hey, I liked that - the bridge especially, where the chords are played over the Bb pedal for a nice effect. It was worth the time to "rewrite" Richard. :thu:


Good versions by everyone. And it's funny, now I have a writer's block on this tune, so I wouldn't try more on it. (I did do one final 'out' version of the song to purge it, but I don't think I'll post it.) For me, the tune has some built-in limitations of just how much better it can be, so I understand Carlo's original writer's block. Nature's way of telling me "time to move on."

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Thanks, Steve. As I'm sure you already know, that Bb pedal part is ripped off from Naima. I used that trick before in my Girl From IpaNAIMA reharm. If you have writers block for this tune, that's too bad, but the version you already did on it was very good, I thought. In fact, I woke up this morning and had your version kind of floating in my head, so that I had to go and listen to it again. And that led me to rewriting my version!


It's time for me to move onto something else, too. But, what? Something will come along...




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