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GAS frustration


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There's no other excuse for this thread other than venting, and asking if you have had similar experiences.


In short: I had the chance to get a Korg Oasys 76, very slightly used, for a ridiculous low price. Really amazingly low; about half of the current ongoing price for used units in Europe. I had a little more than an hour to make a decision, and after a few rather stressing reflections, I gave up.


It was the most rational thing to do. You know, I don't need a Korg Oasys. I can't carry it around; it's too heavy. It has the Korg stick, which I hate, in place of wheels. It tries to do many things which are better suited for a computer. Not least, I don't have an appropriate space in my music place for it.


Plus, getting it would have meant a long trip by car to the north of Italy (no shipping) and some rather heavy logistical adjustments to my very busy schedule.


BUT. I have spent a few hours with the Oasys in two separate occasions, and I must say that I liked it a lot. It sounds great, I found the interface quick and intuitive, I appreciated the integration of elements, and found it very conductive to inspired workflow.

I won't replace my K2600 with it, but I could envision working with just these two instruments, perhaps.


So I started thinking: I could sell this or that, replace that with this, adjust this there, use it instead of.......

OR - I could just have bought the damn thing, having a bit of fun with it during the holidays, then I could have sold it, making a few bucks in the process.

But I knew I didn't have the time for that. I have to dedicate the holidays to work on the new album, which is already six months behind - no time to learn a new, complex synth.

Plus, once I got it in my studio, it would have been difficult for me to get rid of it.


I like deep synths. I like well-designed synths. I like classy synths. To me, the main shortcoming of the Oasys is its price - but in this case, it would have cost me less than an M3.

Too bad that in this period of time, I don't even have the time to breath - let alone learning new interfaces, when it's not mandatory. Especially on an instrument which I can't use live.


So I let it pass - it was the right thing to do. To be sure, I checked a few hours later, and it was gone. But for a short while, I pictured myself working with it, and I regretted not having bought it.

I guess that's GAS in its purest state, right? :D


Any similar experiences?



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I'm going through the same debate regarding a Moog Voyager SE at the moment. My head says I should pass on it, my heart says "yeah, but do you know what this thing is?" and my wife says, "Well, it's ok if you really want it, but do you really need it?".




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I'm going through the same debate regarding a Moog Voyager SE at the moment. My head says I should pass on it, my heart says "yeah, but do you know what this thing is?" and my wife says, "Well, it's ok if you really want it, but do you really need it?".


A guitar dealer friend of mine once told me that if it weren't for wives, he'd sell a lot more guitars. Women don't understand that it isn't a question of "need".

There are 10 kinds of people in the world...those who can read binary, and those who can't.
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I share your feelings. I was in the same position -or like- for several times. Finding exeptional instruments for a low(er) pirce than the market ones. But i did not buy. Why? Maybe i did not want to spend so much time to get to know the damn thing! Maybe 'cause i know that i allready have to study better what i have in use. Maybe money issues. After all music is made by humans, not instruments, and the instruments we have are a dream compared to the instruments musicians in the 60's and the 70's had. But they made GREAT music. So whenever gas hits me with an exeptional price, i give it a double thought (exept sometimes of course :))

BTW driving form Rome to the north with all the traffic jam of the hollydays is tottaly crazy!

Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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Tough decision, Marino, especially since the main shortcoming of the Oasys is its price was not a shortcoming in this instance. In addition to the low price tag, it sounds like the other positive attributes (great sounds, quick/intuitive interface, integration of elements conductive to inspired workflow) simply did not outweigh the practical and logistical baggage associated with this sale.....not to mention the stress that went with it. The good news is that you can always pick up an OASYS in the future.


"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

- George Bernard Shaw


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A guitar dealer friend of mine once told me that if it weren't for wives, he'd sell a lot more guitars. Women don't understand that it isn't a question of "need".


Yes they do. Ever watch women shop for shoes?

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I am having the same indecision re a MOOG Little Phatty. Love it, but probably don't need a lives dedicated synth (since I can use the Nord Stage synth section in a pinch)


Still, the dulcet deep tones of the Moog haunt me in my dreams

Hammond C3, Leslie 122, Steinway B, Wurlitzer 200A, Rhodes 73,

D6 Clav

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A guitar dealer friend of mine once told me that if it weren't for wives, he'd sell a lot more guitars. Women don't understand that it isn't a question of "need".


Yes they do. Ever watch women shop for shoes?


The difference is they always say they "need" them because they go with [fill in the blank] or they complement {fill in the blank]. Maybe we should use that tactic more often: "yes, honey, I do need this synth because it goes with that gray one I have...you know the one I mean". Whaddya think?

There are 10 kinds of people in the world...those who can read binary, and those who can't.
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I am not as spontaneous. I can afford what i want. But a new board has to ' fit ' into my rig. Something has to be sold. I can't easily manage 4000 sounds with a lot of overlap on instruments


I do have my eye on the Oasys 76 but I am quite happy with what I currently have ( Rd700SX, M3-M, XS7, Extreme 76)

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out ?

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I understand what you went through very well. About a year ago, I was in an almost identical situation. I posted on the forums here and after getting some advice decided not to go for the Oasys. Here's the part I haven't shared with the forum members. In July of this year, I sold a Fantom X8, a Triton Extreme 61, Korg Karma and Roland V-synth to get an Oasys. I can tell you the Oasys is the best board I've ever owned. Its so damn deep, it could take a lifetime to learn how to use. Its not that its hard, its just that deep with features and they keep adding new things for it as its open architecture. About the only thing I miss is the V-synth since it was so different. Other than that the Oasys does it all. I have no desire to add any sounds or features. I do master on the computer but that's it and I could master with pretty decent results right on the Oasys if I wanted. I do use softsynth sounds some of the time, but I know exactly what sound I want from my softsyths. I did go ahead and pick up a v-synth again from a pawnshop, but only because it was only $600 and it was in great condition.


Korg has done a pretty good job supporting the Oasys as I've received several new updates with new sound banks over the 5-6 months. Anyways I really like the Oasys alot and can't imagine having the time or desire to get into anything else for awhile. I know the feeling of wanting something new. Since I've had an Oasys, I haven't had GAS at all. The v-synth was a guilty pleasure and the price was right. All in all I've got so much with the Oasys and so much it can do, I'm going to be busy for awhile. My only regret was that I didn't do it sooner.


One last thing Carlo, I have the Oasys 76 and it is pretty heavy so weight is definitely an issue. Mine is studio use only which makes the decision very easy for me.

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Thanks for sharing your experience... but...



...I can tell you the Oasys is the best board I've ever owned. Its so damn deep


...they keep adding new things for it as its open architecture.


...the Oasys does it all. I have no desire to add any sounds or features.


...Korg has done a pretty good job supporting the Oasys as I've received several new updates with new sound banks over the 5-6 months. Anyways I really like the Oasys alot and can't imagine having the time or desire to get into anything else for awhile.


...Since I've had an Oasys, I haven't had GAS at all.


...All in all I've got so much with the Oasys and so much it can do, I'm going to be busy for awhile. My only regret was that I didn't do it sooner.


:freak: Silver - you understand that I now hate you, right?! :evil::D



One last thing Carlo, I have the Oasys 76 and it is pretty heavy so weight is definitely an issue. Mine is studio use only which makes the decision very easy for me.


Well, FWIW, for me that was one of the main considerations in deciding not to get it. To me, it doesn't make much sense to own such a deep instrument if I can't use it live or bring it to external studios. That's the main reason why I have the rack version of the K2600.


Thanks for your input... :rolleyes::)



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"Cosa fatta capo ha..."


(sorry for our non-italian friends: it's an italian proverb meaning, more or less, "what is done is done").

Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Even though I'm fortunate enough to own one of the ultimate instruments and it really does keep me occupied most of the time....I still have GAS pains like anyone else.


Would like some new DPs....CP300 for the higher profile, blowing club gigs. FP4 for the bread and butter solo-duo, in and out quickies that make up a large portion of my jobs.


A new weighted synth/piano type board...Kurz PC3 or see what else is new at NAMM in a few weeks. I'm having a renewed interest in Kurzweils after hearing how good my friends PC2X sounded...even through a Roland KC550.


Oh yeah...a second tier board to go with the DP.....NS76?


Not that I'm that greedy...





2005 NY Steinway D

Yamaha AvantGrand N3X, CP88, P515







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You did the right thing. The best synth in the world ... is a synth the performer has a relationship with. When the new PC3 comes out, you should take a look at it. :);)


Did a gig yesterday with an aging XP50, S90Es and Nord Modular. In the right mix, in the right role, a 15 year old rompler ... managed to sound good at times ...



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I had the chance to get a Korg Oasys 76, very slightly used, for a ridiculous low price. Really amazingly low; about half of the current ongoing price for used units in Europe.

Then why didn't you buy it to sell it for the same or more than you bought it for afterwards? Yeah, it's sort of sleazy, but you would have the guarantee that you'd get rid of it if you didn't like it, and you would have time to try it out just for kicks.


Oh well, someone else's happy with his cheap OASYS now ;). Or a box of bricks, if they're unlucky. Console yourself with the latter thought :D.



Still, the dulcet deep tones of the Moog haunt me in my dreams

My mind says that I'd be crazy to spend that money on a monophonic synth, my guts say that the Stage edition is one of the prettiest machines I've ever laid eyes on.


If there would be a way to adjust the filter trimpot so the cutoff would be moved a little higher (which was the difference between the Voy and the LP apparently)...

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Well, FWIW, for me that was one of the main considerations in deciding not to get it. To me, it doesn't make much sense to own such a deep instrument if I can't use it live or bring it to external studios. That's the main reason why I have the rack version of the K2600.


Thanks for your input... :rolleyes::)



I knew this was going to be an issue for you so its why I posted it. if your going to use the Oasys for live use and your the one who has to deal with loading and unloading, its certainly not the most practical unit but it is on par weight wise with other workstations. If that doesn't become an issue or if you decide to use it for studio purposes then IMO its a no brainer. Something tells me you're going to have an opportunity again. The question is what will you do then? ;)

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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"Cosa fatta capo ha..."


(sorry for our non-italian friends: it's an italian proverb meaning, more or less, "what is done is done").


I'm always curious what the literal translations of such things are, so I ran this through Google's language tools:


"What has made Chief"


That one struck me as pretty funny! :)




Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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- Andrea - you are speaking words of wisdom. :)


- Tusker - believe me, I can't wait to try a PC3... although, again, I'd only consider a rack version.


Speaking of which: I would welcome a module version of the Oasys, and I'd probably buy it. Maybe a tabletop thing with the touchscreen, sliders, etc...

Yeah, the M3 module comes close - and in fact, I like its interface a lot. But for some reason, the M3 sound feels a bit sterile to my ears, while the Oasys, though super-clean, sounds fuller. Better samples? Better DACs? Better effects? Better layering? All those things? I don't know.



Then why didn't you buy it to sell it for the same or more than you bought it for afterwards? Yeah, it's sort of sleazy, but you would have the guarantee that you'd get rid of it if you didn't like it, and you would have time to try it out just for kicks.

Well, first, it would have taken a long an tiring trip... second, I wouldn't have had the time to play extensively with the beast. Third, if I know myself well enough, I would have been playing with the Oasys during all the holidays, taking time away from the really important stuff - and after that, I would have found myself in deep trouble. :freak:


Something tells me you're going to have an opportunity again. The question is what will you do then?

You're a bit of a teaser, mmm? :D


- Dave - in this case, "capo" doesn't mean "head" nor "chief", but "ending".

Literally, "A thing that's done has reached its ending".





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You did the right thing, my friend. Don't stress out over the decision after it's been made. The OASYS would have been nice, but from your account it sounds as though it just wasn't going to fit into your life right now. Maybe you'll find a better deal on an OASYS in the future, or perhaps a new synth announced at Winter NAMM or Music Messe will be better suited to your needs.


GAS isn't important. Notes are. Pass on GAS and keep making notes.



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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