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O/T This PISSES me off!


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Man, people that would do this should get the worst penalty under the law allowed!


Worse. Far worse. I'd wind up in prison if I caught up to someone who'd done such a thing. They'd wish they'd gone to prison, if they were alive.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Unfreakingbelieveable!! It never ceases to amaze me how low people can stoop. This is just absolutely sick. It makes me nauseous to think about it.


I think punishment in kind would be appropriate....

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I didn't read the article at the other end of the link, I don't need to know everything, it would just bother me more. Not to be mistaken for being squeamish. Just knowing what you (Stratergy) put there in bold-fonts is plenty enough for me. The only punishment too cruel for anyone that would do such a thing would be one that would be just as cruel to enact.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I don't know what gets into people's minds to do something like that. Maybe the guy is a serial killer, working his way up from animals to people. I've heard it can work that way. Sad thing is, even if they catch him, the worst he'll get is a fine for cruelty to animals. That makes me want to vomit.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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I don't know what gets into people's minds to do something like that. Maybe the guy is a serial killer, working his way up from animals to people. I've heard it can work that way. Sad thing is, even if they catch him, the worst he'll get is a fine for cruelty to animals. That makes me want to vomit.


Yeah, I don't think there's any doubt it works that way. This is a person that needs to be locked away for the remainder of his natural life...or just done away with. He is a time bomb. At some point in his life I think it's almost inevitable that he will act out on a person.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Maybe we should skin him alive. Even then, that isn't even fair treatment.


If it's one thing about this country I don't like, it's how many loopholes there are. An example of this is that the governement actually protects "religous" divisons such as the Voodooists who sacrifice animals for ritualistic purposes because of the interpretation of the First Amendment. Not that there are many examples of this, but it is still there. This probably isn't the case, but if it was, I would probably explode.


If only we could get rid of all the crazies in the world, it would be sooooooooOOOOo much better.

Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.





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I don't know what gets into people's minds to do something like that. Maybe the guy is a serial killer, working his way up from animals to people. I've heard it can work that way. Sad thing is, even if they catch him, the worst he'll get is a fine for cruelty to animals. That makes me want to vomit.


Couple of things:


I wouldn't be surprised if the person who did this did some jail time behind it, if they happen to apprehend him/her. I'm an animal control officer here in my town, and I know Maine's laws provide for incarceration for cruelty at this level.


Also, in ACO training I learned that, while not all people who abuse animals become serial killers, all the serial killers we know of (Dahmer, Gacy, et al.) abused animals, too.



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Someone was doing that to cats in the area I live in a few years back. It makes me so mad because animals are defenseless to that kind of activity.


That would test my limits if I saw something like that. My buddy was letting his cat out where he lived and these anal retentive nieghbors complained he was pissing on thier tree and killing it. The tree was around 80 years old.. Anyways, he found out through word of mouth that they had a live trap out for him with poison food in it. He also found out his cat got caught in it and somehow found out how to get out and didn't eat the food. He moved the following month, but we were thinking about all the legal ways we could get revenge on them if they did in fact kill his cat.


Like posting a picture of the cat and then underneath it tell the story about how such and such a person killed your cat for a frivalous reason with a picture of their name and address, then just plaster it all over town. LOL, they would have to move cuz that would make SO many pet owners angry enough to do something.

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This level of cruelty indicates a very, very sick person. If you think through the process of skinning a dog alive like that, from the spine down to the nipple line, and imagine the excrutiating pain and the extreme fear that animal was feeling, realize that you would have to hold the animal down while it is fighting for it's life, it takes an extreme effort to do that. To be able to ignore that animal's agony while you skin it alive and just continue with the process take an extraordinarily twisted individual. This is not something quick and comparatively easy like hitting an animal with a club or pouring gas on it and setting it on fire like we normally hear about in these cases (which is sick enough). No, this one is unusual. This is an extremely dangerous individual that did this.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I cannot even read the article. I don't want to go there and be bummed.....I am not mentally in the right place for that right now...doubt I ever will be.....I am freaking pissed off just at the concept of what the first post said........also, I don't want to say anything in public that could bite me in the ass later....if there ever is a later....who knows......so I will curb my savage instincts and all the totally over the top solutions I have in mind for a person like this
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Yeah, it makes me think either more than one person was involved, or they tied it down, OR...BOTH.


It also make me think it could've been premeditated.


Like a couple of you said...if I caught someone doing that, I'd be in jail for KICKING THE LIVING SHIT out of them.


Damn it, I've been thinking about this periodically all day today.

Just one of those things that really gets in your mind and it's hard to forget about.


I've got 2 in side and 2 outside cats that are just as friendly as they come.

They really provide a lot of quality to my life.

Just to think someone would do something like that to a trusting animal...makes my head explode.


I'm going to open a beer and calm down.





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God I would like to beat whoever did that with a shovel.


What on earth makes people so freaking messed up that they can do things like that?


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I don't know what gets into people's minds to do something like that. Maybe the guy is a serial killer, working his way up from animals to people.


It's actually a fact that many serial killers started out by torturing animals.


Whoever did this needs to be found quickly.

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I know this sounds goofy, but last night, I sent the link to this article along with my views to several national news agencies.

I don't expect to hear anything but in light of the Michael Vick scandal, I thought it might get some attention.


Who knows.



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I read the above article earlier today. I came home to find this story on our local news:




I am not normally an angry person, but both of these stories made me so angry. I hope that they find out who killed both of these dogs soon and that they are behind bars without ever having the chance to get out of prison.



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