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Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo


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I like to offer my office staff a mid summer outing each year. Tonight, we're going to see Pat Benatar and hubby Neil Giraldo at Penn's Peak, a really cool local venus. I rented out the "luxury suite", which is in the balcony right above and to the side of the stage. We'll have food and drink, and good company.


Anyone else ever see Pat and Neil? I have, and can attest to the fact that Neil is one HOT guitarist. This guy is a blast to see. I'm looking forward to it.


I tried to get my two musician sons to come along, but they'd apparently not be caught going to a Pat Benatar Show!! LOL


I tried to tell them about Neil, but they just wouldn't listen!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Saw them at an ON BEACH club in Panama City, Florida a few years back called Spinaker's.


The stage was on the beach with the Gulf of Mexico behind them.

The sea was their back drop.


Only about 800 people there with a nice breeze going.


They came on about 1/2 hour before sunset.

No STAR BS with these guys.

They just walked on stage and was chatting with everyone in the audience...just like REAL PEOPLE! :)

WOW....what a pleasant surprise.


There's a paper mill on the out skirts of Panama City and it was CRANKIN' that day.

When Pat came out...she said....:Whew...what is that smell?" hahahahaa

She had one of the roadies duct tape some incense sticks around the mic stand and everyone was laughing like hell.


Neil had a Marshall 2-12 amp faced backwards.


They were all at their instruments and mics and commenced to kicking SERIOUS ASS!! :):rawk:


I'm telling you...Pat didn't miss a note, Neil WAILED, Pat's backup singer was unbelievable, and the drummer and bass player were fantastic. Oh yeah, the keys were great too.


I couldn't think of a better band to go see...bar none.


Good call man....you're a good boss! :) :grin:








"Just play!"
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Well, to say it was a BIZZARE evening might be an understatement :freak:


I called the venue before I left for the show to inquire as to whether the band was allowing photography. Remember the Canon digital, with the nice F2.8 tele lens I got? So, they told me no flash, but otherwise photography is allowed. So, I take the Canon. At the venue, I spoke with a security guy (I am personal friends with the manager of the place), and the security guy said the same thing....no flash, but otherwise photos are O.K..


So, I took photos. Now, I paid some money to rent the luxury suite, food and drink for a couple more than 30. I openly took photos the entire show.....and some GREAT SHOTS too, I might add! LOL I was sitting in the front row of the balcony, which has a glass front. I was perhaps 20 yards from Neil, if that. He could clearly see me during the entire show.


About half way thru the last song of the encore, four security guys show up in our suite. As we file out, after the song ends and the band leaves the stage, Pat Benetar and Neil Giraldo's road manager confronts me, saying "that's the camera", and demands my digital memory card!!! WTF???


I was ALMOST at a loss for words, I was so surprised!! I took him inside to the private area of the suite, and lets say that we had a calm but pointed discussion for about 10 minutes. Without going into all the details, I ended up giving him my personal card and the photo memory card. He promised me that he'd delete the concert photos, and send the card back to me. I then asked him to personally deliver a message to his boss for me (apparently this all came from Neil himself freaking out when he saw the "Paris Hilton up the skirt" Canon telephoto lens on my camera LOL). My message was one I can not post verbatum here. But it succinctly conveyed my displeasure!! :mad:


So, I will NOT be posting all the details of Neils amps and guitars. I will NOT be discussing my opinion of his guitar playing skills. I will NOT be airing my view of Pat's lovely voice. F that.


I am a person who TOTALLY respects an artists product, including their image. If I had been told photos were not allowed, I'd not have even brought the camera.


I must say, that the end of my evening pretty much was a dissapointment.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Meanwhile 50 people recorded the show with stereo digital recorders that will record 2+ hours. Half the crowd took pics with their phones along with video.


I will tell you from being on the other side of the street. When they allow photos no flash, the see small digital or film cameras that take crappie pictures in the low light.


They see your camera and fast lens, the see a professional photographer. $$ lost. A lot of touring bands have a photographer and they have a couple of photo passes for press or pros who pay a percentage of royalties from published pictures. You will see these guys with serious cameras, like yours with mega lenses that cost 3 times what the camera cost. They will fill a 2 gig card looking for 4 or 5 keepers.


It is a business. They treat it that way. It is the road manager's job to protect the band on the road and that includes merchandise and photos. Road managers are like guard dogs They are overly protective and err on the conservative side. On a busy tour, they work 18 hours a day and that isn't a joke.


It is a different world than you can imagine. Let it roll off your shoulders. He was doing his job.


Suggestions for the future. If you know anyone at the venue, try to get a photo pass. Tell them you do reviews on an internet site. They then see it as free publicity. They normally only have a few photo passes available so do your home work as early as possible.


2, Get a small memory card as a give away. take a couple of pics, replace it with your real card and at the end of the show or 1st glimpse of security coming at you, exchange the card and drop it in you pants.


I will tell you I HATE flashes on stage. You look down at your neck and you can't make out the fret board or read the set list. Both have messed me up in the past. I recall a keyboard player get so pissed he had security remove a photographer from the show because he looked directly at the flash when it went off and couldn't see any of his selects and went to his piano for 2 songs that were heavy with orchestration from the keys.


I know you didn't use the flash but I promise you they saw your camera as a professional camera (which it is) and reacted accordingly



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LOL...yea, I know. I do understand. My main bone of contention is, that after 30 years of touring, they should have a clearly defined "rule" about photos, and they should make sure the venue knows their rule.


I didn't use any flash. As you know, that lens doesn't need one.


I will speak with my friend, who is the manager of the venue, about a photo pass. My retired partner did surgery on the guy that owns the entity that owns that venue, and an internet provider, cable tv business in our region. I should be able to arrainge something.


As I left the building, I realized that I had a second, backup card, that I could have given the guy, and he'd never have known the difference.....well, until he put it on his puter!! LOL


I'm too friggin honest. The though of giving him a blank never entered my mind. I need to become more decietfull!!! LOL


The manager actually seemed regretfull, at the end of our conversation. I think he knew they had made a mistake. I totally understood that he was simply doing his job. That's why I gave him the card. He seem to be a very decent guy. The pics weren't worth more to me, than his job was worth to him. So, I gave him the card.


He did a triple take when I gave him my business card!!! LOL. Maybe he realized that I didn't need to sell the photos on eBay!!!


My sicillian wife simply said "They better not have an eye problem until they get out of our area, or they are F....ed"





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Man....that sucks.


How about this?


Take a very small memory card...take a couple of pics when you get to the concert...then swap it out for the 2 gig card and take pics from hell. :rawk: :grin:


Then if it happens next time...pop the small card back in, it's got a couple of pics on it, and they THINK they did their job and everyone is happy. :grin:


Yeah, I don't know what all the paranoid crap is.

What, did Neil have a ZIT last night that he didn't want to get back on the web? hahaha :grin:


Geez, if you're not doing anything wrong....what's the problem with some folks taking a few pics?


I tell you what I'd do.

I'd go to their website..as I did last night to check their touring schedule out...and tell them exactly what happened and who you are...and see if you get a reply.

I mean, here you are doing a damn nice thing for your employees and this crap happens.

You never know, you could be surprised.


Sorry that happened to you...but I bet it was still a great concert other than that incident.


Randy :)

"Just play!"
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pat benetar was gonna be somewhere in ohio and I could get backstage tickets free because of my dads friend... but im out of town :P


Too bad, Derrick. You could have got my card for me after he deleted the concert photos!!! LOL


Actually, he promised me he'd send it back to me with ONLY the concert pics deleted.


We'll see.


I took some good photos. I may watch their web site to see if they use any!! Maybe this will be my big start as a concert photographer!! LOL :D



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Hell, I'd gladly have given them the good pics if they wanted them!!


That was so wierd last night. I felt like I was in some wierd parallel universe, where logic is backwards!! :freak:



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I'm afraid that they would have had to get the cops. I won't be strongarmed. I'd have been happy to show them the shots, or any other reasonable solution to the issue. But I would never have turned my personal property over to a road manager and some security guard muscle.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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What a rotten way for a night to end. That is a rough situation. Unfortunately security was doing it's job. PB and hubbie need photo protection, especially since they are currently such a hot item. I just bought their most recent hit record(about 25 years ago). Ain't ego a wonderful thing(?)!


Having said that, I saw him numerous times when he was the 2nd guitar for R. Derringer. He took a lot of tricks, licks and style with him when Derringer upgraded and they parted ways.


Best, Paul

WUDAYAKNOW.. For the first time in my life, I'm wrong again!!
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Anyone else ever see Pat and Neil? I have, and can attest to the fact that Neil is one HOT guitarist. This guy is a blast to see. I'm looking forward to it.


Neil and Pat are great showmen/women, She can sing and Neil can play. I admire both of them, although all I have ever seen of them is on TV

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As I left the building, I realized that I had a second, backup card, that I could have given the guy, and he'd never have known the difference.....well, until he put it on his puter!! LOL


What you should have done, at home before the show, was to take a picture of your hand giving the bird to the camera (on the alternate memory card). Then when he looks at the pic, there you are giving him the bird. :grin:

A Jazz/Chord Melody Master-my former instructor www.robertconti.com


(FKA GuitarPlayerSoCal)

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As I left the building, I realized that I had a second, backup card, that I could have given the guy, and he'd never have known the difference.....well, until he put it on his puter!! LOL


What you should have done, at home before the show, was to take a picture of your hand giving the bird to the camera (on the alternate memory card). Then when he looks at the pic, there you are giving him the bird. :grin:


LOL.....Great Idea....if I'd have known what was to come......


Remember, I called to be sure it was alright to bring my camera before I even left home. I THOUGHT I was totally above board.


In talking with several folks today who were there last night, there were numerous flash cameras taking pictures throughout the show There were even folks with video cameras. I never used the flash.


It must have been something about the "Paris Hilton up the skirt" Cannon Telephoto lens that got Neil excited.....


Or, maybe he just doesn't want his "thinning hair" displayed on the net???? :rolleyes:


I'd have had nothing but praise for Neil and Pat.....until this crap. I can now think of nothing positive to say about them. Oh well.......



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Hey, be glad it wasn't Zeppelin's management. They were somewhat imfamous for beating the lving crap out of folks with cameras and recorders, as well as smashing their equipment. Comparatively speaking, you got off light.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Well Picker, my man, remember, I was taking photos with permission of the venue.


So, I dont' think I got off easy, by any means. I would not photograph anyone without permission. The photos were not intended for any commercial purpose. Primarily, I would have sent them to my office computer, for my staff to view in rememberance of our office outing.


BTW.....this is the same venue in which I took the Los Lonely Boys photos I posted a few weeks ago.


Los Lonely Boys didn't seem to mind.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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