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Speaking of Keytars.....

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Long time no see, Mr. Ward! How the hell have you been? :wave:


Long story, but doing very well at the moment! Glad to be back. I've missed the ol' forum! Ooh, and I think I have something that'll be ready for comp 13 if the free form frenzy isn't full.


Hmmm. Do we need a separate Keytar forum? Somewhere for the "cool" people to hang?



"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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After watching that I think I may have to stop using my SH-101 w mod grip. I feel very queasy. (I'm sure there must be a smiley for that)
I like to move it, move it (except The Wurly which can be a bit temperamental and the 122 for obvious reasons)
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Wasn't Dick Ward Batman's sidekick back in the 1960's?


Sorry, that wat Burt Ward.


Now, who is Dick Ward again?




He's a Blast from the Past®.


A Hall of Fame Wannabe.


A Force to be Reckoned with.



Stick around, Dick Ward. We missed ya.



Is There Gas in the Car? :cool:


"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Wasn't Dick Ward Batman's sidekick back in the 1960's?


Sorry, that wat Burt Ward.


Now, who is Dick Ward again?




I did a gig with Burt Ward once. We were the first band in a new club, and did a 2 week stint with Burt as the MC. We would bring him out on stage a couple times a night playing the Batman theme but chanting "Burt Ward" instead of "Bat - man". It must have been hell for him after awhile LOL.




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Burt Ward - Actor

Dick Grayson - Character



Hey Force, Gas, Tony, Bowsa, and everyone I haven't seen in a while, lol. Don't worry, I've got a whole load of new questions. Most which have an answer of 'take some lessons, idiot'. Should be fun!

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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Well, I play wired but there's plenty of wireless MIDI adapters. Like The MidAir


Here's my question.. Why a wireless keyboard that needs to sit on a frigging stand anyway, and why not a keytar with a decent keybed? Jerks!

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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Well, it's been a while and nobody asked it yet, so here it goes...


Hey Dick, how's the POWER SINGLE business going?


(missed your energy. welcome back :thu:)

"I'm ready to sing to the world. If you back me up". (Lennon to his bandmates, in an inspired definition of what it's all about).
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Anybody ever notice that R&B guys always look cooler with keytars than rock guys? I mean, Jimmy Jam actually looked hip in those old Janet Jackson videos. Maybe it's because they don't look as much like they're trying to be guitarists....I don't know.


Errr....Rock on Justin.

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Anybody ever notice that R&B guys always look cooler with keytars than rock guys? I mean, Jimmy Jam actually looked hip in those old Janet Jackson videos. Maybe it's because they don't look as much like they're trying to be guitarists....I don't know.


1) Jimmy Jam is one bad-ass mofo, no matter what he's doing...


2) Doing anything within 100' of Janet Jackson instantly makes you look that much better...


3) Most "rock guys" tend to make those goofy faces that we used to make playing air guitar in front of the mirror at age 12...


4) R&B guys aren't trying to 'shred' on their keytars, they're usually doing chord solos, big brass stab sorts of things, and are using a keytar to be able to join in the choreographed moves that the rest of the band is doing (with the exception of the drummer, of course)... so there's less "look at me, I'm just like a guitarist" vibe and more "check out these dance steps, baby!" ;)


5) Speaking in grand generalizations like "R&B guys" and "rock guys" is usually a pretty silly thing to do... ;)





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Well, it's been a while and nobody asked it yet, so here it goes...


Hey Dick, how's the POWER SINGLE business going?


(missed your energy. welcome back :thu:)


Damnit! Wish I still had that avatar!

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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Hey, Dick! Long time, no see. I haven't been around the forum at all in the past couple of months, either.


I personally have nothing against keytars. I guess I'm just a bit too young to remember them the first time, or for them to make an impression on me, good or bad. The cheesiness of the video you posted has little to do with the keytar itself, and everything to do with Justin.

Darren Landrum
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