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pssst, guitp, put yer guitar over this.... >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/guitp.mp3]your lil thingie[/url] (mp3) nothing stupendous, but a lil more sfx, a lil more drums and a lil more horn. still needs a real solo, like what you had goin, i wish i had fed yours in, instead of the rythm section hehe. oh well, was good fun. :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Schmee... Here's the lazy man's version of using your track... I mixed my original guitar part with your schmee'd version of my backing track. You can listen to it here... [url=http://www.staffup.com/One_2_Many_Notes_schmee.mp3]One 2 Many Notes - schmee version[/url] guitplayer

I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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whoa sh*it! that's a bit too schmee for me =) i need to rinse and repeat from your solo so i can cue stuff of it. the tertiary-blind mix creative process doesn't seem to yeild quite the results i was hoping for hehe. lazy indeed =p gimmie a few days, busy on some stuff but definately want to keep this mix up stuff going, it's fun. /in the meantime bump >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/anger-web.mp3]the anger\'s about[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/lilback-anger.jpg[/img] do you hear the beat - the anger in my voice? from the cumfy seat, of your rolls royce? while it's true, i might sympathize, with your Ego's needed direction - please understand why i despise, the constant misdirection... caused by your double standards, and your hypocritical lanyards, around the necks of all our world - with all your greedy morals unfurled, the whole world is watching and your ass is hanging out... the doors of sanity are locking, that's what the anger's about. that's what all the cries are for, the fucking freaks, the crazy cults, - that's the children banging on the door, caught wondering where are all the adults. still wondering why it's nobody's fault, "nobody's fault but yours", you'll exhalt, and offer up more whores who'll spin, more golden fleece from jet black skin. from Texas tea, for motoring, and the massive toys we put it in, just like back in the patriotic day, when slaying injun's was how we played. when taking on the crazy savages, picking them off, from the hidden passages, of media spin and righteous legalese, making us rich, as easy as you please. and then, we have the audacity, to speak of our tenacity, to speak of heroism and glory, while we cook up yet another story. about their Evil and about our Good, and about how we never really understood, the economics of never-ending growth, and the psychology of seeing them both. seeing the grey and how we must hear, understanding respect, and not causing fear, having one standard, not passing the buck, if it still sounds confusing - try giving a fuck... the anger in my voice is a matter of choice, ideologically sound identification. but it's a matter of poise, this negative noise, anger from fear, over the future of our nation. anger from fear, over the inevitable devastation, wrought from those who would put their Ego, before a sense of respect for any population - for those who think they know, but really do not know... :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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schmee... I like that track alot. It's got what I now know are the classic schmee qualities... unusual and sometimes "challenging" choice of sounds, beat, and instruments combined with a message that makes its point intently. The bass/guitar parts in particular were nearly disturbing... but it was compelling nonetheless. Nice. Powerful, political statement... mixed just so it's nearly a struggle to hear... cool. If you didn't print the lyrics, it might be hard to completely follow along... but that's the intent isn't it... ;) guitplayer

I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Here's another thing from me... [b] [url=http://www.staffup.com/Sine_Language.mp3]Sine Language[/url] [/b] It's a keyboard based groove with a few added touches... Not my normal genre, but I'm having fun playing outside of "my box"... guitplayer

I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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[quote]Originally posted by guitplayer: [b]Here's another thing from me... [b] [url=http://www.staffup.com/Sine_Language.mp3]Sine Language[/url] [/b] It's a keyboard based groove with a few added touches... Not my normal genre, but I'm having fun playing outside of "my box"... guitplayer[/b][/quote]hey man that's fun, nice round slip there =) nice textures in there too. it is so fun to work on genres outside one's typical frame, or even not have a typical frame if poss. the contrasts really educate on feel issues too i think. but experiementation is always fun :D hey man, thanks for the words on 'anger' it's getting a really good reaction - but your desciption of the 'schmee intent' is probably the best compliment we can possibly recieve, as it describes perfectly what we are aiming for, even down to the vocal levels we use and why (it's a psychological thing, forcing people to read the lyrics while listening/watching, really changes the relationship). incidentally, when i get a new version of your diddy up (this time with your solo), i want to put some celeb voices over it and add it to our current project - which is all about appropriation, but not doing it the 'normal' way. what better thing to appropriate than someone else's entire mp3? thing is, it will be political and i understand if you don't want to associate yourself with it - let me know when you get a chance. gonna have another attempt at that later, either way, because i want to hear that trumpet and guitar solo work together at some point, i like the texture of that. but lemmie know. and thanks agin =) :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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schmee... I don't have a problem with your "appropriating" my tune, plus your schmee-isms for your project... You can be as "political" with it as you want... Let me know if you want a .wav instead of the .mp3 version... :wave: guitplayer

I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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>> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/trifecta-web.mp3]the trifector[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/lilback-trifecta.jpg[/img]

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[b]>> schmee rock[/b] [img]http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/lilback-schmeerock-cover.jpg[/img] with over 5 albums of (mostly) original material, we've compiled a list of favs for the unintitiated to get a good feel for our work. all is free, save commercial use (all enquiries welcome, tho), we are truly indie art collective in that we create and host everything ourselves. we hope you enjoy... >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/mythology/earlytimes-web.mp3]early times[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/mythology/goose-web.mp3]duck, duck, goose[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/mythology/pandoras-web.mp3]pandora\'s box[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/mythology/shush-web.mp3]shush[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/slide/dirtyroll-web.mp3]dirty roll[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/slide/slide-web.mp3]slide[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/slide/push-web.mp3]push[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/schmack/416-web.mp3]4:16[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/schmack/tunein-web.mp3]tune in[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/schmack/smoketime-web.mp3]the time to smoke[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/thankgod-web.mp3]thank God![/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/rumlaugh-web.mp3]rumsfeld\'s laughter[/url] (mp3) >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/toomany-web.mp3]one too many[/url] (mp3) for artwork and lyrics associated with the above, you can visit the schmee magazine ( [url=http://www.schmee.biz/schmag/]schmag![/url] ) for links to each individual project. :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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back to "appropriate"... >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/yhwh-web.mp3]YHWH[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/lilback-yhwh.jpg[/img] :mad:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Wow, that's some funky beats there schmee! I love the way your instruments seem to wander, without ever getting lost, very cool feel. You did a gret job on guitplayers one too many notes backing track too, excellent horns and drums, very Sly Stone, which is intended as a big compliment! Anyhow, as crazy as I must be to try and follow your stuff, I'd like to post a link to one of our tunes and see what people think. I posted it on the guitar forum but someone suggested I should put it on here. The band is The Cusp, and this song is called Redemption... [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/redemption.mp3]www.worldofthecusp.com/redemption.mp3[/url] If you like what you hear, follow this link for other songs... [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/thecuspdownloads.html]www.worldofthecusp.com/thecuspdownloads.html[/url] Thanks for your time,T. :thu:
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hey man, first of all - you're way too kind, but thanks. redemption: i like virtually everything cept the mix, but that sounds like something easily improved - and it's not bad. some nice fun guitar work color up things well, i like the vocals a lot good sound. drums are solid, if somewhat simple, nothing wrong with that. other than being hard to hear through the cymbals and distortion (again, a mix issue sounds liek to my virgin ears) it was a very good tune. post some mooor =)

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Hey [b]Schmee[/b] , thanks for listening man! Here's another couple of tunes if you fancy them. The first is from the same recording session as Redemption, which you heard, and the second is from 18 months ago with a better qualified sound man and more advanced recording techniques, I hope you enjoy them, the difference is obvious... [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/YouMe.mp3]www.worldofthecusp.com/YouMe.mp3[/url] [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/RunFromToward.mp3]www.worldofthecusp.com/RunFromToward.mp3[/url] Also, I had downloaded your take on guitplayers one too many notes track, and used it to familiarise myself with my Cubasis software, due to souncard issues I was restricted to importing audio files and samples, and couldn't record any live guitar, but I really enjoyed it. Here's the link [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/papawasastrollingbone.mp3]www.worldofthecusp.com/papawasastrollingbone.mp3[/url] Thanks again, T. :thu:
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>> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/schmack/question-web.mp3]question:[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/schmack/lilback-question.jpg[/img] met the preacher see what he's seeing under met the teacher catching kids in the bleachers met the business man always busy making his plans even met the future and sparked one for sure but the one thing i wanna know is... will it make a funky sound, when it all goes down? will it make you move your feet, when the news hit the streets? will the people smell defeat? will the guilty ones retreat? when we see the proof, when the people get the truth, about the kind of folks we've elected. will it make a funky sound, when it all goes down? will it be as big a mess, as the blue smoking dress? [url=http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/WorldNewsTonight/CIAleak_031001_poll.html]Serious Leak Needs Serious Look[/url] Poll: Disclosure of CIA Info Considered Serious, Special Counsel Warranted :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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/hehe bump inspired by [url=http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=1158577#post1158577]this thread[/url] ... >> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/arbiter-web.mp3]the arbiter[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/lilback-arbiter.jpg[/img] :D

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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web page is up, still finishing two songs (one of which is that collab guitp - still trying to get the time to get your solo version in, but may have to go with the first collab), they will get tacked on in the next couple of days, hopefully... >> appropriate (web page) feedback on anything much appreciated =) :wave:

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Hey, we just got a few live videos on our site and thought I'd post them for anyone who cares to take a look. Your comments are much appreciated, there's one of our own, and a cover of The Beatles 'Helter Skelter' I hope you enjoy...First Dial Up Connection links... [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/RedemptionVideo.WMV]www.worldofthecusp.com/RedemptionVideo.WMV[/url] [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/helterskelterdial.WMV]www.worldofthecusp.com/helterskelterdial.WMV[/url] and for those lucky enough to have broadband... [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/RedemptionVideoBroadband.WMV]www.worldofthecusp.com/RedemptionVideoBroadband.WMV[/url] [url=http://www.worldofthecusp.com/helterskelterbroad.WMV]www.worldofthecusp.com/helterskelterbroad.WMV[/url] Again, thanks for taking the time to listen, T. :thu:
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[b]SHIPLESS[/b] words and music: arellSpencer oct 5 2003 [url=http://www.iuma.com/site-bin/ramgen.ram?aid=53822&sid=552584]SHIPLESS lofi realstream[/url] [url=http://www.iuma.com/site-bin/mp3gen.pl?aid=53822&song=/IUMA/Bands/arellspencer/audio/]SHIPLESS HIGHSPEED ONLY[/url] [b][i]Come climb aboard there's plenty of room Oh I'm goin' home we'll all be there soon so stow your gear take it down below lash it up tight and don't you be slow for I feel the changin' weather just like I feel the rain and wind No I do not wish to be Lost at sea again I've had some happy times some sad times too I'm normal enough oh I'm just like you oh i loved this girl oh I loved her well i knew it would'nt last long oh I can always tell for I feel the changin' weather just like I feel the rain and wind No I do not wish to be Lost at sea again [/i][/b] :wave:

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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>> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/yorbalinda-web.mp3]yorba linda[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/appropriate/lilback-yorbalinda.jpg[/img]

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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>> [url=http://www.schmee.biz/next/margin-web.mp3]margin of error[/url] (mp3) [img]http://www.schmee.biz/next/lilback-margin.jpg[/img] don't know all the answers but i got a lot of questions seeing lots of double and a lot of blue ribbons i know certain rules like keeping real positive and while i don't have many friends, i don't have any enemies i know what is black and i know what is white i know what they don't make and i know what they might not much to protect just a few basic morals nothing much to defend i'm actually very loyal it's clear for all to see truth stares us in the eye effects are all we talk about and we never ask why just one or the other only right and wrong and nothing in between there's nothing that we mean and so it is hostility not the possibility greets any old exception with political deception only left with the question of malice or intention of heretical prevention and biblical extension of rigid absolutes and moral prostitutes who see clearly one day misconstrue the next fray the Ego projection of moral foundations mythological curtain and the cause for all our hurtin don't know all the answers but i got a lot of questions seeing lots of double and a lot of blue ribbons but you don't see us there it's getting real hard to care and it's getting real hard to see ...where's half the country? when every move is captured by pros that all anticipate it's really not hard to see so many not participate manipulation's ugly vibe deny it all you like but humans will be humans man and nature has her price next time that you think your system couldn't be fairer you might try talking to the US margin of error

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Some demos I'm finally getting finished from a handful of stuff that's been real slow gettin done cause I lost my vocal cords in a neck surgery back in July. Nerves have finally heald and the voice is almost back. [url=http://www.turnersongs.com/My%20Best%20Friend%20Zack.mp3]My Best Friend Zack[/url] [url=http://www.turnersongs.com/Hard%20Time.mp3]Hard Time[/url] [url=http://www.turnersongs.com/Dont%20Ever%20Turn%20Back.mp3]Don\'t Ever Turn Back[/url]

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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Sal Orlando came down from northern California to visit, here's an excerpt from the jam we did...John Flyscots was in the control room providing inspiration and turning knobs that really shouldn't have been touched. ;) Corey Naughton - Guitar Stephen LeBlanc - Hammond Organ and Rhodes Sal Orlando - Bass Tom LeBlanc - Drums [url=http://www.jamfree.com/miscmusic/jamfree_10-03-03a.mp3]jamfree_10-03-03a.mp3 (6.6MB)[/url]
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Yes we track the Hammond in mono because we only have 8 inputs for live tracking. We have the ability to do 10 inputs but have only done it a few times when we had more instruments going. We could definitly get better organ sounds and I will play with the set-up tonight...we could easily have two tracks of organ, I actually prefer to have 3 and may be able to do that. Thanks for checking it out...any other comments on the mix? We do try to get better at this. :)
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