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You know you're getting old when...

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Some of you know that I got married last month. We had a small private ceremoney, then went on a nice long honeymoon. When we got back, my mom insisted on throwing a belated reception, so that the people who were not invited to the wedding could celebrate with us.


That happened last night. And I got to see a lot of people that I had not seen since high school. And one of the guitar players that I used to work with came up to me, gave me his two latest CD releases, and said, "Do you realise that we started our first band 40 years ago this summer?" oy!



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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I either was not paying attention or just really did not know....but in either event...CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Awesome news. I don't know if this is your first time....for me I got married later in life by choice....in my 40's. I am enjoying it.


Yeah, I recently got together with my first drummer and yeah a lot of time has gone by. It can be fun to look back but I think I prefer the now.


Congrats again and all the very best to you and your bride as you begin this new part of the journey.

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Congrats Bill...and I don't even know you! ;):) :grin:


Yeah, I know what you mean.

I'll be 50 at the end of December this year.

Damn, where does the time go? :grin:


I went to my little sister's, daughter's high school graduation a few weeks ago.

She went to the same school I did and it dawned on me.

I hadn't be there for 31 years!

WOW! What the heck? :grin:


Anyway, congratulations again and....don't forget...You're as young as you feel! :grin:



"Just play!"
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I was told once that when a boy and girl are dating, the boy does all the talking and the girl sits back and listens. When you first get married, the girl does all the talking and the boy sits back and listens. When you have been married for sometime, you both talk and the neighbors listen.


Many happy wishes hope all is well, and remember communication is the key.




all chucks children are out there playing his licks


*Bob Seger

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congrats on the wedding Bill.

What can this strange device be?

When I touch it, it gives forth a sound

It's got wires that vibrate, and give music

What can this thing be that I found?

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I knew you were engaged but this is the first I hear of the wedding: congratulations Bill, much happiness to the both of you!!!


And as for your first band, whenever you have to count the decades since you've been doing something you just have to know that the amount of your experience didn't just pop out of nowhere :):thu: ! It must have been quite a trip to see all those people from long ago, I'm sure many stories were re-lived quite vividly.

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I was told once that when a boy and girl are dating, the boy does all the talking and the girl sits back and listens. When you first get married, the girl does all the talking and the boy sits back and listens. When you have been married for sometime, you both talk and the neighbors listen.


And then when you've been married for a really long time, you both shut up and listen to the neighbors.


Mazel Tov, Mr. and Mrs. Bill!

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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...I don't know if this is your first time.....


Yeah, I recently got together with my first drummer and yeah a lot of time has gone by. It can be fun to look back but I think I prefer the now.



"I either was not paying attention or just really did not know...."


You might have been busy.


Yeah, it is both of our first times, and we are enjoying it big time. In fact, at the wedding people asked me if I was nervous and, the answer was absoutley not.... I was doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right time, and it felt perfectly normal and right.


And the guitar player... I was the drummer in that band, but I taught him a lot of guitar... we're talking about getting together and seeing what happens. He and I wrote some cool pop songs back then, when writing your own songs was a pretty alien idea.


Thanks for the good wishes. The R&R GirlFriend... er.. Bride... will be pleased.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Mazel Tov, Mr. and Mrs. Bill!


Thanks. Funny, but putting together a combined Presby/Jewish ceremony was tougher than I thought, and a real PITA. But I made it happen. I even wore a yamika as a sign of respect to her side of the family. She liked the idea so much that she tried to find a Scots/Irish plaid for me, but ended up getting a very cool black leather model, with guitars tooled into the leather.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Mazel Tov, Mr. and Mrs. Bill!


Thanks. Funny, but putting together a combined Presby/Jewish ceremony was tougher than I thought, and a real PITA. But I made it happen. I even wore a yamika as a sign of respect to her side of the family. She liked the idea so much that she tried to find a Scots/Irish plaid for me, but ended up getting a very cool black leather model, with guitars tooled into the leather.




Did you break the glass?? I'm half Jewish, raised catholic, but really BOTH!! My wife's catholic. I MADE SURE I BROKE THE GLASS.


Mazel Tov Indeed!! Be happy!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Did you break the glass??


Indeed. Much discussion went into the whole glass issue among variosu family members... kinda blew my mind. Fercripessakes, it's a glass!



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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My father told me once about these Jewish kids he grew up with. At a wedding, they exchanged the glass for a barroom type shot glass. The bloody thing wouldn't break, no matter how hard anyone tried! :grin:


About the 40 years ago today thing...


I've just had a bit of a fight with the lead singer of my first serious band, which broke up about 21 years ago.


She described one of our gigs in her myspace blog, in a very pisstaking way. I PM'ed her correcting a lot of the details and she wrote back freaking out and basically telling me I was a total pain in the ass, have always been and always will be. Which reminded me of why I've always had a certain amount of contempt for her. So yeah, the years pass, and pass... and then you realize it's just like it all happened yeserday.


Glad your relation with those guys is a little less acrimonious, Bill.

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...when writing your own songs was a pretty alien idea.



Yup...I remember those days.

I walked away from two bands because of that "alien idea". :)


Hey...best of luck to you both, Bill! :thu:


I knew you were serious about her the last time we talked...but I had no idea wedding bells were coming this fast.

Well...when it feels right...theres no point in waiting.


So...how's the attic coming along at your new place?

Is it a "recording space" yet...or have you been too busy with the wedding and all to make it studio worthy...?


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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been married to the same woman for 33 years this year. She was 17 and built like a Goddess... I always tell her I don't see a 50 year old woman when I look at her - I see a 17 year old Goddess with "hair the color of a pale horse" (folk song I wrote for her back then)...


Yer old as dirt too ;)

"well fellas... there's 1 other thing yer gonna need to make it in Rock & Roll besides all them guitars and amps and drums and things. They call it A SONG..."
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