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Everything posted by SteveNathan

  1. On their site. put it in cart & discount 40% is deducted at checkout.
  2. The complaints of too long file names are valid, but “massive” is pretty accurate, & the sound quality for $59 makes this a “no regrets” impulse buy. 😎
  3. He’s going to love playing with Shannon Forrest. 😍
  4. I wore his records out. Saw him live once too. He was a giant on his instrument. Prostate Cancer has taken so many. 😕
  5. OT, but I instantly thought of this record I was on when I saw your topic title.
  6. If leaving the band was your choice, refusing to help your replacement looks petty & selfish. If you were fired, refusing to help out the new guy looks petty & selfish.
  7. That’s a great story. Happy for you.
  8. I know there aren’t many Country fans here, but anyone who knows the voice of Randy Travis may be as surprised as I was at how close they got. Randy not only wanted this, he was involved in every step of the process. He was one of Country’s most distinctive & successful voices for years, but a stroke damaged the part of his brain that governs speaking & singing. We had to sign NDAs, but we can talk now. Story covered on CBS Sunday Morning tomorrow.
  9. I’m almost always pleased with what I can pull together in Air Music Technology’s Vacuum Pro
  10. ???? Maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t get this.
  11. Thanks again. To recap, it’s only 3 songs, & I only need to cover piano on all three. Sounds like any of the available boards will get me through.
  12. Long time KCers know I’ve gotten some fierce sh*t here for occasionally expressing my dislike for some seemingly revered Jazz musicians. So I smiled when a friend told me that Chet Atkins once referred to a musician as “he plays like he’s double parked” 😆 👍
  13. I enjoyed their video of “Overtime”, especially because it included Rai. I can only listen to this style of playing in small bites though.
  14. It’s a very popular piano in studios. Maybe Brent Arledge would be interested in helping sell it here. pianotuner1@comcast.net
  15. DL-ed, but I haven’t played with it yet. It’s been a fav so I expect to still love it.
  16. I’ve always felt that 10” speakers were best for fitting in frequency wise between the bass & the EG. I’ve put a lot of Wurly through 10s on records for several decades, but only once or twice live, so your mileage may vary.
  17. You posited that X people use Y to do something you can’t do. X people came forth & said no. It doesn’t work like that. 3pages later you’re still sticking with your “Y” opinion. To me, this says you’re more interested in reassurance of your opinion than learning the truth.
  18. Well as likely the only forumite who has actually “jammed” with Mike Huckabee, I can say that calling him a bass player is a HUGE stretch of kindness 😆
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