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Posts posted by lsj

  1. been dealing with sweetwater for years. to me, the best. a few times in the past I wasted my time and priced an item from other stores. not once did anyone beat or match the price I received from sweetwater. I do buy quite a bit from them and now if I don't like the price they gave me I just tell them come on you got to do better. I also like their technical support and the extra year warranty. I'm not a fan of the return policy if you don't like the item, they will take it back. there is enough information and demos of the items on the web for anyone to view and review. I do a lot of homework before I buy an item.
  2. hey Josh, just wondering how the scene in the quarter is doing. drove through the quarter about 6 months ago and it made me sick. just about everything was boarded up. I live in south florida now but I really love and miss NOLA. I lived in Violet, south of Chalmette, and played all over NOLA including the quarter and west bank years ago. will be there in april and hope everything will be back to normal............Larry
  3. to Al Coda, great post I totally agree with you and enough already with this topic. I have several behringer products and love them. early seventies had an original minimoog but now would never even think of purchasing an original minimoog, so I purchased the poly D. doesn't sound like the original, wrong. not every original minimoog sounded the same, just like hammond organs. every hammond organ sounded sometimes a little better or a lot different from one another, I should know, presently have one but owned seven of them, and I have to say that the three B-3's that I owned were the weakest of all the models that I owned. I'm always tired of hearing, is it a B-3 hammond you have? in conclusion, buy the product you want or don't, but please don't try to convince me with your opinion. I'm sick of all the crap from this past election of people trying to push their opinions on me, enough already............Larry
  4. need an opinion and some info here. presently I own deepmind, poly d, minilogue xd, modx, and a lot of software instruments namely arturia 7, komplete 12, etc., so I do have a lot of bases covered. was wondering if adding waldorf blofeld will be a good addition for me. will it be quite different from the gear I have. any other opinions and info anyone would have with regards to the blofeld. I am just doing some home recording and playing. I like laying down tracks and recordings that I play along with my hammond organ. thanx for your advice in advance...........Larry
  5. thinking of purchasing the korg wavestate. I am not looking for sequences and arpeggiator type of sounds but looking for single or layered type of playable sounds. I do own many keyboards and many plug-ins, so looking for something different. for people that own one, would like some advice. thanx.......Larry
  6. I use Bose L1 model 2 with the B2 larger bass cabinet. powerful and very clean. many of my customers have commented on how good the bose system sounds as compared to my Mackie powered speakers. on one occasion a customer who hired my requested I bring the bose system to the gig. I'll get flack for this post...â¦â¦â¦â¦â¦...Larry
  7. have to say.....Behringer deepmind 6..........this keyboard surprised me with the fat sounding bass and some really nice pads. just got mine along with the behringer poly d, didn't really need them at all since I have a ton of plug-ins but I just wanted them....especially the poly d, brings back memories of my original minimoog.
  8. just had to put my two cents in. I purchased the Behringer deepmind 6 a while ago. didn't really need the 12 and really didn't need the 6 as I have a ton of plug-ins, Komplete 12, arturia v-collection7,etc.,Yamaha modx and other Yamaha keys. I was very surprised with the sound quality and effects of the deepmind. the synth is quite ballsy. getting some great patches from it. I am not into cinematic, beeps and buzzes type of sounds and more into lead sounds and some pads. the keyboard is really made quite solid and for the price, really well worth it. I also just purchased the Behringer poly d. well what can be said. a minimoog model d, plus, plus plus. not every minimoog sounds the same, so yes, the model d is a minimoog plus. I know not poly but para, but really is nice to have the option of playing a chord. once again, the poly d is made very solid and as for the price makes this a winner. again didn't need it at all but for the way it sounds and the price, it's a no-brainer. I owned an early model d minimoog, and would never have dreamed of purchasing another minimoog. it's a great feeling, old memories, coming back now owning the poly d. I know there are a ton of Behringer bashers out there, but in my opinion, keep it coming Behringer, keep those prices low and the quality up there. years ago Behringer was crap, but I think their quality is up there with the big boys. I also own a few other Behringer products which I have no problems with. I don't think that today's price of keyboards are high. when the DX-7 came out, no one bitched about shelling out two grand. and that was two grand in back then dollars. behringers prices are way more than a bargain. finally just have to say how critical and laughable some of the comments and complaints I read from a lot of people are. key bed sucks, too heavy, no after touch, too hard to program, too expensive, etc. I think what some people want is an 88 note keyboard with a Steinway piano touch, then hit a button for synthesizer touch, then another button for Hammond touch, aftertouch, built like a tank, under ten pounds, and under a thousand. and there will still be a ton of complaints. I think complaints are very necessary, but keep them true and informative, not only opinionated. every product will have some very positive features. also the unending search for the very best Hammond sound on a clonewheel. what Hammond sound, every Hammond sounds different. every B, C, D and A sound different. in the past I have owned three B-3's, all of which sounded at best fair, next a C-3, which sound wise blew my 3 previous B-3's away. next I bought a cherry A-102, the best sounding Hammond I owned to date, and presently an A-100 which sounds as ballsy as my previous A-102. stay safe everyone...â¦...Larry
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