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Posts posted by lsj

  1. I have a little trouble getting to the back of a couple of my synths in my music room.  would there be any problem if I left the midi in or out cable attached to the synth I am using and not connected to anything else.  same with the usb cable , is it ok to have the usb cable connected to the keyboard and the other end open and not connected to a computer.  that way if I need the synth hooked up to a synth module or a computer the cord is there easily for connection. 

  2. I just purchased an access virus ti2 61 note synth,  dimmensions are 40" wide by 15" deep, and weighs 30 lbs.  right now I have it sitting on a rather high cabinet in my music room.  I still will be able to sit and play the synth at it's present height.  I am looking for some kind of unit that will tilt the synth (back of the synth) higher so I will be able to read the  knobs and display easier.  I don't want anything that will raise the entire synth higher needing me to stand and play.   anyone's advice and help will be greatly appreciated. 

  3. On 9/9/2022 at 7:37 AM, CyberGene said:

    I just ordered a Jupiter-Xm. Some pre and post-order rationalizations:


    - My 5-year old daughter was pretty disappointed that I sold the MODX6, she liked playing with moving patches with sequences and rhythms, so I hope she will like the Jupiter 😀

    - Very portable, battery powered, very good speakers

    - Has very nice Jupiter/Juno sound that seem very hard for me to recreate on my Hydrasynth. I researched on the ASM Facebook and Ken admits the Roland filters are very specific and there are no corresponding filters on the Hydra.

    - I like it's multitimbral and has a very good sequencer including a drum part and AI arpeggios which might come handy for experimenting with ideas which I can then transfer to Logic Pro (both MIDI and Audio are sent through USB on separate tracks if I understand correctly)


    I don't like it's heavily menu-driven but I plan using it as a preset-machine. There seems to be a good software editor too.


    I'll be waiting for 3 weeks for it to become available and I can cancel the order. Talk me in or out of it, if you like 😛

    I have the XM for a couple of months now.  still going through the presets and set up roland cloud with the connect on my phone.  I have 13 synths and this one is a great addition to what I have.  It is very impressive.  hope you get yours quick cause I heard that there is a long wait for them. 

    • Like 1
  4. don't have pictures, but will list what I used to gig with.  first of all, I accepted only house gigs.  the last one was 5-nights a week for almost 5 years.


    Hammond C-3 with two Leslies, a 145 and a 147.  Yamah DX-7 and three Yamaha TX-7 modules.  Korg Poly-Six.  rackmount Roland D-550, Roland U-220, EMU Proteus, Alesis reverb, stereo EQ, three Sunn power amps.  24-channel mixer, Akai ASQ-10, EMU Drumulator. 


    4-15" speakers with horns and two sub cabinets.  those were the days.  money was more than today's rate and so many clubs having bands 5 and 6 nights a week.  so sad.  


    • Like 3
  5. On 8/9/2022 at 11:04 AM, Stokely said:

    I've definitely noticed a bit of shift in our area--and this is Florida, skews older!--as to what is an "oldie".    If we analyzed the average age of people dancing at places we play, it has to be 50-60.  And that's mainly just due to the fact that those are the people interested in live music around here.  Just one example, I pushed to do, and sing, the song Don't Change by INXS...fun, easy high energy but the band thought it was too obscure.   Well, people have gone crazy for it, because what used to be "the songs people grew up with" have changed as the people have gotten older.  I'd love to be trying more stuff like you are doing, Jeffinpghpa.   Our singer started that band basically as a 70s AM themed band (was even considering a themed attire, glad to say that went away quickly) so it's hard to get her to move into the "future".   :)

    For me, getting better at singing is what really gets me motivated.  I've made great strides.  Unfortunately I'll never belt high notes like Steve Walsh or Steve Perry or any of those other #&$^% tenors, being a baritone, but it's still fun as hell.   We do a great job on 4 part harmony on Eagles tunes I must say, and it's because we bust our ass working on vocals.

    what part of Florida are you performi g.  I live in Jupiter, Florida

  6. very sad to hear this news.  I own and presently live in the house that Olivia and John used to live in here in Tequesta, Florida.  all the contractors that worked in their house, and the people from this community all said she was  down to earth and an extremely nice person. RIP Olivia    

  7. I am planning on seeing Jordan Rudess in concert August here in FT. Lauderdale.  wondering if anyone has seen his concert and wondering if he is just playing an acoustic piano or will he be performing with synthesizers.

  8. 16 minutes ago, SteinwayB said:

    I had the pleasure of hearing Leonid and Friends in Northampton, MA last Friday.  I have been a fan for a couple of years.  I grew up with the horn bands of the 70's and as a trumpet and keyboard player loved Chicago, BS&T, EWF, and TOP.  Leonid's studio videos are amazing, not just for the music but the passion and joy they exhibit.  I purchased my tickets more than a year ago and they cancelled twice for Covid and a third time for the Ukraine invasion.  I couldn't believe they finally made it to my hometown!  The show was amazing.  It was extremely emotional considering the recent events in their homeland but their message of unity and love through music was evident.   Leonid's son was the MC and he did a great job.  The first half of the show I was  in front of a speaker so sound wasn't too good, but at the intermission we moved to the 3rd row center and sound was much better.  We still had some difficulty hearing vocals since we were not in the path of FOH speakers, but the horn section was about 15 feet away and they were fantastic and quite audible without amplification.  The sax player was his usual entertaining self, the trombone was great, and the trumpet player (subbing for Andrey on paternity leave) had a big fat lead sound but did not have the same stage charisma as Andrey.  The keyboard player had a Stage3 and Motif; he was never featured but did an excellent job.  I was amazed how authentic the strings sounded; usually they sound "synthy" on a synth, but not at all; they were perfect.  Igor was his usual monster self on drums.  Vocalists were amazing.  I had tears during "After the Love is Gone".  They also did East River from Brecker Brothers Heavy Metal Bepop and they killed it!  My only disappointment was that aside from Aint Nobody, Ksenia did not do any solos to highlight her amazing voice.  I feel so fortunate to have shared that evening with them and am still processing it.   They start their next tour on the West coast in the Fall:  HIGHLY recommend you see them if you can.

    saw them a couple of months ago in ft. lauderdale.  unbelievable, loved it, would love to see them again

  9. 21 hours ago, Stokely said:

    Which ones did you get, if you don't mind my asking?  ;)

    I got the Purgatory Creek vintage keys and love it, super easy to install too.   I'm considering trying the free Oberheim one and maybe Analog Experience.   I feel like I should really spend more time with rolling my own synth sounds though....so far so good, despite my lack of ability when it comes to programming sounds!  Just starting with elements like the oberheim saw I was able to get some pretty credible poly synth tones (way better than the presets, or at least more appropriate for my vintage needs).

    analog experience and several others I purchased after going through youtube, google voice libraries and you'll find quite a few.  also go through yamahasynthforum.com   soundmondo on the yamaha synth site has many sounds you can listen to and download.  there I downloaded a great hammond sound and a tenor sax voice that is exactly the same as on the tyros and genos keyboards.  not an opinion but a better sax than any patch on Korg,Kurz. or Roland.  

  10. 18 minutes ago, Stokely said:

    I have finally come to grips with the fact that my MODX is too darn good to kick out of my rig.  The ipad functionality is a major factor.  Today I made the decision to buy and install Purgatory Creek, since I've been doing some gigs lately with *just* the MODX.  I debated getting them instead for my Forte but decided on the MODX, since--the reverse of my original plans--the Forte sometimes stays at home.  For example, I have an outdoor gig Saturday where I'd like to keep things light and quick to set up or tear down.  Pop the ipad on top and instant b3 organ!

    The PC vintage samples are very nice, painless to install too.  The Rhodes and the Clavinets are a big step up and I use those frequently.  

    I'm debating buying the Analog Xperience.  I'm making progress with rolling my own "analog" patches, so I might see if I hit a wall with that.

    love my modx

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