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Posts posted by lsj

  1. played with tracks for many years that I sequenced myself, always stayed working till I quit playing out.  right now no money in playing out, it's pathetic.  


    It's been about four years since I quit.  then I played in a duo.  minimum pay for a three hour night was $400.00 each.  steady tuesday night gig for years payed $500.00  each.  on average we played 25 gigs every month, give or take a few days.  private and corporate  gigs we made between $800 and $1200.00 each.  best paying gig was in Anchorage, Alaska for a week.  all expenses paid and came home with $5,200.00 each.


    so yes I do love playing in an all live band, much easier, but I am glad and very lucky that I experienced those times that I had.  today I am saddened and feel sorry for the live music scene, with or without tracks.  horrible that the musicians today make about one third what a waitress will make a night.

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  2. presently i own a MODX6.  purchased it after hearing the difference between it and the montage.  and for the price went with the modx.  I am guessing that Yamaha will come out with a cheaper build mx  like the modx and the price will probably be almost one third the price and basically the same sounding.  that is when I will upgrade.  

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  3. tough question.  everyone that has a certain keyboard will be the best for them.  I have many keyboards and I have the yamaha modx6.  great keyboard for a variety of sounds.  I know some people will say the keybed is not to their liking.  I adapt to the many synths that I have.  being a Hammond player, every synth is different.  

  4. 4 hours ago, stoken6 said:

    What is this adapter? Are you connecting two outputs from the mixer to one input?


    Cheers, Mike

    it is an adapter that goes left and right out of the mixer to one input on the bose.  this is just for home use as I quit playing out.  two female out of the mixer, left and right, to one male into the bose.

  5. need advice here.  I have plenty of synths and plenty plug-ins.  right now I run all of my synths stereo out either to a line mixer or directly into a mixer.  for speakers I am  using a bose L1 model 2 with the large B2 bass cabinet.  the bose has only a single input so I am going out of my mixer with an adapter to the one input on the bose.  this makes everything mono, and I know I should probably get studio monitors but I really like my practically brand new bose.  


    my dilemma is all my acoustic piano sounds from my plug-ins or synths sound like crap, since my system is set with mono.  is there any acoustic piano plug-ins that sound good in mono.  thanks for any advice in advance. 

  6. On 3/9/2024 at 9:54 AM, Stokely said:

    That is the one.  Not sure if there is another one in South Orlando, but the Lee Rd one will remain open. Frankly I don't find it an improvement on the Colonial store overall, maybe a bit in the keyboard dept.   There's little consistency in what these stores stock.   As far as customers killing off retail--well, when you don't stock a lot of models and then don't have them even hooked up, and THEN don't have a single person who knows crap about any of them, what exactly are we killing here?

    I do hate the buy-return paradigm if it involves shipping (which I might have to pay for).  I try my best to research extensively so that I won't need to return.  So far that has worked out pretty well for new gear, I've yet to be unhappy with anything.  A recent guitar I got from Sweetwater (huge sale, and this model wasn't at my local GC) was absolutely impeccable.

    totally agree with you.  I also study and research each new item before I purchase it.  never returned anything.  this buy and return an item, I'm guessing will eventually be discontinued.  too much of a loss for stores.  



  7. On 2/20/2024 at 1:57 PM, JoJoB3 said:

    Ew boy. Are things in keyboard land so shitty we have to keep going to the same dry well?
    This stuff goes hand in hand with the "who's the greatest [instrument here] ..." stuff.

    I LOVE my vintage selection here, each of them chosen for their role...but I hate to break it to ya, few people really give a rip today the superiority thing (anyone worth a damn that is).  I understand outlier cases but mainly it's just 'collector fodder' at best now. What matters are what the brain and fingers do with any of these things.  That's it...and that's all that should matter btw.  Revisit the Knower thread for a good example. Those young humans are absolutely ripping (live and in studio) on free to $50 maudio controllers via 'anything making sound', whether cheap/free VSTs to Spectrasonics latest.  It's always about the use, not the toy.

    Personally I've found myself in approx zero situations begging for an OB and so I'm not in the race with this one but from what I'm hearing from OB owners and folks using it it turns out the B word (fortunately? unfortunately?) has another one in the line to consider here. But for me midi and layering with the ESQ1 and SQ80 fill the role just fine.  Not all in the B synth dept. interests me but I do dig their Poly-D (and the Model D), DM12 and 2600 (and ODY actually). Great sounds, size, functionality. I was NOT expecting to like them. I only buy used now but they could've charged more and I'd likely still own them.

    Anyway it's been stated very well by so many others here but they're right, B company really isn't stealing customers away.  Again I'm sorry but in a way they're fostering the future (in hardware synth realm).  I mean, there are folks with serious need for an OB. Discerning, adult users/buyers with a clear musical need for an OB and they make their decisions after weighing everything thoroughly.  Banter like this isn't on their radar,  they're going to get into their OB/Moog/etc. (so really who are we speaking to anymore?). Here's what's what - the synth division at Behringer is bringing some of the classic clones to a new generation and I'm sorry but in the long run this is nothing but a good thing (for all!  Dear vintage collectors/future sellers: you WANT a new gen interested in hardware).

    Also and admittedly,  personally I'd rather see less people going 'VST synth' and tapping the connection of human to hardware  - the immediacy of it all (synthesis and performance).  It's a thing (well, can be) and it leads to better music made, better musicianship.

    Also, you don't see this ridiculous back and forth/invented drama in the class A mic preamp realm for example. There it's 100% about how well and accurate the clone and you can never have enough. Go ahead and test those waters. Tell BAE or SCA owners how awful they are for not hunting a vintage 1073 and see how it goes for example.  They're gonna read the riot act to ya before giving the boot (these folks are serious about their input!).
    Same goes with the Hammond clones in a sense. Most aren't looking for Hammond's 'new take and twist' on the classic sound, they want that classic sound (and feel) - to a T.

    Come on, let's get outta the sandbox.

    great post and intellectual thinking.

  8. I am controlling my Korg Wavestate and Korg Modwave and Hydrasynth desktop by midi out of studiologic sledge black 2.0 into midi solutions thru box.  midi in from out of my sledge then the four midi thru from the box to my other synths.  I don't want a program change(preset) to effect my other synths.  my hydrasynth does not change presets but the wavestate and modwave changes presets when I change a preset on the sledge.  I contacted Korg and they told me that there is nothing I can do on Korg units to ignore program change.  any help here from someone.  is there anything I can do.  it seems that the sledge has no setting to not transfer program change.  thanx.

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