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Everything posted by Throbert

  1. I have 2 for my GM RPX because the USB driver for it sucks and this funky 3 cable set up for my HX3 so I can have I/O between it and my MIDI hub and still get power to the drawbar controller that sends its sig to the hub. my 2 boards and BCR are USB.
  2. Mixer coming from Jacksonville, Labled last Wednesday, Fedex hasn't PU. bet its going to get drowned,
  3. Just pulled the trigger on an Ashley MX-206 to complete this Oh, it's coming from JACKSONVILLE, friking perfect!
  4. I think I've heard about these but never had a web sight, cool, thanks
  5. I used this. Drive clone The only caveat is that the new drive has to be the same size or larger than the drive you're cloning. I like this one better it's faster and has more options
  6. I'm set up to mix keys and voice through my Aurora/AES16e, send FOH a Stereo keys mix and a separate voice, send my Ashley 206 what ever keys, voice and ambient mic mix I need plus FOH monitor feed. In the future I would like to add a MOTU 8D in series between my AES16e out 1-4 and my Aurora AES in 1-4 allowing me to share my mix through AVB on enet, the problem is all others would have to use MOTU AVB devices since every company using AVB has their own protocol.
  7. I would have never thought that!
  8. Whip out, light your lighter and burn a fart.
  9. like I said, the logon page that come up when I go to https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/login changed to dark on its own about a week ago and back to white on its own a couple days ago.
  10. How do you figure, it changed to dark on its own and back to white on its own. I'm talking about the logon page, not the forum list page.
  11. liked the logon better when it was dark
  12. Yea, I only have a few as well, OPX Pro II and Ptec. I have an old copy of komplete 5 but don't like kontact all that much. UVI Falcon is looking good though and I like Aurturias minimoog v Original that they gave me. Think I might want a good sampled piano and EPs. I want more but a lot of the newer more complex stuff sounds muddy as hell especially with way too many mods fx stutters arps ect...
  13. Any chance of adding .pdf to attachment options?
  14. So I was trying to find a way to do this years ago and since there was nothing out in web land I gave up. Fast forward to today and I find this thread on Eight Forums https://www.eightforums.com/threads/tutorial-how-to-change-device-names-in-device-manager.15321/ Got a chance to try this out and what do you know, it worked! On Windows 10 no less, The permissions were a little screwy but I can verify that it actually worked. Next I'll have to try it in a MIDI device to see if the name follows through to apps and utilities.
  15. In the 70s and 80s, my teens and twenties, I drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, I was fiddling around with all the hard core as well. When I moved out of the socal pit and up to Steamboat it all tapered off quite a bit. Today it's been over a year since I've had a drink and even longer since any pot. I wouldn't turn down a Boston Lager, a shot of jägermeister or a hit of some skunky sticky herb though. The hard stuff was so long and a life time ago I just forgot about all that bad.
  16. AP: Pteq EP: Pteq Organ: B5 Synth: Arturia Minimoog, OPX Pro II
  17. and I can add as a url, cool.
  18. You are correct sir, I don't care how or who you believe in, freedom.
  19. OK, so it's load the form up with forbidden crap time.
  20. OK, so it's load the form up with forbidden crap time.
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