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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. Picker, I know zilch about finger picking but I'll make a quick comment anyway as Lord knows I've tried to do it a few times. I'm a hybrid picker (holding the pick and using the 3 fingers in a finger picking kinda style). I don't use my nails and keep them trimmed and just use my finger pads. The big reason I don't use the finger picks is they pinch and/or just feel uncomfortable. I think the biggest thing is to find finger picks that feel right to you. For the thumb pick I found the white National picks to be one I could wear that feel pretty close to comfortable. Tommy Emmanuel uses the same kind of thumb pick and has some great tips on YT clips. He carries 3 or so different sizes when he performs as his thumb gets bigger and smaller depending on temps, etc. He doesn't use picks on his other fingers. His YT lesson is really a great way to get started on finger picking Chet Atkins style.


    On my finger picks I can't get comfortable with them so I'll just say that the metal ones fit me the best and the plastic ones suck and they both just sit in a box in my closet. LoL! They don't cost that much so you can buy a set of both. :cool:


    Ps. Here's the starter video I was referring too:


  2. +1 also got my Shingles (2 dose) vaccine last year. Hope to skip that issue later in life! I have known a couple of people including my mom , that got shingles and it's not pretty, painful or something I want to go through. Vaccines can be a great way to avoid all kinds of disease. Back in my Army days we got 4 shots in each arm simultaneously by air guns before going overseas. I can't see why people are afraid of vaccines? But I never give out advice on taking them, as I would feel responsible if someone I had talked into it, had some sort of reaction and died. I believe vaccines are very safe and I'm the first one in line when they become available... :cool:
  3. @Larryz - Well understood, brother. There's much to dislike about it.


    It's a deal with the devil, at best. For players like me, it's free promotion, and easy access to such fanbase as one has. I've managed to avoid much of the worst of it by limiting my "friends" to old friends from real life, and fellow Musicians.


    At any rate, after going through many hoops and changing settings here, there and everywhere, I managed to get back on. We'll see how long that lasts.


    FWIW, one of our former Forum brothers has made a career of getting himself banned from FB, and coming back under different aliases. I'm not into that level of brinksmanship, thanks, but it's entertaining to watch someone else play.


    WP, I remember back in the day gigging musicians would get your mailing address, create mailing lists and mail out post cards with their gig line up and even send personal mail. Then along came email, and the snail mail got 86'ed and email addresses were used to create fan lists to put out the word of where you would be playing each week. Then along came Facebook and even band/musician websites...Anyway, If I was still gigging I could see some use for having fans/friends on Facebook follow you for gig dates. Many of the bars now want to know how big your contact list of followers is before they will hire. It has some good uses I guess, but I dropped out of the promotional gigging concept just in time and thus never signed on...


    I didn't know you could get banned and get back in. I'm guessing you delete your profile and start a new fake one? I won't ask who the former forumite is that does this sort of thing for kicks. Must be an expert troll LoL! :thu:

  4. +1 I like when the manufactures, reps, seasoned pros, etc., "join in" as long as they are not fly by night spammers and/or just doing a self promotion. I like the demos on YT of the TriceraChorus (short versions). It looks like a cool pedal even though I'm not into chorus effects. I like that it can get some reverb vibe and it looks well built with knobs that actually do something! So it's nice to have you and your products on board Orville! :cool:
  5. +1 DBM, This site gets a little spotty (very slow responding especially in the morning) when the rest of the internet work fine. Somewhere around 10 to 11am this site seems to come alive. I have never been on Facebook so I don't care if it's up or down. I like coming here once or twice a day, to visit old friends and learn new things. :cool:
  6. I found some great sounds sans belches in the Mad Magazine music. Loved the sax and guitar leads...I too was a Mad Magazine Fan WP! I was about the same age 9 or 10 back then...my favorite magazine of all time! :thu:
  7. Scott, that's a very realistic sounding and funny pedal. I would put it at the rear end of the signal chain LoL! When you are forced to play a tune that you do not like, it would be a great way to end a song that stinks...I would have called it the Woopie Cushion! :stooges:
  8. I could play a gig with that and a direct box, just go into the PA. That would fit in the pouch on my guitar bag, carry in one item and done. I'll try recording it soon.


    I used to carry a direct-in that I could use to go to the PA, just in case I had an amp malfunction...glad you found a replacement for your malfunctioning pedal that will work for you! :cool:

  9. DBM, Yeah getting old is hell on us when it comes to remembering our material. I think I have forgot more than I have ever learned LoL! I still play a little every day and some days I can get through the tunes with almost no clams and other times it seems like the crabs are eating me alive! I was at a point where I could play for three hours and not have any problems. But now days If I can get through one hour with very few errors to cover, I feel good about it...I only play for my own enjoyment these days and have pretty much stopped gigging. When friends want me to play at a private party or a jam, I have fun at the get together, but I will only play for free now. That way if I goof up on tunes I've played a thousand times, I don't worry about it as much LoL! :cool:
  10. Kuru, I have been playing solo sitting down for some time now, but back in my band days +1 on being up on my feet so I could get into it. I had to play songs I didn't care for in my band gigging days but I enjoyed most of the material we picked on. The singer calls the tune as I also cant sing a song I don't care for, or it's out of my register, etc. That's the nice thing about playing solo, you get to do the tunes you want to do. I don't like doing requests as I have to rely on my practiced material but I will play a request if it's on my list LoL! +1 on not doing the original leads as I like to improvise and never copy leads. I will get the hook or gist of the hook when it's an integral part of the song. Hope your surgery turned out well! Our rule when the band breaks up was you give notice, and are only committed to the remaining gigs (unless the band finds a replacement sooner). I'm not a fan of outdoor gigs though unless the weather is just right and I'm in the shade or it's getting dark! :cool:
  11. P90, Looks like you have a Tele and it sounds like you like B-Benders. Check out the B-bender gizmo for a Tele in Caevan's "Ash the World Turns" thread. Looks like an easy addition to the Tele sans any modifications. It can be taken back off easily and transferred to another Tele if you ever decide to sell yours. Pretty positive comments on it. The only negative I heard was you have to slide your hand back past the bridge to engage it. I like playing with my palm over the bridge pups so this wouldn't be an issue for me. It sure beats the other B-bender Tele complex stock systems that come on B-bender Teles for an easy mod... :cool:




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  12. SHAZAMMM! What will they think of next??? Very cool!!! Loved the Sleep Walk! (My favorite tune). One thing not mentioned is whether or not the stick-on mounting will affect the finish? But very cool demo and piece of gear! Price was another issue not covered... :cool:


    Ps. great bass concept along with a baritone guitar sound along with using it on an acoustic!

  13. SurferGirl, Sorry to hear the concert has been moved to June...Hope you will still be able to see them when they come to town again... :cool:


    Kuru, Sad to hear that your band is breaking up and your giving up gigging. I no longer wish to play for people but can't refuse close friends and family. My problem is more to do with my CRS (can't remember sh*t LoL!) than the virus... :cool:

  14. I really like that B-Bender concept for simplicity installation and I love the Steel Guitar sounds you can get with a bender on a Tele. My Taylor T3B has a push/pull volume to switch both pups from Humbuckers to Singles and a push/pull tone to switch caps? and or just 500k to 250k on the pot...I'm guessing it's the pot switching. Stewmac has a Fender short shaft push/pull pot for $9 bucks that does the 500/250 trick. Would be worth a try when testing. I use 22uf orange drop caps for my other humbucker equipped guitar and Gibson audio taper 500k pots and it sounds cool...My LP Jr with the single P90 uses Gibson 500k audio taper pots and an orange drop cap and sounds cool...


    I sold my Tele to my son-n-law and the first thing he did was swap out the cutaway bridge plate with the individual flat Strat saddles (that I really liked) for the ashtray bridge plate like yours. He went with the titanium 5th and 6th and brass for the 4th 3rd 2nd and 1st like yours. That seems to be the consensus among Tele players...looking forward to your cap and pot tests! :thu:


    ps. Stewmac also has a push/pull Gibson 500k audio taper pot for $25 bucks that could be used for phase or caps swapping etc. I really like audio taper pots...

  15. Very Cool Caevan, thanks for the link from the Firefly but I monitor your progress whenever I see anything new added to your thread...Thanks for the Update and for keeping us posted. I like the idea of comparing pots and caps by listening to them before installing them. The pics above are great and really show off the finish very well! Keep up the good 1,000% right work. The bridge saddles are a little different than what I imagined as I thought you were having individual intonation adjustments like on the 6 saddle Tele bridge or a custom 3 barrel saddle with adjustments (if they make them) ? Anyway it still looks very cool !





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