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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. +1 DBM, We also survived the year this year and are looking forward to next year. No complaints so far and we just delt with the issues as they came up. I did add one guitar this past year and I'm still trying to get used to it LoL! We had a great Christmas Eve celebrating with the family at our house and feel blessed knowing they are all healthy and doing fine.


    I hope everyone celebrated the Holidays this year and gave thanks for all that we have! Don't forget to remember the troops serving our country that could not be home for Christmas. I feel sorry for the Tornado victims back east and wish them all the best and wish their families a full recovery. :cool:

  2. The Katana 50 MkII is a great amp, I have one and have played quite a few gigs with it. But you need a footswitch to get the best out of it and there goes the price. I was lucky and found the footswitch at a thrift store - that doesn't happen often I'm guessing.


    Other than that, it's awesome as a stand alone and you could just switch your 2 banks and 2 channels by hand, just pushing buttons. It is 25 pounds and much louder than anybody needs although the 1/2 watt setting is pretty nice.


    After viewing the video in the SW link, I was getting tempted LoL! I love the 25lb weight factor. I think it would fulfill all of DBM's needs (better than the Fender). The 100watt model has a few more features but I like the little 50. Not sure how much the optional footswitch costs? DBM could save up for one and buy it later and just use the manual method by hand you suggested till he gets one...thanks for the info and review! :thu:

  3. Kuru, that VIP sounds like a cool amp that can keep your juices flowing. At 17 to 20lbs it would be an easy in/out for stereo gigs using the AB box... :thu:


    DBM, I think you should check out the Boss Katana-50 MK2 as it's right in your budgeted $250 bucks. Has all kinds of effects, channel switching, etc. Boss has always been great quality for the price! :thu:



  4. +1 Kuru, I try to stay out of my favorite guitar stores as it's just "too tempting" LoL! I'm no longer gigging, jamming, etc., where I need to pack pedals with me as I'm not playing lead anymore these days. I use my guitar as my vocal backup and just need a little reverb on the amp. My Fender 65 Deluxe Tonemaster looks like a full-size amp, but it weights in around 20lbs, so it's as easy to pack if I ever do play out and/or use as a small practice amp. The 65 Deluxe is my favorite setting when using any amp modeling. The Tonemaster in my music room has been set on 1watt since I bought it and I rarely move any of the volume, treble, bass, power, etc., settings. Always liked a clean amp and back in the day I would put what I want in front of it (i.e., OD, Dist, Delay, Chorus, etc.). Looking forward to your review and DBM's on any small amp (and the little Fender) using the clean setting with a little verb for sweetener! :thu:
  5. @ Kuru and DBM, I can't wait to hear the results and reviews of your GC visits. Hope you can try all of the small amps they have available and report back! It may be worth a call to see what they have on the floor before making the trip... :2thu:
  6. DBM, The Roland Street Cube EX4 (aka: EX50) I was referring to a few months back would be about twice your budgeted amount @ $500. I think the little $179 Fender Mustang T25 I posted above at SW would do what you want to do with earphones and recording and make a great little practice amp. The bigger models have some very cool foot switches in the video, and you might find one for a few bucks more. You could contact your contact at SW to see what the optional foot switch on the smaller amp will do. Good hunting! :cool:
  7. +1 Kuru, TV Jones are a step up from the Filtertron ($138 vs $89). The Gretsch G6138 Bo Diddley model runs $2,500 to $3,333 and uses sensitive Fillertrons so it's no slouch guitar (pricewise). I think I would go for the cheaper pups on the M75 guitar in question as a little less power may help avoid unwanted feedback and the modded hollow body guitar may not need the more expensive pups. But either of them would be a good choice for some Bo pup vibe... :cool:
  8. Once I put a song in my sucks category, it pretty much stays there. I refuse to play it no matter who requests it or how big the tip might be LoL! I won't turn it off when it comes on the radio though as it brings back memories that confirm my initial sucks ratings and it still gives me a chuckle! :D
  9. I hope they will put out a set of Blue Ray discs on the Get Back series one of these days. I'll be the first in line to buy a set based upon Scott's comments and review. I would enjoy being a teenager again! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
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