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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. I've been nursing myself and my wife back to life from having Covid.  My wife went on a cruise to Alaska and brought me back a gift with her welcome home kiss LoL!  It's been 8 days for her and she tested positive again this morning.  I'll wait till Friday and test when it's been 10 days of me being in my self-imposed quarantine...I don't want to be a spreader.  I'm starting to feel better but still not up to 100% yet.  Probably 75% for now...Tequila and Whiskey help now that I'm off Nyquil...So I've been keeping a low profile in the background.  I have noticed those tumbleweeds lately and the crickets...:cool:

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  2. I hate to see anyone have to close down their businesses.  From his post, I can tell he's a man of virtue by the way he is honoring all of his commitments.


    I wish him well in what ever he decides to do in the future...😎

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  3. @Caevan O’Shiteet al, I had the cataract surgery on my right eye to clear up my close vision a couple of years ago.  My left eye was still OK so I'm waiting for it to be done at a later date.  I wear glasses for distance when watching TV and for driving.  I don't need glasses for computer screens, books, letters, etc.  My right eye is clearer than the left whether I'm wearing glasses or no glasses.  I can read the fine print without wearing glasses which comes in handy.  Whether you need to see clearer for up close or for distance, cataract surgery is the way to go.  Anyone who has had it done will tell you they wish they had done it sooner...Good luck with your surgery! Keep us posted... 😎👍

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  4. @Caevan O’Shite, Thanks for the Chris Juergensen lesson video.  At 10:18 those chart frames are very helpful to memorize for learning any of the 5 modes found/played using the major scale.  Fret 3 is Dorian, Fret 5 is Lydian, Fret 8 is Mixolydian, Fret 10 is Aoelian (minor), Fret 12 is Ionian (major) which actually begins on the 13th fret when playing in F major.  Fret 15 starts over with Dorian when playing in F major.  It all depends on where you start each of the modes on the 1st and 6th strings which determines the key and the pattern repitions/sequences never changes.  The root tone octave pattern never changes once you choose the key and it is contained within each of the frames.  Each of those 5 frames correspond with the major and minor Pentatonic scales.


    The main takeaway from the lesson that I will be working on is adding the triads patterns and adding the two different additional minor Pentatonic patterns during the chord changes.  Thanks again for the info and now it's back to the drawing board!  😎👍

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  5. I've never used IEMs, so I cannot comment and can only hope that what I hear is what the audience hears, if I ever do have to use them. Stage monitors have worked just fine for me.  Back in the day, our stage amps were set by each player for the room and we could hear our vocals coming out of the PA.  The guitar amps, bass and drums were not miked or sent direct to the PA and all instruments had to stay under the vocals unless a lead part came up.  Later in life, all instruments and mics were sent to the PA, but still there were no IEMs used (old school LoL!). :cool:

  6. 23 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

    Indeed, there is. In fact, I believe KuruPrionz here has and enjoys one, IIRC...


    First I've heard of this specifically!


    It is! I bet that'd sound fantastic for chords with a lot of reverb and the Wow & Flutter modulation of a tape echo or tape-flavored digital echo (I love my El Capistan for that!)... 


    Good idea! That, and similar arrangements, I have heard of before.

    The closest I've ever come to doing that myself was a quasi-Nashville tuning with the 3rd/G-String swapped for a lighter gauge and tuned up an Octave, to get some of a 12-String's rearranged voicing when playing chords.


    Cool! Kinda-sorta like the quasi Nashville-Tuning arrangement I mentioned above...

    Now, put a B-Bender on that... ;) :D 


    I think I would put a G-Bender on it and bend both G strings if they could make such a gizmo.  I saw a YouTube of Brad Paisley demoing a G-Bender instead of a B-Bender as he liked the G much better than the B.  The lower tone does sound sweeter and more steel guitar like IMHO.  +1 though, the B-Bender could work on the acoustic with one string instead of me wanting to bend both G strings as two ball ends on the gizmo are probably are out of the question?? LoL! 





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  7. I can't remember the last time that I broke a string, but I know it was over 10years ago.  I save the empty string package in each of my guitar cases and write the date they were put on, on the back.  It gives me the brand, string guages, tensions, etc., info.  I use the same guage Martin Soft Core strings on my acoustics and the same gauge DR Blues strings on my electrics.  When I play out (which is very rare these days LoL), I throw a new set of strings in the case (just in case).  If I did break a string, I change it, and then change the rest of the strings when I get home. I used to bring an extra guitar back in my gigging days (just in case of a string break) but never had to use it LoL!  😎


    Ps. The guitars that get the most use, get the most string changes.  I know a set of strings will last me at least 3 months or more with daily use...

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  8. @Caevan O’Shite, Here's a short video that demonstrates the sound you could get using a B Bender on an acoustic guitar. I can see why you would want one, especially if you were into blue grass and country.  This is a built-in custom job:



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  9. Although the gadgets are very cool, I would not use any of them on an acoustic guitar.  The demonstrater in the vid did an excellent job and gave his critique of each device.  The benders got in the way of strumming and picking when not in use on an acoustic and the mounting could move and take the strings out of tune if one was not careful.  The tap snare rattled when not in use.  The headstock device was not made for the tuners and needed a pad to protect the headstock when modified (it's also a good way to break strings above the nut).  The large reverb springs device was held on by magents mounted under the sound board and would alter the acoustic vibration IMHO.  I think there are many effect pedals, amps, PA's, etc., for adding reverb to acoustic guitars these days...  


    All of these gadgets would be fun to have and play around with, but I would only use them on a cheaper acoustic with inexpensive tops. I think the benders would be more secure and work well on electric guitars.  I love B Benders and the steel guitar effects many country Tele players get out of them.  😎

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  10. @Caevan O’Shite, Thanks for the info.  I edited my post with a PS. (you may not have seen it before posting) as I had looked up the price on the Shabat guitar web-site.  The price $4,499.00, is a little above my paygrade.  Maybe they could drop the price a little by not having to do the antique/relic job on a special order. LoL! 😎👍

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  11. @Caevan O’Shite et al, I missed out on the price?  I must have turned the video off a little too soon.  I'm sure the price was very high and I can't stand the relic concept!  It's like taking a chain saw and acid to a brand new perfectly good guitar...I did like the push/pull control and some of the different sounds produced with the 5-way.  Dweezil is an excellent player and did a great job demonstrating the guitar.  I think the direct to wood mounted pickups may have made a big difference over mounting them on plastic pickguards.  Shabat did an excellent job designing and producing the guitar and he looked very happy with Zappa's demonstration.  I would have like to hear it clean with no pedals straight in with a little less verb.  Cool video! 😎👍


    Ps. I looked it up at $4,499.00, a little above my pay grade LOL!  😎

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