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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. Some of the on-line stores I order from are Stewmac for guitar parts, luthier tools, etc.  JustStrings for guitar, bass and other instrument strings.  Another cool site is Warmoth for guitar necks and bodies.  Maybe take a look at these sites and see hundreds if not thousands of goodies.  I don't know how the arrangement works with companies (like Warm Audio), but maybe MPN could have a link setup with these companies and get a kick back when we click on them via the MPN store?  Just a thought...:idk:

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  2. @YooperMichigan,  Testing house outlets, using hum elimination, surge protection and filters, etc. along with testing your guitar at other locations, and having a tech look at it, is all a great thing to do, especially since you had the whole guitar rewired.  It may still be the guitar, amp or guitar cord.  Narrow it down by just using these 3 pieces of equipment to be sure.  No pedals, mics, filters, other equipment, etc. You are probably right that it's in the guitar but bring a different guitar with humbuckers to your home and plug it in using the same outlet, amp and cord.  If the buzz goes away, then you know it's the guitar and not the cord or amp. If both guitars are humming, try a different or new guitar cord. If both guitars are still humming, it's probably in the amp and then you can try a different amp. A guitar buddy can bring his/her guitar, amp and cord over to your house for comparison if you don't already have the extra equipment.  It's a good way to check your house circuit if his/her equipment does not hum using your power outlet.  Once you know it's not your cord, amp or house power, then you can concentrate on the guitar. It's just a thought...😎





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  3. @Julio Herrera, I'll throw out a plug for Epiphone electric guitars.  They have new guitars on-line available via Musicians Friend (best return policy), Sweet Water, Guitar Center, etc., and they come in cheap to expensive price ranges for Gibson styles.  They are easy to play, and they sound great IMHO.  If your more of a Strat style beginner, I would look at Squier and G&L and Made in Mexico Fenders.  A good clip-on tuner should do the trick for getting you started.  You should be able to get any of these guitars set up and/or looked at by a tech at your local guitar store. Good luck and good hunting. 😎👍

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  4. I bought a lot of Carvin PA equipment about a decade ago, and it's still good equipment in like new condition.  I haven't played their guitars, but those that have purchased them, have written good reviews over the years.  I hate to see a good company go downhill in customer service...😎

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  5. @LoInAz, Welcome aboard the forum! It is too bad your best effort to get a dream guitar for your husband on a special occasion did not happen. I hope your experience will help others decide whether or not to order from that company. On the bright side, I hope your $3,700 refund credit will still buy him a custom guitar from a different company that will help ease the pain...good luck and good hunting! 😎👍

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  6. @surfergirl, I would buy 2 sets of Nicad rechargeable batteries.  One freshly charged in the amp before I leave for the gig.  I would take the 2nd freshly charged set to take to the gig as a backup.  When I get home, put the ones from the amp in the charger and leave both sets out of the amp till the next gig. Just a thought.  As far as I know the amp does not charge the batteries while it's plugged in.  Mine does have a battery remaining power check light gauge, so I know when they need changing well in advance...😎


    @Caevan O’Shite, +1 on using a capo on the 1st fret for checking neck relief.  I just don't use them for playing anymore, so the inexpensive model would be the one I would buy.  Another cool trick for acoustic pin-bridge guitars, is to loosen the strings but before pulling the pins put a capo on at the 1st fret. Thus you can work on the guitar and save time and save the strings when it's not time to do a string change.  Just put the ball ends back in the bridge and tighten the strings that are still wound on their posts...😎

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  7. @surfergirl,  I'm not sure if your battery pack goes in and out easily.  I take mine out of the amp when at home and use electricity.  I have noticed the batteries last longer for some reason when not stored in the amp on my Street Cube.  It only takes a second on my amp.  Also, I run mine in the economy power mode when outdoors busking and patio parties, but I'll run it on 25 watts when I'm plugged in to AC power. +1 The rechargeable battery idea is a good one...😎👍

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  8. @surfergirl,  I'm a sit-down player these days so I don't need straps or strap locks, but I do need my chair and a guitar stand now and then.  I always transport my guitars in their cases.  I don't use a slide or a capo anymore, but I do need my snap-on tuner. Picks are a necessity for me.  My amp, mic stand, amp stand, mic and guitar cords and a backpack. No pedal board but maybe a wart and one pedal.  A strip and an extension cord.  No Lakota leathers LoL!  Beer and small cooler with blue ice and maybe a song list.  If outdoors, I'll need a hat, sunblock and sunglasses...and one more thing, a GUITAR LOL!!! 😎👍

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  9. @Caevan O’Shite,  No no no, you didn't trod on any toes and I liked your suggestions!  I've seen the super glue and bacon soda trick that works miracles if you want to fill and cut. +1 I have had techs replace a couple of nuts and acoustic bone bridge saddles for me as I'm not talented enough to do the DIY cutting of them. It does look like some kind of dirt or corrosion in the picture on the top of that 1st fret. I just thought a little cleaning and raising the string saddle at the bridge might help and you would know if it worked within a few seconds.  Then try some of your tricks with the wax paper and lube, glue, X-Acto knife, etc., and work on the nut to raise the string a little.  I also liked @Mark Schmieder, our Bass player's 60hz hum and other suggestions, as a possible culprit too! 😎👍 

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  10. @Caevan O’Shite et al, It's not going to cause any damage to clean and polish the 1st fret and do the rest if needed.  I use Planet Waves Fret Polishing System Instrument Care by J. D'Addario on all my guitars on all their frets each time I change strings.  It's not filing, nor is it sanding, it's simply cleaning the frets with a polishing paper and only takes a second on each fret.  It comes with 5 sheets and I'm still on the 2nd one after many years of using it. It makes all your frets look nice, clean and shiny and guitars sound and play better. The OP picture (to my eye) shows some dirt build up on the fret, which can cause a buzz due to lack of clearance and since the buzz goes away after the 1st fret, it would only take a second to find out. I also see a little wax built up on both sides of the fret which is common if cleaners containing wax have been used on the fret board. Raising the string saddle just a touch can also help with clearance and won't cause intonation issues.  The guitar may need nut work as you are describing, but I would let a tech handle putting on a new nut, if I needed one.  The OP also changed the strings (.082), so I would check to see if the new string matches the one taken off for string gauge... 😎



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  11. All clear on the western front out here in California.  We have had our share of forest fire smoke and bad air over the last few years, so I know what the people back east are having to deal with.  Sending best wishes to everyone trying to breathe and hope the smoke clears up soon! 😎

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  12. @surfergirl, @desertbluesman, @Dave Bryce, If MPN would post a donation address on this site, I would send a non-tax-deductible $25 check each November to help support the maintenance costs associated with running this site.  I make donations to several tax-deductible charities and 3 other non-tax-deductible organizations by check each year.  I would have no problem in including MPN with my Thanksgiving donation checks to avoid pop up ads...😎


    ps. I have seen a few comments by others willing to send checks on the Keyboard discussion thread.


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  13. @Dave Bryce "To everyone who is asking how much we need "to keep the lights on":  that's not so easy to figure out.  Basic operating costs aren't the core of the issue - it's more about having our hands tied any time we want to try and add value like paying folks to cover trade shows, do videos, do reviews, curate press announcements, do PR to try and drive new traffic to the site, do the maintenance that the forums/site need on a fairly regular basis, run the MPN Store and more.  Most of that is being done for next to no compensation currently.  Not ideal.  


    Also, please be assured that we've been trying to figure out how to make MPN work from a financial standpoint for a few years now, including how to do that as inexpensively as possible (of course). 


    The bottom line here is that we're more trying to get a gauge of whether the community members are inclined to help support the forum's existence; and, if so, what would be the best way to do that.




    I don't think a pay for view site would work for the Guitar Players forum as we have few active members.  However, we have tons of viewers and we provide reviews, advertising, etc., for many gear providers.  If the whole MPN needs to be financed "to keep the lights on", I think ADsense makes the most sense, even though I'm not a fan.  As you indicated in the Keyboard comments, it would be easy to turn on and get funded for the basic costs.  This would keep the site free and attract more forum members as it's more of a free blog, than a business.  I'm not a fan of sharing credit card info and using auto pay. Also, using the money for anything other than forum maintenance (as specified above), may not be what we are interested in.  Just a few thoughts...thanks for listening and putting this out there for discussion!  😎👍

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  14. @surfergirl  +1,000 Putting live bass and drums on a looper is a great way to go.  Many players do not think of using a looper for this purpose.  My looper will record 99 complete songs. Change the card and do 99 more if you want to.  All the intros, timing, stops, etc., never miss a beat and keep you on the beat which is way more fun than playing with a metronome.  A great practice tool to have at home as well.  Your duo will sound great with the added loops adding to your sound while busking!  Just record only the bass and drums while you two play your sets at home and then bring it with you and away you go! 😎👍

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  15. Glad to hear Digitech is back in the news and may be making a comeback.  I still have and use my Digitech looper that has never failed me over the past couple of decades.  They made quality stuff at reasonable prices IMHO... 😎👍

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  16. @surfergirl  Congratulations on attracting an audience!  I love it when that happens and when you return, some of them will come back as well.  Before you know it, you will make new friends and start a following...Glad the pedal worked out for you too! 😎👍

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