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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. 13 hours ago, David Pendery said:

    Thank you for your replies. In fact my HBE compressor appears to still be working. Apparently the battery (never used), had gone dead inside the compressor, and although it was not used, it appears that that can interrupt the circuit. I replaced the battery and it was okay, and then I simply removed the battery altogether, and it was okay again. Thanks for the suggestions, but the HBE is doing it's excellent job now. 

    Believe it or not David, I had the exact same thing happen to me while testing out some new guitar cords last night.  I threw in a new battery and the problem was solved.  The battery had been in the pedal for a few years and I was not really using it, as I was using a 9v wall wart.  I'm going to be using it without the wall wart (which will go with me in a bag) if I decide to start playing gigs again and keep a spare 9volt battery around from now on LoL! 😎

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  2. Welcome aboard David!  I really like my Boss Compressor CP-1X.  I use it mostly for a fast clean boost shifting to higher volume for lead work and back to lower volume for rhythm without having to adjust any amp or guitar knobs. It gives some very high quality compression and takes up little space on the pedal board. Boss pedals are known for their long lasting quality. This pedal has 4 controls: Level, Attack, Ratio and Comp.  It has an active led digital readout bar graph for -1db to -40db, making it easy to adjust the amount (or lack) of compression.  Place a compression pedal in front of a Dist/OD type pedal and you can really boost the effect and sustain.  Not sure how it will compare to your Home Brew.  But, take it for a test drive at your local GC, and see what you think.  It's studio quality out in the field IMHO, and it's the only pedal I still use. 😎

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  3. Cool live video.  I can never say anything negative about Tommy as he is still my favorite player these days.  But, I do prefer Jeff on his electric Fender Stratocaster for this tune.  The young Aussie bass player: Tal from down-under is fantastic too.  I have a Crossroads 2007 DVD of her and Jeff playing (I love her bass solos).  I also think the drummer and the keyboard (organ synth) player deserve a ton of credit for the backup foundation playing on this video...😎

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    This was my favorite band and song back in the 70's.  They were a hot country rock band from '73 to '83 when Tommy and Toy Caldwell were with them singing the lead vocals. This album Carolina Dreams went Platinum.  It has a ton of great country with jazz influence tunes well worth the money.  After the bothers left (one died of a car accident), they were never the same.  The band is still together after 50 years with only one original member remaining.  Not having Tommy and Toy, is like CCR without Fogerty or the Stones without Jagger.  +1 on bands staying together is their decision and I guess it's up to the fans whether or not they still attend.  I saw them at a Casino about 10 years ago, and they were still great instrumentally, but it was not the same vocally.  Good but not the same...🤠👍


    ps. I've been playing Desert Skies ever since I bought this album back in the 70's

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  5. I have never had the problem of the ball end getting stuck in a Strat like the one in the video.  I would try pushing it through using another string (option 1) or using a small allen wrench to push it through (option 2), then option 3, tapping the allen wrench with a small hammer.  Worse case scenario, out comes my drill (not recommended), as that puppy must come out LoL! 😎

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  6. SurferGirl, I think the G&L electric straight-in would be a better choice for busking outdoors, than a mic'ed acoustic. It may not look as cool, but I'll bet it will get a very decent guitar sound along with putting the amps effects to good use.  A mic'ed acoustic indoors would be fine.  Outdoors you may have wind and volume problems even using a windsock...Best wishes for a successful duo! 😎 

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  7. I have a couple of Taylor nylons that use piezo' under their saddles and they work just fine for me.  My ears are not as sensitive as our afficionados LoL!  My steel string Taylor has the same set up but a bit more with body sensors.  All three have printed circuits inside which run the treble and bass EQ's.  The batteries don't last as long as my Takamine acoustic (et al) that seem to last years, as the EQ's in the Taylors require more juice and last about 30hrs of play time.  You definitely want to unplug the Taylors when not in use.  My T5 Taylor semi-hollow with a pin bridge does not use under the saddle piezo and uses electric pickups and under bridge mic inside and uses the same EQ system.  It also gets about 30 hours of play time but, when the battery goes dead, it continues playing sans treble and bass EQ adjustments until you replace the battery (easy access fast change great for gigs).  Too many manufactures use piezo' under the saddle wires to write them off though, as they sound just fine to many players... 😎 

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  8. P90, I can't say how Clarence is doing it, but I can say I'm amazed by his finger picking technique(s)...I suspect it is more than just finger picking and that he is tapping with the fretting hand at the same time he's finger picking with the picking hand???  Very cool jazz and Clarence is definitely one of the best! 😎

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  9. Glad you're back in town Skip and I've been practicing my Sun Style Tai Chi every morning and every night.  I'm looking forward to Caevan's Telecaster project getting back up and running soon.  So far everyone (SG, DBM, Kuru, Sharkman, et al) are sounding like there have been a few setbacks this year but having a positive outlook for the new year! 


    I feel I have been blessed with avoiding Covid and the Flu, etc.  Lots of my friends have got covid and so far, they have all been getting over it.  It's been a good year so far (knock on wood), and I too am looking forward to the new year.  I hope everyone has a wonderful time during the holidays with friends and family.  Try to stay warm out there!!!


    Merry Christmas GIF

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  10. Glad to hear it's working for you and AnnaBelle so far SurferGirl! Can't wait to hear how it does with a mic plugged in.  Farmers markets are fun gigs and can turn into a weekly gig when you get to know the people running it and the vendors.  We put out a tip jar at a non-paying Farmers Market gig and did quite well from people passing by.  The vendors really liked us as they could hear the guitars much better than the usual guys we sat in for as they couldn't make it.  We had electricity and used our Roland EX cubes as monitors running out of the amps to a small PA system.  Plus, we had a bass player.  The vendors liked us so well, they brought us hot tamales and drinks.  We all had lots of fun too!  Good times are coming your way!  😎👍 

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  11. I agree Winston, Many times the guitars, amps and the effects are combined and the demo may take a lot of time so patience is a virtue. To be fair, most pedal demos do give a few seconds of the clean sound before kicking the pedal in and out.  Many times, the pedal and/or amp in question runs through other effects which precludes the reason for wanting to see what the hardware can do.  For me, I like amp demos with the guitar going straight into the amp sans pedals.  I like the idea of having SC HB solid/hollow/12 strings/P90, etc. and don't mind if they crank the amp up and break it up.  Picks or no picks.  There are millions of guitars and effects on YT vids.  Some quality and some not so quality.  But, I really appreciate the ability to call up just about anything we can think of.  The YT videos will just give us a preview and can save a lot of time when doing research.  😎👍

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  12. +1,000 Scott & Winston, I would like the 1st half of any video demonstrating guitars, amps, pickups, pedals, etc., to be played clean.  Then in the 2nd half of the demo, they can dirty it up anyway they want to. I may or may not listen to the 2nd half LoL!  😎

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