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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. I have always loved Roy Clark!  Back in the 60's we had a 4 piece High School Ventures band named The Caskets.  We played Venture instrumentals music with few exceptions (kind of a tribute band before there were tribute bands).  Sometimes there was an overlap with other artists material that covered the same material as our Ventures versions like Santos and Johnny Sleep Walk, Chantays Pipeline, Dick Dale Miserlou, etc.  I was not the lead player and only played a few leads. One of the tunes we covered that the Ventures covered (as they did many others like Apache) was Honky Tonk.  My buddy gave me this album (see below) so I could learn a few licks from Roy Clark as I had been playing it a few years before we started our little Ventures band. It was my dad's favorite tune and I always had to play it for him when we got together and when he attended any of our gigs.  3 of us still get together these days just to play these old tunes again.  Hope you like it!




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  2. +1 on writing your own custom patches WP.  The Juno 60 was a great synth and they demand some high used prices these days. Aside from all the custom outer space sounds/patches you could write 👽, the Juno had some great original organs, strings, brass, etc., sounds on board.  The one thing it lacked was a decent piano which amazed me as it is a KEYBOARD LoL!  It had a Honky Tonk piano which sounds like an acoustic piano with thumbtacks installed on the felt hammers.  So, I started from there as a base and used all the analog controls to remove the thumb tacks sound.  I was able to write and store 5 decent piano custom patches which really helped. Later in life I bought a Kurzwiel digital piano which I still have, and it does an excellent 88 key piano with more 10 note polyphonic fingers than the Juno had.  I'm going to bring it out of storage and fire it up again.  May help me fight my fretting hand cramping up after 2 hours on guitar...Keep up the great designing your own sounds work!  😎👍



  3. 6 hours ago, surfergirl said:

    My ad for replacement guitarist.

    Wanted guitarist for Country/Rock band. We are four lifelong friends who are not particularly welcoming to new people, so we will likely ignore you. Our drummer is a fireman so our schedule revolves around him. We have very few if any, paying gigs. If interested please contact us.🤣


    SurferGirl, In my country/rock band gigging days, we had a backup drummer we could call anytime our drummer couldn't make the gig.  Since my son is a fireman, I know what it is like when he gets called out for a "mandatory" come-in call .  You may want to consider practicing without a drummer, have a backup drummer or use a drum machine or looper.  Hope you find that guitar player and glad to hear you are concentrating on your vocals!  🤠👍


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  4. +1 CEB, a Fender tube amp with spring reverb and a good delay pedal should be all you need to put you back in the rockabilly vibe.  I must have reverb but run it on the low side. If I want more of a rockabilly vibe I kick on a delay.  I can also get syrupy on the surf vibe with the same setup.  I also use a newer model Boss CP-1x compressor for kicking up my volume using a 175 and/or my other solid, semi-hollow, electric bodies and acoustics. 


    +1 Kuru, the more pedals the more effect they can have on your clean tone.


    Picker, On the compressor, I'm not really using it as a compressor LoL!  It is the only pedal I still use in-line.  I use it as a clean boost and not to fatten up slap back, so I can't really comment on how it would work for that concept.  I like to set my guitar and amp for running very clean (i.e., no Dist/OD, etc.).  I set my guitar controls where I want them and then boost my volume with the Boss CP-1x keeping it as clean as possible.  I use it for when my lead volume needs to come up and then kick it off to get back to my rhythm level.  😎





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  5. When I was using my pedals, I could get some rockabilly sound using my MXR Carbon Copy Delay and/or my Keeley Memphis Sun pedals.  I always have reverb on the amp going but don't need to turn it up much with these two pedals...Love the Stray Cats, Elvis, etc.  Never had an echo, but that would be a great way to get the Scotty Moore sound.  Let us know what you come up with!  😎👍

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  6.  @ Danny and SurferGirl, My buddy and I had the opposite experience back in the late 60's.  We were just about the only two white guys in the audience at the San Jose Civic Auditorium LoL!  We got tickets to see Fats Domino (which was one of our favorite rock and rollers).  He really put on a fantastic show.  For his last tune he walked a full-size baby grand across a large stage singing "I'm Walking to New Orleans!"  The memory of that performance has been stuck in my brain ever since...😎

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  7. Kuru, maybe when you become a repeat customer they will send you a few picks. D'Addario are definitely good strings at a good price.  I think the $6.95 shipping cost spread over 5 or 6 sets is quite reasonable and they get to my door very fast.  +1 saves time and gas. 😎

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  8. Kuru, Just got my special singles order from JustStings and they always throw in a few of their picks.  They are a little thicker and different material than the ones I use, but are the exact same size.  They do work great and do change the way the strings sound in a good way for lead work.  Did you get some of their picks with your string order?  😎

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  9. One of the great rock and rollers when there was rock and roll.  A true icon from the beginning that put rock and roll on the map, leaving us legendary music that will live on forever.  I really loved his vocals, piano, originals, and showmanship. 


    Rest in Peace Jerry Lee...😎

  10. I got the bug from this thread and ordered 3 sets of 10-46 Magma electric flats today off of Amazon $40.  9 singles 10gauge, 3 singles 14 gauge, & 6 singles 13 gauge, Elixirs plain rust prevention alloy $30 off of Juststrings. Even though I don't smoke and limit myself to two drinks a day, my acidic hands can wear the gold off my TOM plated bridge, so I try to buy chrome ones.  One problem with Magmas can be some sitar sound on the 1st and 2nd strings and hopefully the replaced Elixir singles will help...me and my big mouth LoL! 😎


    Ps. Juststrings has tons of strings for everything from guitars, bass guitars, to mandolins, to nylons, to banjos, to violin, to so many stringed instruments I don't even know the names of.  A site well worth visiting...shipping is a flat rate of $6.95. 😎

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  11. +1 on locking tuners saving a lot of time for string breaks at a gig.  I rarely break a string, but back in my gigging days I packed a spare guitar on the rack just in case.  Never had to use the spare but it was nice to know it was there LoL!  My tech showed me a trick for my LP jr. stringing a wrap over bridge.  Cut the ball ends off the old strings and use them as a spacer before sending the string through the tail stop style bridge.  It pulls the string back just far enough to keep the strings from poking your palm if you rest it on the bridge or tail stop.  He said if it's good enough for Joe Bonamassa I'm sure you will like it! 😎


    Ps. glad you liked Juststrings Kuru! 👍

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  12. My mom and pop store sells strings for the same price as the mail order sites, but they do not have what I want these days.  I too have ordered from String and Beyond and I have also ordered from Sweetwater.  They have had good shipping prices.  My go to site was Juststrings.com as I could get my GHS Rollerwound sets and also order singles.  I would order singles by Elixir of the 1st and 2nd stings as they have a rust prevention alloy and last a long time.  The downside on Juststrings is the shipping cost of $6.95.  But if you spread that over 5 or 6 sets with the singles, it is a reasonable charge.  They also send me some free picks with each order!  The GHS Rollerwounds cut out 50% of finger squeak and sound bright.  They are somewhere between a wound and a flat wound string. 


    Fast forward to today and I now use Magma Flats, a different brand exclusively, on my acoustics and on my electrics.  Both now come in 10's.  Phosphor Bronze for acoustics and Stainless Steel for electrics.  They are just like flat wounds as far as cutting out 100% of finger squeak. Yet they sound as bright as regular wound strings.  They are a little stiff when 1st put on but stretch in after a couple of weeks.  The 10's come with two 3rd strings (18 plain and 20 wound) and give you a choice.  I prefer a wound 3rd.  They run about $13 to $15 a set depending on where you find them.  I found them at the Magma.com site and at Amazon.  Amazon sells them in packs of 3 and they ship free.

    My acoustic brothers found the Flats sounding as good as their other wound strings but without the finger squeak and really like them.  The Flats are made in Argentina using a special winding process.  They are round wound on hex cores and then polished down to smooth... 😎

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  13. I like being versatile, some may call it diverse, in the genres I play in.  I like country, country rock, old and new rock and roll, blues, jazzy pop tunes, etc.  I like bringing back old tunes and doing them "My Way", (to quote Frankie) much the same way that Elvis and Ray Charles did. I don't like getting stuck playing any one thing all night.  When I jam with others, I can get into their groove.  I'll be jamming with my old high school buddies that played all Ventures music back in the 60's (at the end of this month).   I do make exceptions and get back into surf stuff when I'm with the friends I have played with all my life.  If they want me to sing, then they have to put up with my diverse material again LoL!  I can't name songs by Led Zeplin and many other very famous and popular bands.  But I know I like all of their tunes when I hear them on my classic rock station, when I'm out and about. I have always enjoyed singing around a campfire with others even though I don't know any square dance tunes.  I know it's good to meet new people and keep an ear out for new and old music...mostly old. 😎

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  14. @IMMusicRulz, we used to play Charlie Daniels tunes in my country rock band back in the early 80's. We had a ton of fun with the audiences, and I still love hearing them again today.  They bring back a lot of memories!  Here's another 'un: 🤠👍



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