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Posts posted by Larryz

  1. @LoInAz, Negative reviews of products and services by a company should be welcomed on forums just as they are for those with positive reviews.  It would have been nice to reach a compromise and for the guitar to get into the hands of the customer.  I appreciate hearing that the company made a full refund. It sounds like you can still get the guitar at a reduced price by having a friend purchase it for you.  It's not a good way for companies to do business IMHO.  I would just walk away and deal with a different company...  😎


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  2. @desertbluesman, I have a swamp cooler that I put in the window at the beginning of every summer. It does a good job from the morning up until about 4pm when it gets hot.  Then I kick on the AC and shut down the swamp cooler (aka: evaporative cooler). A lot of the time there is no need to kick on the AC as the swamp cooler keeps it cool up until the outside temp goes to about 90 degrees.  This really keeps the electric bill down.  There is an added benefit.  If there is a power outage and the power goes out on my AC, I can fire up the swamp cooler with my little backup generator and stay cooler than most of the neighborhoods. The old school techniques still work and come in handy!  Stay safe out thar Amigo!!! 🤠👍

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  3. Rest in Peace Tony Bennett,


    A great singer and an American icon passed away July 21, 2023 at the age of 96.  I loved the duet concert he did with Lady GaGa.  My wife and I loved going to San Francisco and playing tourist on many of our anniversaries.  They would play his song when unloading off the tourist-ship bay cruises and trips to Alcatraz. I won't go to the city now until they clean it up. But here's his legendary tune:




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  4. @Caevan O’Shite I didn't mean to give you the impression that I thought you were correcting me...but I did mean to thank you for the 85 correction info (as many years have gone by since I had it done). I had ordered the Hammett drop-in pickguard and took it to my tech as I also wanted the guitar routed under the spring plate cover for the battery before mounting the pickguard and soldering the jack connection.  For some reason I thought to ask if he would swap out the neck 81 for the 85, as I would like something a little more jazz-like up front.  He had no problem doing it as both pups cost the same, so I wound up with a custom-custom double fat Strat.  😎👍

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  5. @Caevan O’Shite, I have one Strat with the David Gilmour 3 EMG drop-in singles and with the EXG and SPC.  Very cool set up!  I think you are right in that what I thought was an 80 (poor old dude memory issue LoL!) may very well be an 85...I think the 80 is a mini?  Anyway, I wanted a jazzier neck pup and they do sell the EMG humbuckers in 85/81 sets. The 81 at the bridge makes for some nice trebly twang.  So, I had my tech modify the Kirk Hammett set up from an 81/81 to an 85/81... 😎


    cc: @picker

    post correction.

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  6. @picker, I have a two humbucker Strat, they are referred to as a Double Fat Strat.  The Fat Strat just has a humbucker at the bridge with a middle and neck single coil.  The Double Fat Strat comes with 2 humbuckers and a 5-way selector which really doesn't do much in the 2 and 4 positions. One volume and two tones.  So, I found an EMG drop-in loaded pickguard with 2 humbuckers, a 3-way selector with 2 volumes and one master tone. It is called the Kirk Hammett drop-in.  It has an 81 neck and 81 bridge. I had mine modified with a 80 neck and 81 bridge.  I really fell in love with the 3-way and the two volumes as it is more Gibson-like.  You can set it in the middle position and blend the humbuckers just using the two volumes for more or less bass and treble and fine tune it with the master tone control.  My only complaint was the knobs are twice the height as stock knobs and had no numbers. So, I ordered two black stock volumes and one stock tone knob with numbers from Stew Mac.  


    I really enjoy the 2 humbucker set-up in all 3 selector switch positions and I love the feel of a Strat with more of a Gibson-like tone settings. 😎




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  7. @whitefang, Nope, from your description it's not like any guitar I have ever owned and definitely not an Ibanez as I never cared for the brand... The closest thing I can think of would be my Taylor T3B with exotic woods, 2 humbuckers and a Bigsby, semi-hollow body.  It does have a wide light brown center plank with darker outer bouts top and bottom, with triangular swirl f-holes.  It's got to be the one you're thinking of...It's just flat beautiful! 😎

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  8. @whitefang, I always did Johnny B. in A.  I had my version of the intro and a stand-in drummer said "that's not the way Chuck Berry does it" and I said "that's because I'm not Chuck Berry", he laughed and said touché...My slower version came up by accident at one of my Cabin Jams.  We were getting bluesy with an instrumental version of Night Train.  For some reason I broke into the lyrics of Johnny B. Goode and it went over quite well.  It is a classic I IV V jump blues tune if you slow it down a little and it's very "danceable", which I proved at a few open mic gatherings later in life...😎

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  9. 32 minutes ago, whitefang said:



    LARRYZ--- Glad to be able to get in touch with you again.  You've always been a great guy.  But one thing has been bothering me since the ban along with the reason why you refused to answer my repeated inquiries as to why you changed your avatar from that nice lookin' Ibanez guitar to a buffalo skull? So how about it?  What was up with that? 




    Welcome back Fang!  Yeah +1 we always referred to Jim on the other site as Doc.  I never had an Ibanez guitar, so it was probably one of my black and white Strats in the Avatar.  Photoshop started charging to be on the site and took a ton of our Avatars and photos down for those that didn't want to pay for a subscription.  So, I chose a stock Avatar (i.e., a cow skull) from the list available on the GP Forum before the change to MPN. I had no meaning attached to my Avatar other than I needed one and I still kind of like it.  I haven't posted any pictures since the guitar Avatar came down...😎

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  10. @p90jr  Try playing House of the Rising Sun in Eminor and then mix it up with Little Red Riding Hood and find out where Sam the Sham got his chords LoL! Hotel California is also a cool tune in Eminor and drops down to where my vocal works.  The Aminor everyone uses for Hotel and House (and especially those that capo it up) is much too high for me to sing in...😎👍

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  11. @p90jr, +1 but when playing solo, you can do your own thing without explaining your changes. You can deviate from the record and if the crowd likes it, you're good to go.  If you're making a change to an important chord or in the chord pattern, you should advise the others at a jam session of the changes before playing the tune in front of an audience.  When playing with your regulars, they will have rehearsed the tune and know any of the chord changes, stops, tempo, key, etc. And +1 on repeating the mistake when it comes around again.  If it's a clam, just repeat it and make a jazz joke out of it.  Like DBM @desertbluesman I seldom play tunes just like the record as I like to do my own arrangements. But like Caevan @Caevan O’Shite I do my research and seek out the original before making changes.  I try to honor the original, but I may simplify or just use my ear and/or make it a little more jazzy, country, R&R, bluesy, etc. There is no "wrong" way unless you're way out of bounds.  1st and most important is finding the key that works for my vocals.  2 rules: The singer calls the key and the band's volume stays under the singer unless there is a lead break. I try to advise those that want to play with me of my philosophy before joining a band.  If they have a different philosophy, I just tell them "I'm not your guy." It's better to get things ironed out ahead of time IMHO...😎

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  12. @desertbluesman, +1,000 I like the Frank Sinatra philosophy of "I did it my way".  I think it comes from growing up on the Elvis Presley and Ray Charles philosophy of doing it their way too!  I have no problem with speeding up or slowing down a tune. I do a slower version of Johnny B. Goode.  I have no problem with changing, adding or deleting a chord when doing my own thing.  I do my version of Elvis medleys that can change on the fly depending on how I feel.  It usually starts with the key of E, That's Alright Mama, then goes into Train I Ride, then I throw in a little Folsom Prison (Johnny Cash), back to That's Alright Mama with my own original ending.  Or I may do Elvis in A, with Jail House Rock, All Shook Up, Shake Rattle and Roll, and I Gotta Woman.  Don't get me started in C, with Blue Suede Shoes, Any Place is Paradise, I'm So Glad You're Mine, etc., I love medleys... 😎


    @p90jr  I'm glad those Van Morrison fans are still out there requesting Brown Eyed Girl 5 times LoL!  I used to do that tune along with Moondance.  It may drive you a little bonkers, but I enjoyed hearing there are still people out there that like our oldies so much.  I could never spend the time copying note for note or learning someone's tab version of a song.  I just get the hook riff in Brown Eyed Girl using my ear and intuition.  It's not the same as the record but people know what it is, and I get away with it. The same goes for the chorus chords in Pretty Woman which ascend differently on the record than what everyone else plays.  When playing solo it's easy to avoid those after the gig debates LoL! 😎


    @niacin  Cool rendition of Tupelo Honey... 😎

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  13. 4 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

    I will be surprised if he isn't right back to being a condescending jackass.


    "Rule #4. No Trolls!

    If you are here to tell everyone how great you are, stir up trouble and see how many folks you can upset, you are in the wrong place."


    @Caevan O’Shite We have a great group of courteous common sense forum members like you on this guitar forum.  Hopefully if Fang comes back, he will help keep it that way...😎


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  14. 1 hour ago, Dave Bryce said:

    Nor me! :idk: 


    I’m just the guy with the keys to the place - this forum is here for you guys to run as you best see fit.  I would prefer to participate in this forum more as a fairly inexperienced guitar player trying to learn from y’all than as the police.

    If you want me to lift Whitefang’s ban, say the word.



    Giving Fang another shot is OK by me...and @surfergirl, and @desertbluesman, and @Scott Fraser, and @CEB, as far as I can tell from the comments so far... 😎

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  15. Jim Pate was a great guy and a true cyber music friend.  He made me an Administrator on his Talk-music Proboard site.  Many of us including Whitefang from the Guitar Players Forum, signed up for Jim's site as our forum was shutting down prior to MPN coming to the rescue, and it was a way for many of us to stay in touch prior to any Facebook sites.  Jim's site sadly died with his passing.  There were many that had problems with Whitefang on the GP Forum and some of them left the site because of him.  Thus, Whitefang was banned by Astring and/or Bluesape IIRC.  Whitefang acted appropriately on Jim's site and probably could have stayed on this site, if he could manage to do the same.  😎

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  16. Some of the on-line stores I order from are Stewmac for guitar parts, luthier tools, etc.  JustStrings for guitar, bass and other instrument strings.  Another cool site is Warmoth for guitar necks and bodies.  Maybe take a look at these sites and see hundreds if not thousands of goodies.  I don't know how the arrangement works with companies (like Warm Audio), but maybe MPN could have a link setup with these companies and get a kick back when we click on them via the MPN store?  Just a thought...:idk:

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  17. @YooperMichigan,  Testing house outlets, using hum elimination, surge protection and filters, etc. along with testing your guitar at other locations, and having a tech look at it, is all a great thing to do, especially since you had the whole guitar rewired.  It may still be the guitar, amp or guitar cord.  Narrow it down by just using these 3 pieces of equipment to be sure.  No pedals, mics, filters, other equipment, etc. You are probably right that it's in the guitar but bring a different guitar with humbuckers to your home and plug it in using the same outlet, amp and cord.  If the buzz goes away, then you know it's the guitar and not the cord or amp. If both guitars are humming, try a different or new guitar cord. If both guitars are still humming, it's probably in the amp and then you can try a different amp. A guitar buddy can bring his/her guitar, amp and cord over to your house for comparison if you don't already have the extra equipment.  It's a good way to check your house circuit if his/her equipment does not hum using your power outlet.  Once you know it's not your cord, amp or house power, then you can concentrate on the guitar. It's just a thought...😎





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