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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. You're not the only one. I feel exactly the same way. It is very good but not the CH solo I would've chosen to "go viral." That's actually true since at the time I only used to listen to Lingus as audio and hadn't watched the video, so I missed non-music related context such as that. Perhaps Martin's reactions are a key part of this solo having gone viral.
  2. Scary Pockets has developed conventions for their large library of YT videos. I like those videos, but am so glad they wisely threw their playbook out the window for this video and instead let CH do his thing. This video is much longer and more improvisational. SP has had great guests in their videos -- even a guy like Ben Folds stuck to their template. But Cory Henry, man, he does his thing here!
  3. Agreed. Almost kinds sounds like a cross between a Rhodes and a Wurlie. I'm posting an almost 7 year old interview with Jon Ginty because the questions asked then are still revelant today. Anyone not familiar with Jon Ginty, he has been a member of "Allman Betts Band" for several years now, and has quite an extensive resume. I saw him play Greg Allman's "Ain't Wasting Time No More" with ABB 18 months ago on a VV 64 at "The Met" in Philadelphia. That is an excellent endorsement video. I mean, of course it is produced by VV, but Ginty comes across as completely authentic and truthful.
  4. I've done a few gigs in 2021 so far. Building off a theme in this thread ("I'm getting too old for this"), I have never been so intent of streamlining and minimizing my gigging gear. Something about the time off makes the gear schlep extra painful. I'm going light and sleek. If not for my stool/bench, I can now carry all my gear in one trip!
  5. I'm repeating myself but this board is quite an accomplishment. In the midst of our usual fun debates about the relative merits of boards costing thousands of dollars, numerous forum-ites are planning to (and even excited about?) gigging this $199 board!
  6. Thanks, Al. Lots of good detail to confirm my instinct that these speakers don't do double duty as a DI box, although the features built into these powered speakers are remarkable technological progress compared to the type of extraordinary steps that were needed in the 80s like you described.
  7. Those matching sets in red and white look very sleek.
  8. I have a genuine question (not intended to provoke, as I've recall strong positions on this topic): it is accurate to describe the XLR output on the TS308 as a "built-in DI"? Is plugging a keyboard into a TS308 input and sending a feed from the TS308 XLR "Mix Out" functionally the same as, say, using a Countryman DI box?
  9. You warned us and I didn't heed the warning. I have a generally positive view of John Mellencamp, which makes this video even more bizarre and unsettling.
  10. John Mayer is fearless. Not afraid to pivot from his initial pop success to tour as a blues trio. Not afraid take up the "Jerry Garcia" spot in the latest iteration of the Grateful Dead. Not afraid to circle back and write a generic pop song.
  11. Oh wait, my bad -- I think I was remembering that Adan (not Aidan) had the P121.
  12. Thanks for the review, Aidan. Don't you also have a P121? How does it compare to the P515? I realize they are different price points but they're part of the same product line, correct? I don't need you to tell me how the specs differ. More curious about any stark similarities or differences you noticed between them.
  13. I confess ignorance: what's the deal with the bass drum and cymbals? Can the organ trigger those?
  14. Another hypothesis: I know some bar band musicians who are afraid that low volume will equate to low energy or otherwise cause the audience to disengage. I don't think that's true but some want the safety of consistent volume.
  15. As a half-solution, I've had some success "training" bandmates by presenting this type of situation to them as follows: "let's start quietly/sparsely so we can build up." Some dynamically-challenged musicians lock up when asked to "play less/play quieter" but kind of figure out something when asked to "play less/quieter so you can play more/louder a bit later."
  16. Thanks for sharing. I know one guy in this space... he's done VERY well for himself.
  17. This post made me recall that a few years ago (when I had my equipment insured against all perils through AFM) I would leave gear in a fairly shady rehearsal space over nights, secretly hoping my gear would be stolen so I could replace it with more current equipment. Never happened, though. Ha! Those in the insurance biz call this "moral hazard"
  18. I will underscore nonmusical factors mentioned by several posters: time and duration of the gig. My sweet spot is a three-hour gig that ends by 11pm. I have no problem saying no to the 10pm-2am opportunity.
  19. I soundcheck with master volume at 12 o'clock (i.e., about halfway).
  20. Check out this thread which discusses short weighted keyboard options, but unfortunately probably won't have good news for you: Travel Piano: Best action under 1m The thread includes this useful infographic:
  21. Good point. I trusted the title of the YouTube video but that could be wrong. I found a couple websites all claiming Cocker sang Feelin Alright on Ed Sullivan on April 27, 1969, including edsullivan.com, which includes a photo that matches the set design of the YouTube video. But I share your doubt that musicians routinely lip synced on Ed Sullivan. https://www.edsullivan.com/honoring-joe-cocker/
  22. What's going on with the pedals? Volume and sustain built in a single unit?
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