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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. Not sure if this is best thread for this but - fyi - MF has the MOXF8 discounted to $1200, I believe for this week only. Looks about $300 cheaper than other vendors.
  2. Great topic. Posting to follow the thread.
  3. Welcome to the forum, Dave! I'm not familiar with the FP10 so can't answer your questions, but we're glad to have you!
  4. Are you saying that the sample was TOO good for the price tier? As in, they accidentally used a premium piano sample for a consumer level board?
  5. Thanks. Here's another thread on this topic: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/3065395/re-roland-frp-1-costco
  6. Moe/CEB: Is the visceral reaction against X stands generally or this stand in particular?
  7. Cool. I'm suspicious but not certain that the video of his drumming is actually a loop. His drumming movements are too similar throughout the song. But I can't detect where the loop starts over.
  8. Zombie threat alert! Reviving to see if anyone has experience with this stand. I just learned about it. The concept of having a fixed width X stand intrigues me, to the extent I might want to use an X stand. But I suppose the market has spoken and voted this product down, insofar as it came out five years ago and I'm just hearing about it now and having trouble finding many reviews of it.
  9. That is a gig-able acoustic piano!!!
  10. Female artists are held to a different standards for sure. But there is more than just the one standard of higher criticism you are describing. Another facet is that some women can rely on sex appeal for success despite subpar music skills. I'm thinking in particular of some incredibly popular YouTube channels of women in low cut tops playing coffee-shop-quality covers on acoustic guitar. Also, some critics seem to have LOWER bars to judge women musicians, in the "pretty good for a girl" vein. For example, Bonnie Raitt is objectively a great slide guitar player, but she'll always be tagged first as the "best woman slide player," rather than as one of the Best [#] Slide Players ever regardless of gender. It feels dangerous to comment on these gender issues; there is always a risk of being misunderstood. The primary comment I'm trying to make here is that, as a man, I can't begin to understand how difficult it must be for women to navigate all these different, overlapping, moving targets for success.
  11. Thanks for sharing this. I just watched the song she performed earlier in the show ("Damage"). It is fairly generic contemporary R&B, and she is just singing without playing guitar. Nothing wrong with that performance but, had I seen Damage first, I might not have stuck around for "Hold On," which is much more impressive. Bringing the thread "on-topic," I can't tell for sure but I'm pretty sure the Rhodes is a shell or at least just a prop/window dressing. The keys player appears to be playing the Rhodes in Damage but I don't hear a Rhodes tone, and then I hear a Rhodes tone in Hold On but see him playing a Red (Nord? C2?) keyboard mostly hidden behind the Rhodes (shell).
  12. Agreed there is a lack of keyboard tutorials in this genre. I made a thread a few weeks ago about a few short YT tutorials by Matt Johnson of Jamiroquai, and people expressed appreciation for something as short and limited as that. There seems to be an increase in web-based tutorials lately -- there has been a decent amount of discussion here on courses by Herbie Hancock, Tony Monaco, Lachy Doley, and I think Joey D -- but still far from the volume of materials for other instruments. I'm sure others will offer more thoughtful explanations but I'll throw out two factors. First, I'm pretty sure the demand is lower. Millions of guitar players out there, and pretty much anybody who buys an electric guitar is interested in playing popular music of the last 70 years (Rock, R&B, Blues, Funk, Jazz, etc.). Fewer keyboard players by comparison, and their interests may not be on contemporary music -- some just want to play classical. Second, building on your (positive) stereotype, the keyboard players I know are the most resourceful people amongst the gigging musicians I know. In other words, perhaps the publishers don't handfeed material to keyboard players because they (we?) are the type of people who know how to (and prefer to?) figure it out on our own.
  13. I'm losing my mind over version 2! Incredible! This thread has been super fun to follow. I thought version 1 was impressive enough. But Version 2 -- the two angled top boards, the clean lines -- so creative and functional. Great work!
  14. lots of guys/ gals would kill for that rig, Ed. +1. That rig doesn't bore me in the slightest. Gives me GAS.
  15. Oh, maybe that's it. I was quoting from the Version 3.0 user manual. Perhaps earlier versions used a CP70 sample but, by 3.0, Nord had "upgraded" to this different electric grand as the preloaded default. I don't mind it in a band setting either, especially after a little EQ. But I remember it was derided by many, especially in comparison to the quality of the other sounds. Nord even marketed the acoustic piano as a "bonus" sound, perhaps to lower expectations. I've heard others say this. I was a jam session with an old-school guy with an NE4 who mused out loud about trading his NE4 for my NE2 because he "just couldn't figure out the NE4"
  16. Thursday throwback for those who own(ed) a Nord Electro 2. I have a NE2 I still use as a rehearsal board and (oh my gosh has the pandemic really brought me to this!?!) I was re-reading the User Manual today. Who remembers the six sounds in the Piano section? Stage Rhodes, Suitcase Rhodes, Wurli, Clav, CP70, and a (very unpopular) acoustic piano, right? Wrong! The "Electric Grand" is a "custom modified 1934 Garbstedt acoustic grand piano fitted with CP-80 pick-ups." What?!?! I'm hoping you guys can join me in a Mandela Effect false memory because I am certain my NE2 had a CP-70 sample and not this Frankenstein thing the manual describes.
  17. I'm late to this party. Just learned about this Lego mini piano from the holiday Lego catalog. Pretty cool! As others noted, it isn't playable, but the details are impressive -- hammer action, adjustable height bench, etc. This video explains that the sheet music on the piano is an original song written by the Lego fan who originally created the prototype of the piano and submitted it to Lego. Lego was so impressed they put it into production. Cool! [video:youtube]
  18. Yeah, Ginty is solid. I was distracted during the video though, by the lack of any Allmans during a performance of the Allman Betts band. Where was Devon?!?
  19. +1. Been following this thread closely but struggling to crystallize my opinion into words. Mike did it for me.
  20. fyi - I noticed one online music vendor with a special relationship with KC is currently advertising a limited time $200 off the CP73. Most other shops still listing regular street price.
  21. Some earlier discussion of the Valente in this thread: https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/3062549/spot-your-favorite-vintage-keyboard-scary-pockets Jack Conte (Scary Pockets) can be seen playing a Valente in the video in the first post of the thread.
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