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Everything posted by Morrissey

  1. An enthusiastic +1. I enjoyed reading Dave's history of the forum. I'm not much for internet social media but I'm quite comfortable here at KC. Synthizen2 summed up my sentiment nicely.
  2. +1. Remarkable performances! I was ignorant of this context for Collier's video.
  3. That video brought me a lot of joy. Hadn't seen it before. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Great video. I've never been to the Brooklyn Bowl but, from videos, musicians sure do seem to like playing there. Tons of great performances from that stage!
  5. I'll add Benevento/Russo duo. Marco Benevento and Joe Russo. They were active in the early 2000s. They used a lot of technology to push the boundaries of what an organ/drums duo could be. These two don't play much anymore as just a duo but have gone on to bigger projects in the jamband world, including collaborations with members of Grateful Dead and Phish. Here is a studio version and live version of one of their more popular songs, Sunny's Song. Notice that the drummer has a keyboard, too. In the beginning of the live video, he triggers chords on a sample pad, to free up the Benevento the play other keyboard parts. [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  6. This video was my first intro to Grace Potter. I don't begrudge her for adopting more of a glamorous frontwoman persona but it prevents her from showing off her organ chops that seemed central to her musical roots: [video:youtube]
  7. I thought it was the VR09. Cheers, Mike. Yes! They marketed them as a complimentary pair of light, compact, and affordable boards for the gigging musician. [video:youtube]
  8. Roland really missed an opportunity with the RD64. That control block on the left side completely negates the portability benefits of just 64 keys. The 73 key Yamaha P121 is a cm SHORTER than the RD64. https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2994939/1 The only excuse I'll grant Roland is that I recall the RD64 was released alongside a companion (unweighted?) board that was an identical length, that made for an aesthetically pleasing two-tier stack. Does anyone remember the model name/number of that companion board?
  9. Found it! https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2994939/1 Moderators: feel free to delete this thread.
  10. Today's thread about the Roland RD64 prompted me to search unsuccessfully for a thread (9-18 months ago?) where a forumite had created an incredibly detailed chart comparing the lengths of shorter keyboards (61-7X keys). I recall the poster had a very specific objective along the lines of fitting as many keys as possible in the back seat of a specific car model. The chart had images of various keyboards aligned by their middle "C" keys, IIRC. It was impressive research, and now I can't find it. Help, please!
  11. Yes, at the 1:26 mark of the video the "FP10" is clearly visible.
  12. The static image on the embedded Youtube vide seems to show "FP10" on the top right hand corner of the keyboard itself.
  13. here's a youtube video that provides some details (e.g., the specs listed on the outside of the manufacturer's box and on Costco's price tag. [video:youtube]
  14. But also +1 on this. OP and his bandmates might prefer the signature tone of the analog CX3 but the audience is unlikely to notice if replaced with a modern Hammond clone.
  15. +1. I've owned both the analog and the digital CX3. I'm not sure what I'd use if asked to imitate that "leslie" effect on the analog CX3!
  16. I'm not too picky about my clav tone but I can confirm this setup works and sounds good to me. The SK2 has several of the Clav pickup configurations to choose from, as well as many standard clav effects on board (e.g., auto-wah). I often do gigs with the SK2 configured as you've described: organ on the upper manual, and I toggle between Clav and Wurli on the bottom manual. (I don't remember if non-organ tones can be assigned to the upper manual.) I LOVE that this setup eliminates the need to bring an additional board. 2 in 1! I vaguely recall that, when I was researching my SK2 purchase, I found a few internet nuggets (posts on this forum?) where people who are much more concerned than me with authentic clav tone and feel were highly complimentary of the SK2.
  17. "Jacob Collier Plays the Same Song In 18 Increasingly Complex Emotions | WIRED" Fascinating to see his progression through the three tiers of emotions. This video is sponsored by Wired magazine so presumably is intended for a broad non-musician audience, but Collier's analysis of his own playing includes is a lot of music theory. [video:youtube]
  18. New video. This one really cooks. [video:youtube]
  19. Masterful! The greats make it look so easy, too. Fingers so relaxed!
  20. Matt Johnson of Jamiroquai has recently posted a few funk keys tutorial videos on YouTube, with perhaps more on the way. I'd classify them as for the intermediate level player, so perhaps not valuable for the more accomplished members of the forum, but so much on YT is for beginners, that these seemed worth pointing out for those in search of a few more items in their bag of tricks for funk gigs. [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  21. A certain "friendly" online music vendor has a "stupid" price today on a Harbinger 8" battery powered speaker / portable PA. Certainly not as high quality as other options listed in this thread but price of entry is VERY low for those who might've been on the fence about picking up an option like this for outdoor jam sessions, etc.
  22. In these times, there are probably a lot of options to rent space that aren't usually available to bands. So many businesses hurting for income; unused capacity. Just think of places with large indoor spaces -- gymnasiums, reception halls, museums, church halls, etc.
  23. This. I came to keyboards as a recovering guitar player, and probably the worst part of the transition was the cost of entry and the rate of obsolescence.
  24. So good to play these outdoor gigs while the weather is good.
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