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Posts posted by Bobadohshe

  1. Yeah. As a freelancer in a bunch of different styles, and a bandleader of my own projects, I definitely get overwhelmed. What I have found is that it helps to tackle what is immediately necessary: this booking deadline, this grant application, the gigs this week or next. If I have to work on my Turkish 9/8 for this week's gig, the synth programming takes a back seat. If I have a bunch of sounds to program and parts to learn for a gig, the Bach and Hanon slips. If I'm playing a lot, my time for composing is reduced. Always just trying to do the best I can with the tools and time available.


    This nails it for me.

  2. I was given a stern lecture by a quasi-famous person when I said something even vaguely able to be interpreted as negative about the music life. Basically his position was, we are gods among men, getting to live impossibly unique and blessed lives, and if you are not shouting your gratitude from the mountaintops every minute you are alive, you don't deserve the endeavor at all.


    Cough Kamau Cough

  3. I'd say you're at fault too for not asking are there any rehearsals involved and telling them if so I don't have the time. Both sides would of been able to make informed decision right from the start.


    Absolutely %100 with this - especially when you're a pro or semi-pro - a gig without at least one practice is unheard of - there's too many variables in assuming that what you play is what the band is playing - 'note for note' is not a prerequisite that is the norm these days.


    This is just not the case in California. There are incredible high quality bands where a sub doesn't need to rehearse.

  4. I've always loved cooking but getting signed up for Blue Apron about 4 years ago has really opened up my world. A 2 day lasagna project sounds like a ton of fun, but I don't see me having that kind of time anytime soon. Because their basic approach is the same for most of their meals, Blue Apron has taught me to make a nice 40 minute meal for two with a few hundred subtle variations of protein choices and preparation along with tons of approaches to veggie sides. Now it's to the point where I can make something out of whatever is laying around, or I can kind of execute something new and different on the fly.


    I wish I had time to do Bon Appetite Mag half day multi step gourmet preparations (I did do a few ciabattas earlier this year after overdosing on Great British Baking Show). But the day in day out application of cooking with a quick 20-40 min quality meal and constant cycle of buying whatever meat is on sale is what has really served me well.

  5. That's why I also have to give MAJOR props to Marina Sirtis. Everything about her roll was terrible: awful conception, awful writing, and (it's really obvious) awful direction. Yet, she stuck with it through thick and thin, and slowly made something of the character.


    I agree. Frankly I think the acting by most of the cast is pretty great.

  6. I must admit it got dusty in here a little bit when Riker showed up.


    As for the series. I will have to wait and see. I wish they could have kept just a little more of the TNG aesthetic. Not that interested in the inside of the ships looking like something out of a Marvel flick. Okudagrams would be a sight for sore eyes.

  7. Feel free to disregard if the sampler is more what you're looking for, but I'm wondering if a phone or tablet-based DAW might be a low-profile way to accomplish what you need. If all you need to trigger are a few loops and the occasional sample, I imagine Cubasis or Garageband or something of that ilk might do what you need without having to deal with as much setup/teardown. That said, I know sometimes having a big pad or button to whack is a little less fiddly than a touchscreen.


    Not a terrible idea but I literally use all my mobile devices for other stuff. My iPad for charts. My iPhone for social media / texting / misc. Also, like you said, I do dig a tactile button.

  8. I have that unit. Here"s my take



    -Small and good form factor

    -Easy to operate


    -pads feel Nice



    -loading times are sloooow. When I have bigger samples, it can take like 30 seconds to load a bank.

    -preparing samples a bit of a hassle, but it works well with audicity

    -you can"t turn off velocity sensitivity of the pads.

    -my unit Sometimes doesn"t trigger a sample. Not often, but say 5% of the time. Maybe my unit is broken?



    Do they need to load every time the unit powers on? Not looking to change banks really.


    Velocity Sensitivity kinda sucks! I have no use for it with one shot samples.


    My other 'con' is that this unit is kinda old. I wonder if something newer and better is being prepared to make its way out into the market place.


  9. Yep. They did a good job yesterday against the Brewers in the Wild Card Game.


    As for the Dodgers, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much this time. It seems like the Astros' year again.






    We'll see. The Astros are a juggernaut. But lots of things can happen. Man I love playoff baseball!

  10. Hey guys,


    I have a specific need and wanted to get your thoughts.


    My rig for the baseball / hockey / indoor soccer games is a Hammond SK2. I want to add a small sampler w/ sample pads so I can do some clap based charges or mix the organ / clap stuff together. Lots of other sports organists do this but they might have bigger organs w assignable keys or they'll have a second keyboard like a Tyros or they'll have something like a 360 Systems Instant Replay. I don't want all of that. I don't have room and on 2 out of 3 of these gigs I have to load my stuff in each time.


    I was thinking about this:


    Akai MPX8SD


    And maybe a tiny mixer.


    I'm thinking about a Key Largo as I use a DI anyway so this can mix and replace that.



    Regarding the sampler, I will load a couple clap samples into it, and then I was thinking maybe a couple of Linn style drum loops at different styles and tempos that I can play along to if I wanted.


    Any thoughts on a better way to do this? I want to avoid the hassle of a laptop which is why I want a self contained sampler. Maybe I should reconsider and just bring a laptop everytime which would give me unlimited options controller wise if I used Live.


  11. First thing I thought of:


    When I lived in LA, what I wouldn"t tolerate anymore...


    The Queen Mary.


    (You have to be there. Often bands had to load in through a single tiny service elevator, shared with food staff, that would never be enlarged for historical preservation excuses).


    homey don"t do the Queen.


    The #1 worst schlep in LA, without a doubt !



    That's pretty funny. I've been there, many times! I just smile and take the normal elevator anyway. Sometimes you have to go forgiveness not permission on some of this stuff for your own sanity.

  12. Flattered some of you roughly endorse my suggested ratio. I am really quite far from an aficionado, though San Diego is an incredible beer town. Beer is good but my palate isn't too discerning. I just thought about what I see people drink at parties.


    I have one alternative suggestion to the OP as someone who has thrown quite a few parties over the year:: people will bring beer as well. Put yourself in their shoes and realize that many feel it is the right thing to do when going to a party. Keep it in mind, maybe you don't have to buy quite as much.

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