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Posts posted by Bobadohshe

  1. The defending champs survive the longest playoff game in MLB history to advance to the next round. Congrats, Cubs fans! :thu:


    DAMN that was the longest in playoff history?! 5 hours it was pretty insane. Didn't know it was a record breaker. I watched the first 2.5 hours then went to a fun social activity with my wife. We were leaving that activity of a couple hours and I was amazed to see they were in the bottom of the 9th still. Great game.

  2. They just released the Montage--well, okay, last year, I think, but still, and now they throw the Genos into the mix. Seems that would to some extent invalidate the voices in the Montage, as savvy players would now wait for the Montage 2.0, i.e. the "trickle down" version.


    No way man. They are two different things and two entirely different segments of the gigging keyboardist population. Also, the Montage is only a year old. It's still considered very new. Nobody is holding off on a Montage waiting for the Montage ES or whatever.

  3. There are a lot of 'country club' gigs around here that pay anywhere from $300 to $500 a night for a solo performer. They don't want a band; too loud, too much space needed. They want solos or duos. With the Tyros or Genos, you could corner the market on that scene and make some decent bread. As long as you don't mind playing with... er by yourself all night.


    Yeah Jim exactly. This also works well if you play as duo with a singer (which I do sometimes). I don't have an arranger but I can see the appeal. You have a full sound that goes 100% through a P.A. and can be turned down as quiet as possible. You can make real music. It's a career path for some and a format that there still is demand for. That's why I don't look down on it -- anything that keeps a semblance of real performers entertaining is good for the overall health of our performing brethren.

  4. Watched the 15 min of him playing all those styles. I don't know much about the demand for these machines these days but it seems pretty great at what it does....? I wouldn't mind having one BUT, I have many other uses for $5k.


    That tele sound at 14:00 is pretty damn good for a keyboard.

  5. I'm looking for a vastly improved Braves team moving into the new Sun Trust Park. They ended 2016 as the strongest team down the stretch, so hopefully they can build on that.


    Since this is a keyboard-oriented forum, here's a relevant reply: Gotta give it up to the organist at Sun Trust Park. Never been there, but I've heard them play while listening to a Dodgers-Braves game on the radio. If anyone has more info on the organist, I'd sure like some more info on them.


    Matthew Kaminski! He's a jazz organist and he is one of the pioneers of the crowd sourcing tunes on Twitter and being an active voice the fans can reach out to.


    Matthew Kaminski

  6. Synthaholic, I give you credit. You root for your Braves year in and year out. They just got swept by 2 division rivals back to back and you find something positive in that. Good for you. :cheers:


    Then they swept my Padres in a 4 game series. Suntrust park is awesome by accounts of those who I trust who checked it out over the opening series. Congrats. If Braves stick to rebuilding they could be something great in a couple years. Sorry you have Matt Kemp though.


    A couple problems:


    1) Not quite accurate in a few places


    2) This isn't what the OP is asking for anyway. The OP wants the long jazzy solo piano intro BEFORE this part.


    Harmonizer posted that part here:


    I took my best shot at the piano-only intro from the LP version. It was harder to pick out the inner notes than work I had done before on the horn parts for the Steely Dan song Deacon Blues, which is saying a lot. The rhythms are not right partly because of rubato playing, but I think the notes are pretty close. I only got through the first 25 seconds, but thought I would share it anyway. You should be able to download the PDF from a post on page 2 of this thread:




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