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Posts posted by Bobadohshe

  1. I finally pulled the trigger after 10 years with my 2010 Macpro and am cruising with a brand new (refurb) iMac Pro which will hopefully serve me for years to come.


    I need to migrate all my old stuff over to the new one and in the process do some house cleaning / getting up to speed on modern ways of doing things.


    One big issue/hassle I have is that of photo/video management. Most of my stuff is in iPhoto. I liked iPhoto because I could easily see the filepath of the original media if I wanted. iPhoto hasn't been supported for awhile now. Instead it's 'photos'. Photos is insanely obnoxious because I CAN'T find the original file path.


    So I'd much rather not use the 'Photos' app. But iPhoto isn't a supported option.




    The way I use photos/video is a mix of personal / professional. I have tons of baby pics / life pics, and I have tons of band pics / videos that I create content from for professional use. I have never used iCloud. Should I? I don't really want to. I LIKE syncing my stuff manually.


    I would LOVE some kind of photo / video app where I can sort media into sub folders after importing (so I can have all my band stuff in one folder, baby stuff in another, hobby / gardening stuff in another, etc). And where I can easily get at the root file path so I can drag it into Final Cut or Photoshop if need be. Bonus would be if I can import all the media in my old iPhoto folder and organize it anew.

  2. Cool video! I don't dig the sound of it much at all though. I know a certain group of people love these boards and good for them. They sure have a cool vibey look. But even in the hands of this great player the sound is not for me.
  3. A lot of people really hated VIII, whereas it was far and away my favorite Star Wars film since the original trilogy. It's because it built its whole narrative around change, evolution, and destruction, and tried to take the Star Wars universe to a new place.


    RoS very deliberately walked all of that back, and I thought that was not only a missed opportunity, but a cowardly storytelling decision.......


    I thought Rise of Skywalker, on the other hand, was a lot of cameos and callbacks. Not what I had hoped for after a film that was so committed to reinventing the series for a modern time, and opening the franchise up to new ideas. More concerned with "look, this is Star Wars, can't you tell?" than truly developing the arcs of the characters and ideas the first two films had introduced. Stilted dialogue and pacing issues aside, it seemed much more concerned with being full of things that everyone found inoffensive than trying to tell a story.



    After a week or so of reflection, this is where I come out now too.

  4. Haven't seen it yet and am greatly looking forward to it. I checked out the Rotten Tomatoes rating. My thoughts:


    Rise of Skywalker: Critics 59% vs Audience 89%




    The Last Jedi: Critics 91% vs Audience 56%


    I always find that my enjoyment correlates with the audience rating, not the critics rating. Therefore I'm sure Ep 9 will be awesome.


    Also: I have been rewatching Ep 7 and 8 this week after watching 4,5,6 last week. I find myself enjoying the sequels much more than I have before, even the controversial Ep 8 which I wasn't a big fan of at first. There's more visual and story continuity between them all than I realized before, as they took great pains in Ep 7 and 8 to not overdo CGI and retain visual feel from the original trilogy.

  5. ...And in the good news / bad news department, I just got a corporate gig in Palm Desert on Thursday the 16th. One of the few things I love more than y'alls company is $$ so that frees up my seat. Might see some of you on the floor on Friday. Have fun, though I know you will without me needing to say so!
  6. I'm so happy I don't work in a field where I need even remotely that much power. I paid $2.5 K for my Mac Pro in 2010 and though it's getting rickety in many ways, it still does everything I need it to.


    For those that need that much firepower, is the machine worth it?

  7. Lots of smaller $100 or so gigs various people will pay with Venmo. My corporate band still cuts paper checks which seems kind of inefficient as there will sometimes be like 3-4 checks a week. But they do 1 check per gig and that's how they like to keep it straight. I don't mind at all I like the physical checks.
  8. At a gig last week, the bandleader told me she'd gotten paid by check so could Venmo me. I don't have an account with that, but asked if she could Paypal it to me and that worked out fine, have had a paypal account for 20 years or more I'd guess. Does Venmo offer any different or better functionality than paypal for transferring money, am I missing out on anything by not being on it? Paypal seems convenient enough to me, but maybe I'm living in the dark ages and don't realize it. (Of course if the person has an account with the same bank you do, transferring money is extremely easy.)


    Venmo is a little less of a pain in the ass than Paypal. They never take fees off a transaction. Paypal does if the sending party doesn't mark it the right way. And the app is a piece of cake. And there's this aspect of it: you don't need to have someone's E-mail address, you just need to find that person's Venmo username. It's nice because you don't have to jot down someone's stupid E-mail you can literally find them on Venmo with them standing right there and then send them the $.

  9. Sounds like you have been putting a lot of pressure on yourself to feel a certain type of way about music. That's the last thing you need. So if you think walking away will make you feel better then do it. These things can by cyclical too. One day you'll maybe want to get back to it. It's okay to feel that way. Enjoy being into it when you are, don't feel bad about being over it when you are. If you aren't forced to make a living doing this, then why force it upon yourself if it bums you out?
  10. Interesting bringing up Cores v speed. This reputable used Mac spot in my neighborhood has some great deals on 2015 iMacs with blazing fast processors, faster than your stock 2019 offerings. They've said the speed is really way more important. I was wondering if there was truth to this, and it seems there is.
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