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Posts posted by Dannyalcatraz

  1. 1 hour ago, hurricane hugo said:

    Someone on Twitter is asking what's the most '80s song ever. I say it's this:



    Good song from a good band…but most 80s ever?  I probably would have chosen their hit  “Wang Chung Tonight” over that one.


    But honestly, there’s so many great options, from bands that were huge and others that were 1-hit wonders.  I don’t know that I could choose “the best.”

    • Like 3
  2. On 10/7/2022 at 5:39 AM, Caevan O’Shite said:

    Well then... and in 1966! "Polydor did not release the album in the United States considering it "too radical and non-commercial"... "

    Fuzz bass, fuzz guitar, feedback, overdriven organ, and electric banjo...


    I bet you’d find that album in the collections of the first generation of punk musicians.

    • Like 2
  3. 19 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

    You and me, both!

    He could have simply sang some lines differently, avoiding the strained and bruised, wilted notes, as well.

    His ego and rude arrogance are not backed up by his being able to deliver.

    Yeah…I’m still not letting Page off the hook, though.  He was completely complicit.  If he’d have said a peep, those guys would have fallen in line to appease The Legendary Jimmy.

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  4. 17 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

    I don't care for his often flat, meandering spray-and-pray that the right pitch is hit SOMEWHERE in there along the way approach... He needs vocal lessons. Judging by live recordings of each of them, B. B. King- who always sounded spot on- could have taught him a lot.

    I don’t mind him being off now and then so much when he’s singing Black Crowes’ original stuff, but that album of Led Zep songs they did with Jimmy Page hurt me.


    For most of that recording, he does a pretty good job, and the Crowes do a solid job of playing those songs.  But on one song in particular, Chris simply can’t hit the high notes.  I mean, he’s trying, but it’s clearly not within his range.  And to me, that’s unforgivable.


    Its so much worse for me, not because of my love for the song, but rather because of the knowledge that it absolutely didn’t have to be that way.  Jimmy Page is a great guitarist, and before his storied career in a couple of famous bands, he was a session guitarist.  You can’t tell me he couldn’t have transcribed his own music to a pitch Chris Robinson could at least have a CHANCE of hitting the highs.  And if that wasn’t in his current bag of tricks, why the hell didn’t they HIRE someone?

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  5. I thought the German design product was damn clever, mostly because of the pickups.


    It did make me think of those magnetic letters & numbers with the whiteboard we probably all know from childhood.  Imagine pickups in those shapes, and altering your guitar’s output by spelling out rude words!*




    * or other messages, of course.

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  6. Many are the times in which I have asked whether someone could visually confirm something was in stock.  Because I have experienced enough instances where inventory systems (and other databases) varied from reality in any number of ways.


    But such is the great paradox of the Information Age!

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  7. Personally, I’d love to own/play something like a higher-end Somogyi or Ryan, but that will never happen unless I win some kind of lottery*.  Ditto a LOT of guitars & other gear on my G.A.S. list.


    But it makes for nice fantasies.  And it dovetails nicely with the fantasy about being skilled enough to really play them like they should be played, paired with the gumption to do so in public.




    * a SERIOUS win.  Enough to not only buy the stuff but also the space and infrastructure to properly CARE for such things.  

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  8. it’s really hard to judge acoustic instruments by their appearances.  When I was a cellist, I had a low-end but still pro-level instrument.  It was about $2500 in 1978.  It sounded great compared to most of the instruments it got played near.  Its finish was almost red.  

    My last instructor’s cello was over 400 years old, and looked it.  But when I got to play it- ever so briefly- I found it to be shockingly lightweight and capable of rattling tchotchke in the room digging in on an open C note.


    I also got to see California Guitar Trio’s Somogyi guitars up close when they were touring and doing shows at Border’s.  Those run over $30k each.  But not only were they beautiful, the craftsmanship and skill involved in their construction yielded 3 guitars that sounded virtually identical to each other.*






    * Which they proved by playing a piece in which there were 3 different guitar parts being played, and they swapped parts in the fly.  The only way to really tell was by watching their fingers.

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  9. I’ve checked out all of those, with mixed results.  So much of what I’m finding is on the smaller side or too shallow.  Still, I’ve definitely got some options at each of them.


    I think PB had some reasonably priced ones from a brand I’d never heard of that were a good size and depth, and they came in a variety of colors, including one that looks like it is close in coloration to our current set of everyday dishes.  The hangup?  They’re enameled carbon steel, and ideally, Mom wants something that’s also microwave safe.



  10. I just recently found out my local cable provider has MTV University and MTV Classic hidden in its offerings.  The former plays new videos.  The latter plays older stuff, usually in decade-specific blocks- 80s, 90s, etc.  Its a blast being able to turn on a channel and be awash in music videos again.  But I’ve also been reminded of the dark side.


    On MTV U, I’ve seen them spamming the same videos over and over.  In the couple of weeks since my discovery, there’s at least a half dozen I can recognize without looking.  And one that premiered yesterday was played 3 times in 90 minutes.


    MTV Classic is better…and worse.  While I haven’t seen many VIDEOS repeated, I have seen them binge broadcast certain BANDS.  In the course of an 80s block, they played 3 Depeche Mode songs.  All were among my DM favorites, but it’s not like they were the only band releasing anything in that era.


    Over the past year, I’ve also discovered the joys of using YouTube on my bedroom smartTV.  While I will occasionally look up certain performers, like Douglas Blue Feather, Bill Laswell, and Brian Eno, my most common usage is as a white noise generator.  IOW, I look up 3-10 hour nature/ASMR videos with crashing surf, rainfall, wind through bamboo stands, flowing streams, riding along in passenger trains, waterfalls and so forth, letting them run.  I set my TV shutdown timer for 90+ minutes and drift off.

    • Like 4
  11. That kind of tomfoolery can happen with small retailers as well.


    I went shopping for my first Reverend at a small store in the ‘burbs, and was shocked to see what else they had in stock.  Besides a decent supply of Revs, they carried G&L, Taylor, and even had a Gibson room.  After trying a bunch of stuff out, I went home to mull things over.  I was torn between two Reverends and a G&L.  I decided on a limited edition Reverend Flatroc- a different model than the one I had initially been shopping for.  There were only 50 made, with that number spread out over a half dozen colors or so.


    I fired up my tablet, found their website, and pulled the trigger.  Got an email with a confirmation number for my order and everything.  When I checked my email in the morning, though, I had another email from the store.  It seems someone sold that guitar to a different customer before checking the computer orders, etc.  I was given a full refund.


    In the end, I had to find the guitar in another state…in a different color.  I never bought anything from that store. (And they closed a few years later.)

    • Like 2
  12. Sad to see, but…it’s entirely possible that brand-centric threads or subforums on major guitar sites will be almost as good as each brand trying to maintain their own bulletin boards.  If nothing else, there will be less of an “echo chamber” effect, which could be good for maintaining competitive competence and quality of customer service.

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  13. Basically, yeah.  The core idea was our traditional creole thanksgiving leftovers as a casserole/pot pie thing.  Like I said, it was pretty good, but there was clearly room for improvement.  

    Mom & I are definitely delving into finding the right size and shape individual portion oven-safe cookware for this.  We’ve looked at dozens of crocks, au gratins, tarts, ramekins, coquettes and other cookware to find something we can work with.  We’ve weeded out some with odd shapes, vague assurances of being oven safe (without listening temp ranges) and difficult care or storage requirements.  We’ve found some strong contenders, but no clear winners, yet.

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  14. Here’s a link about a “Thanksgiving Casserole” I made.  It was a mixed bag of successes and mistakes.  Plenty of Roman for improvement, but I’m planning on doing it again…when I get the proper cooking vessels for it.


    A couple of selected pix:




    The main issue was what I cooked it in.  It was too loose to be served fresh out of the oven from a standard baking pan- it just disintegrated.  


    Dishes like this are best made & served in an individual cocotte/crock/bowl of some kind, like a chicken pot pie or French Onion Soup…which im ALSO interested in cooking.  So now I’m shopping for something in the 16-22oz size that can handle 350-500degF and doesn’t have protruding handles.

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  15. Nothing really new to report, but…I just added Chase Bliss Audio to my list of pedal brands that I’m probably buying new ONLY (joining Spaceman Effects).  Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with buying them used.  They’re great pedals, and they’re well made.


    But the used market on them is RIDICULOUS.  I had long been interested in their Spectre flanger.  Hell of a stompbox.  But the price tag kept me from getting one every time I looked.  I could afford one , no problem, but I had other priorities.


    I just looked at them on Reverb.  The Spectre has been discontinued, and prices for used ones are going between $800-1100.

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  16. On 9/18/2022 at 1:44 PM, hurricane hugo said:

    My fave of YT's recent recommends. Been blasting this 2x daily for several days now, and I'll probably continue doing it thru the oncoming winter. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



    As a fan of both goth & surf, I approve of this fusion!

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  17. I’m a fan of Eggs Benedict, and I’ve tried many variations.  Most were pretty good.  But the original is still my fave.


    Another basic but tasty dish is bacon & egg pan pie.  It’s as simple or complicated as you want, but as you’ll see from the videos, it’s best done when feeding a bunch of people.






    And then there’s shakshuka…



  18. I forgot those!  Yeah, they all work with eggs, too!


    Back to eggs, though…


    As simple as it is, I still like the occasional egg drop soup, usually at Chinese buffets, topped with some green onions.


    The Italians have something similar called Stracciatella.  Their take adds spinach and is seasoned slightly differently.  Still, good stuff, and it’s a soup I occasionally make for myself. I whisk the eggs and seasoning together in a measuring cup.  Then I slowly drizzle it into my chicken & spinach broth mix, disrupting the flow of the pour with my whisk.  This results in nicely seasoned sheets and filaments of egg suspended in the soup.

  19. I like eggs fried, omelettes, scrambled, hard boiled, soft boiled…. I like eggs.


    I’m also a major cheeseophile, and often experiment with pairings with eggs.  Depending on how I prepare them, cheeses I like with eggs are:





    Smoked gouda

    Boursin (original)







    Blue Castello



    I enjoy poached eggs in soups.  A place near me does an udon noodle soup with spinach and a poached egg- I typically add a second one.  Back in the 1980s, I was traveling in Hungary and was served a bowl of goulash with a raw egg cracked on top at the tableside.


    The humble (and cheap!) Breakfast Jack is a perennial favorite, as is Denny’s similar Moons Over My Hammy.  The former, I season only with black pepper.  The latter I sometimes eat straight, sometimes with a custom dipping sauce: yellow mustard and A1 steak sauce in equal amounts blended with Tabasco and black pepper to taste.




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