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Posts posted by Dannyalcatraz

  1. 47 minutes ago, Caevan O’Shite said:



    Unless there's something cushioning and protecting that I'm just not seeing, having the neck lay across the body when disassembled and in the case would likely dent and damage both in no time.

    It goes by fast- 0:12-0:15- but it looks like the neck is suspended in brackets slightly above the actual body of the guitar.

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    In the pot…






    Taking stuff out of the freezer to eat to make room…for Thanksgiving leftovers. 😉


    Had a slab of turkey breast and some homemade turkey stock, but didn’t want to do the usual.  So I adapted a chicken tortilla soup recipe to make a pasta sauce.




    1) turkey breast (cubed)

    2) homemade turkey stock

    3) one yellow onion

    4) green onion

    5) 1 can diced tomatoes 

    6) 1 can tomato paste

    7) celery 

    😎 carrots

    9) lemon juice

    10) cumin

    11) cilantro 

    12) salt

    13) pepper

    14) parsley 

    15) chives

    16) sliced avocado 

    17) shredded parrano cheese

    18) egg noodles 


    After sautéing and seasoning the veggies, I added the chicken, then the tomatoes, lemon juice and stock.  While that was going on, my noodles were cooking and I started a light roux.  


    After I let the main pot simmer and cook down, I added the roux and folded the noodles in, making sure they were all nicely coated.


    Plating was a few large spoonfuls, topped with shredded parrano, some more green onion, and half an avocado, sliced.


    Results: damn good for an experiment.  Reviews were 100% positive, so we’ll do this again.  There’s room for improvement, though:


    1) I forgot to get Monterrey Jack cheese, which is the classic topping for tortilla soup.  I subbed parrano- which I had on hand- because it melts nice and plays well with tomatoes.  But I believe the classic Jack would have been better.


    2) you may have noticed there was no bell pepper.  While that’s a classic ingredient in tortilla soup, one member of our household has issues with them.  That said, I MEANT to substitute a different mild pepper- Anaheims, poblanos, anchos or the like.  Just like the Jack, I just forgot to buy them.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have any good substitutes on hand.


    3) sliced avocado is another traditional topping for tortilla soup.  But added ON TOP of this pasta sauce- as opposed to IN the soup- they threw off the flavor balance a little.  The sauce that was nearly perfect from the pan was suddenly under salted when you got a bite of the avocado.

  3. Do you want a good laugh?  A really good laugh?  There’s a UK-based comedic troupe that has done a few plays and now have a TV series.  The core conceit is that they’re a community theatrical group trying to do some quality work…and things go wrong.  EPICALLY wrong.  Snowball down a mountain wrong.  Spinal Tap wrong.


    The best summary description I can give it: high-brow slapstick, well-performed.  I’ve personally seen The Play That Goes Wrong online and in a theater with friends & family.  I’ve seen Peter Pan Goes Wrong online, as well as excerpts from A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong.


    And I just this past October discovered our local PBS station is airing The Goes Wrong tv show, and I’ve caught 2 of the 30 minute episodes.


    Check your local listings and theater schedule!  They have been touring the Play for a while, now, and they’re playing the Kennedy Center next year.






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  4. 23 hours ago, Winston Psmith said:

    It's 2:42 AM, which is now 1:42, yes, I'm awake, and yes, I have a completed track ready. Going to load it into SoundCloud after I move it over to the computer.


    Late edit: Here it is - Waking Dream

    The vibe I’m getting here is…


    Imagine Brian Eno or Laraaji being asked to score a character’s lucid dream sequence.  The dream in question being simultaneously beautiful, enjoyable, portentous and, at times, ominous.  The character awakens, mystified.

  5. 5 hours ago, surfergirl said:

    We noticed the same thing at The Eagles concert that we attended a few years ago. The white population of Oahu is maybe 20% but they made up easily 90% of the audience. No problem, we got along with everyone and made some new friends.  But it was a little strange.

    Can’t say I recall any obvious or serious racial animus directed at me personally in the Metal community- or any concert, for that matter- but it happens.  Mostly, I’ve been regarded as more of a curiosity than a threat or target.


    i can remember a time when I used to see this cute black girl at a particular Austin rock/metal club for all the best shows.  We never met, but we often gave each other a head nod or a cup salute across the room before the show.  We were usually the only blacks in the room.*


    These days, though?  There’s enough diversity among the fans and performers it seems my presence at a metal show barely warrants a blip on anyone’s radar.



    * The only exceptions springing to mind were when King’s X came to town, and the Ice-T/Bodycount/Eye & I show.  And the LA Guns/Shark Island club show audience in San Antonio was half hispanic…mostly from one biker “club”.

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

    Hmmmmm...  🤔


    (I’d say that date in the title was DD/MM/YYYY format.)


    Looks like show!   Probably the most usable footage from that show.  My friends and I were seated in the upper tier on stage right, about a 30deg angle off of the center of the stage.

    Another, more personal aspect of that evening was noting how overwhelmingly white the audience was.  I mean, I knew going in that metal fandom skewed heavily caucasian, but there were so few other non-whites in attendance you could literally pick them out.  (As we did between sets.)


    It’s all the more surprising in retrospect, given the huge hispanic metal community in San Antonio, a city which (even then) was majorly hispanic.

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  7. 15 hours ago, Caevan O’Shite said:

    Would this have been May 2nd in 1988? (Or February 5th, 1988?)

    Could have been!  It was definitely after my freshman year at Trinity University (86-87) because I know I was the driver, and I got my Grand Am in mid-87.  And school would have been in session for either date.


    Given that finals would have been approaching, it would almost HAVE to be February.


    It’s interesting to me trying to think about more details on that show.  It made me remember I knew 2 of my fellow attendees earlier than I recalled. It’s also funny to see that some places list the show as being in the Convention Center, when it was actually HemisFair Arena- we were seated pretty high up.  (College students buying cheap seats!)

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  8. On 10/30/2022 at 9:50 PM, KuruPrionz said:

    Saw Ronnie Jame Dio on tour with Vivian Campbell on lead guitar. Probably the loudest concert I've ever damaged my hearing for. Dude had pipes!

    My first ever rock concert was in San Antonio: Dio with Megadeth and Savatage as the opening acts.  It was an amazing experience etched in my memory.


    …because as good as the music was, it was also a distilled homage to Spïnal Täp.


    Savatage opened the show with a 45 minute set, of which perhaps 20 minutes of it included being able to hear the bass player.  His signal would cut out, and roadies & techs would scramble to get him audible again.  They would succeed, but minutes later, he’d cut out again in a neverending cycle.  When they wrapped up their set, the bass player took off his instrument, grabbed it by the neck & headstock, and threw it tomahawk-style at the crew off stage righr.


    Megadeth was next.  Their set was going fine for the most part.  Then Dave announced the show was being filmed for MTV, and we all cheered.  They then launched into “Devil’s Island”.  Then, shenannigans ensued: Dave was shout-singing “Devil’s Island!  Devil’s Isl…” and the entire arena went pitch black and silent.  We all cheered!  10 minutes of darkness made it clear this was NOT part of the show.  When the house lights came up, Dave announced, “We blew a fu…n’ fuse!”  Their set cont8nued without further incidents.


    Then came Dio.  At the time, he was touring with his “million-dollar” stage setting full of fantastic robotic creatures.  During one song, we got a spider firing lasers over the crowd.  In another, they had a fire-breathing dragon.  Then, near the end of Dio’s set, the spider and the dragon engaged each other in battle!  It was spectacular: flames jetting at the robo-spider, lasers glinting off the robo-drake. When the dragon missed the spider and ignited some speakers on stage left, we cheered!


    Turns out, THAT wasn’t part of the show, either, quickly made clear by the panicked guitarist and the frenzied actions of the small army of extinguisher-wielding roadies.


    As we filed out of the arena that night to my car, I asked my more concert-savvy friends if this error-filled display was typical.  They quickly disabused me of any thought that the show was in any way normal.  Good times!

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  9. 5 hours ago, surfergirl said:

    How it's made:                

    This is an AkuShaper, which is

    the machine we. It takes about 20-30 minutes to rough shape a board. Once it comes off the machine it takes about 4-6 hours(not counting time for the resin to dry between steps)to finish, sometimes more.There is a minimum of 4 steps done by 3 or 4 workers to finish. 


    Here’s a H.I.M. surfboard segment from a decade or so ago, featuring Hobie:



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  10. On 10/14/2022 at 11:56 AM, surfergirl said:

    Ever since I started working in a factory, I've been intrigued by the manufacturing process. I don't think people realize how much is still done by hand, even in the machine era. 



    No question. However, even those machine processes can be fascinating.


    There’s a show we used to watch a lot that my Mom has recently rediscovered called How it’s Made.  i don’t know if it’s still in production, but it’s definitely airing in rerun-a-thons.


    And the name says it all- that’s all they show: how different things and products in the world are made.  There’s no rhyme or reason, it’s just…short mini-documentaries on how something- candy, instruments, car parts, sports equipment, etc.- gets fashioned from its based elements to finished products.

    Some of what shows up is artisan/craftsman made.  Some are recognizable global brand name products.  It’s really a series with something for everyone.

    And as surfergirl points out, some of the manufacturing processes depicted do have steps that are done or supervised by human workers, not just machines. 

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  11. The more people you meet from other walks of life, the more you realize there’s more out there than you realize.


    Once upon a time, I was amused and bewildered by VP Dan Quayle’s obvious unfamiliarity with Deep Purple (in an interview).  But over time, I’ve found so many odd and interesting points of incongruous commonality and bewildering dissimilarity that I realize it’s just part of the human condition.


    I routinely amaze people with the depth and breadth of my musical knowledge.  Even my Mom- a former music teacher- occasionally gives me cockeyed stares at some of the stuff I routinely dredge up. 

    At my barber’s shop on a crowded day, I was pointing out that schools all across the USA used to have some kind of basic music education.  I illustrated this by start8nf to hum “Cherry Blossoms”, a song taught on recorder in several schools I attended.  Every last patron over 35 or so joined in; everyone younger was looking around in amazement because they had no clue.


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  12. I’m amused that they point out its compact and rugged.  Like a MXR pedal would be anything but!


    Niiiiice pedal though.  Adding it to the shopping list.


    FYI: to any of those who occasionally import gear from the UK, NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOP!  Because of the blink and you missed it administration of England’s PM Liz Truss, the currency is at a historical low of approximately .9£ to $1.


    Might get me something new from ThorpyFX…

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  13. Literally just a couple hours ago, I found out about a “supergroup” called Piroshka that released an album in July 2021.  It’s now on my shopping list.



    Miki Birenyi (ex-Lush: Vox & guitar)

    KJ “Moose” McKillop (ex-Moose: guitar & keyboards)

    Mick Conroy (ex-Modern English: bass)

    Justin Welch (ex-Elastica/Suede: drums)



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  14. Don’t remember if I’ve posted this before, but this band is back in my focus.  They’ve been rocking since the late 80s, but I only discovered them a few years ago.  

    Unfotunately, Japanese rock & metal bands rarely tour in Texas, so I’ll probably never see them or any of the others I’d love to see live.




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