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HAHAHA!!! Glen Danzig Get's knocked out!


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DANZIG frontman Glenn Danzig allegedly got into a scuffle with NORTH SIDE KINGS singer and frequent SOULFLY collaborator Danny Marianinho following DANZIG's performance in Tuba City, Arizona Saturday night (July 3). The following is Marianinho's official statement regarding the incident, as sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET:


"Before crazy rumors begin to spread I would like to explain what happened:


"NORTH SIDE KINGS (web site) were to play with DANZIG last night in Tuba City, Arizona. To make a long story short the whole show was a disaster and a few bands got bumped off. Mr. Danzig (or his management??) refused to push back the original scheduled time slot so NORTH SIDE KINGS and RAPID FIRE would have to play 'after' his set. Whatever we agreed to play later because we drove 6 hours and didn't feel like going home without playing.


"Needless to say, as soon as DANZIG was finished, the venue turned on the lights and DANZIG's crew and the staging company began to take the stage apart almost instantly. I confronted Mr. Danzig backstage while he was signing autographs and told him I thought he was an asshole because of his 'rock star' attitude and no consideration towards the FEW other bands that got bumped off tonight. In a fit of rage he turned around and slammed me into the wall yelling '**** you, mother****er,' trying to be a big, tough guy in front of his fans. I, in self-defense, punched him in the face, knocking him out as he was attacking me again. He went down, bleeding from his mouth, eyes rolled back, and in shock that he got knocked to the floor so quickly.


"A friend happened to tape the entire incident and this is all documented. Many witnesses saw him attack me, and I did what any man would do.


"It was unfortunate that this went the way it did and I hoped Glenn Danzig learned a valuable lesson tonight: Do not lay your hands on anyone unless you can handle what may happen.


"I apologize for nothing, except for the poor little kids that had to witness this big asshole get his ass kicked in a matter of seconds..." Danzig goes down!!

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they are such children... :rolleyes:


I'm sure Danzig was crying for his:




Tell Danny not to walk my way

Tell Danny not to hear my words

What they mean

What they say





"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Danzig are still going?! Haven't heard about them in years!!! As I recall he was a prick back then too....


Do they still suck??? :D

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Having seen this video, I have to say that the guy getting his clock cleaned deseverd every bit of what he got! I am no fan of either one and do not know their music. But if the guy getting punched didn't want to have dental work, he should not have laid his hands on the other guy! Case closed.
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Dumbass. Danzig might be big, but the guy that swabbed the deck with him was no little kid either.


But, I tellya what...Vince McMahon is losing some cash by not hiring these guys... :D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Dumbass. Danzig might be big, but the guy that swabbed the deck with him was no little kid either.


But, I tellya what...Vince McMahon is losing some cash by not hiring these guys... :D

Vince Mahon?? What about DON KING??? I would like to see a rematch on HBO!
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Yeah, John Christ deserved better, and probably took a good part of what Danzig had going for'em when he left.


I recall making the mistake of bothering to read an interview with Glen Danzig. It opened by playing up to all of these martial arts weapons and various arcaana decorating his home, and Danzig displaying two "pointed sticks" and glowering, "These are for killing people." :rolleyes: Hah! What drivelly schlock!! :D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Will have to watch it when I can download it from home...


Would have been even funnier if it had been someone from Poison or TigerTailz in full glam regalia putting him down :D

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I'd like to see a rematch,you couldn't see shit

on that video. Father do you want to butt heads with me?

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Dumbass. Danzig might be big, but the guy that swabbed the deck with him was no little kid either.

Actually, Danzig is shorter than me. Somewhere under 5'6 or 5'5. And the other guy wasn't much bigger. A lot of snotty lead singers are short.
"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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Hell, I've known guys that'd take both of 'em out simultaneously without havin' to put much work into it! Some of 'em liked fighting, it was fun to them, and a sock in the jaw would just get 'em started!


(Good to be FRIENDS with guys like that, and not on their $h!t-lists!) :freak:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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danzig played SLC in the very very beginning of his solo career, before everyone knew the words to "mother."


anyway, he got bumped from a small arena at the fairgrounds to a little shithole called the "speedway cafe" because they couldn't sell any tickets.


he played four songs and quit.


what a tosser, he totally deserved that beating.


i still want my $7 back.

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How long until this shows up on VH-1 as part of a "top 100 feuds" presentation? Is there film of that White Stripes nonsense from a few months back?


Basically, WTF? I can see athletes coming off the field getting in fights because of the competition. But isn't music an exhibition, not a competition?


Also heard one of the female spectators drop the c-bomb. Classy bunch.


Is Danzig a has-been or a never-was?

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Billster- What "White Stripes" nonsense? Did Meg White knock Danzig on his @$$, too? Or was it Axel Rose she put the hammer to? :D


I'd say that Danzig falls into the "legend in his own mind"-category.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite:

Billster- What "White Stripes" nonsense? Did Meg White knock Danzig on his @$$, too? Or was it Axel Rose she put the hammer to? :D


I'd say that Danzig falls into the "legend in his own mind"-category.

You know, the White/VOn Bondies thing...turns out it's December: Jack White arrest report


Then there's the always entertaining

Courtney Love\'s Assault Charge


Everybody's a tough guy. Even the girls.

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Originally posted by FunkJazz:

danzig played SLC in the very very beginning of his solo career, before everyone knew the words to "mother."


anyway, he got bumped from a small arena at the fairgrounds to a little shithole called the "speedway cafe" because they couldn't sell any tickets.


he played four songs and quit.


what a tosser, he totally deserved that beating.


i still want my $7 back.

Yeah, the ONLY reason he was on the bill at Woodstock 94 is because "Mother" was popular at the time.


I'm sure THAT was the highlight of his career. I don't know, I just never got into them. Too "dark" for my taste.

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Originally posted by Guitars are like shoes. But louder.:



" .. kick his fucking ass"..!


Fights seem to turn otherwise refined ladies into girls.


ahhhhh refined ladies backstage at Danzig??? :freak:
overheard street personality on Venice Beach "Man, that Bullshit is Bulllshhittt...."
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Originally posted by BiC:

Originally posted by FunkJazz:

danzig played SLC in the very very beginning of his solo career, before everyone knew the words to "mother."


anyway, he got bumped from a small arena at the fairgrounds to a little shithole called the "speedway cafe" because they couldn't sell any tickets.


he played four songs and quit.


what a tosser, he totally deserved that beating.


i still want my $7 back.

Yeah, the ONLY reason he was on the bill at Woodstock 94 is because "Mother" was popular at the time.


I'm sure THAT was the highlight of his career. I don't know, I just never got into them. Too "dark" for my taste.

I only liked Danzig in its early incarnation, mostly because of John Christ. He was I think, about a semester (?) or so away from getting his music degree from Towson University when he was tapped for the guitar slot in Danzig. Tempting, I suppose, but personally, I would've gotten my degree first. Maybe he's finished that on the side, but I'm not sure.
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God I remember that song Danzig had like 10 years ago. Mother I think was the name. He F*CKIN SUCKED!!! I couldn't believe how horrible he was, nor could I understand how he could make it big. ALL image no talent. This crap is funny as hell to watch over and over. What an arrogant prick. He got what he deserved.
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The video was hysterical and I don't blame the guy for knocking him out, but I wouldn't have agreed to move back the time if it was my band unless they were going to pay overtime. Danzig may have had to pay people extra to hang out, and even if not, why should he have to extend his gig so other guys can play? It's not his problem and not his responsibility. The guy who punched him out and his band should have been paid-play or not. If I show up to a gig and they say you can't play but here's the dough, I'm cool......
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