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When is off-topic too far?


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A few posts have alluded to the fact that posts have strayed too far off-topic.


I agree that we should provide information relevant to the topic at hand first and foremost.


At the same time, I thought KC was a community as well. So, in addition to providing advice, knowledge, opinions, etc., I figure it was a place to "hang out" i.e. communicate too.


If we did not stray from the topic within reason, threads would die more quickly, post counts would stay low and I would not LMAO as much as I do.


IMO, KC is a well-maintained forum in general. Some threads do spiral out of control but there are not a whole lot of personal attacks or issues leading to a negative vibe or degradation of the forum.


Should we deal with the topic at hand, move it along and relegate the conversation and sense of humor to PMs?


Like I said before, KC rocks! I enjoy hanging out here. Just want to gather your thoughts on thread etiquette.


What can we do to keep it positive and fun? :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Originally posted by ProfD:

If we did not stray from the topic within reason, threads would die more quickly, post counts would stay low and I would not LMAO as much as I do.

:thu: I've seen forums where the on-topic thing is a ridiculous "straightjacket" and sometimes used as a "gun" to prevent people from saying certain things. I think this forum would be pretty useless if we didn't have conversations that go off on various tangents.


However... I think if someone's asking a specific question, then that question should be dealt with. Some OT is OK within this, especially after the question has actually been dealt with; sometimes "related" issues aren't strictly on-topic, but they actually are very important and relevant to the topic.


So, in that sense the comment about The Doors thread going OT and not really dealing enough with the actual question asked was fair enough.


If the post is something like "Seriously, whats wrong with yanni?" then c'mon... it's open season. ;)


BTW, this forum is one of the best if not THE best I've seen on the Web. :thu:

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I really think that the original topic should be discussed and questions answered before the thread strays off topic. It does not bother me if someone hijacks a thread after it is played out, but in the mist of the on topic discussion it can be an aggravation.



This post edited for speling.

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What can we do to keep it positive and fun? :cool:
More hors doeuvres.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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I view message boards as discussion boards, not reference books. Just because a topic gets started doesn't mean that thread has to go in some linear fashion to ONLY talk about that specific thing.


People have different experiences and thus have different things they are reminded of because of a thread topic that has some link in their mind that others may not see. It's the off the beaten path stories that are the most interesting to me most of the time. If a thread goes a way I'm not interested in seeing it go, then I just stop readig that thread.


People are not robots (except sight readers -- JUST KIDDING!), so responses shouldn't be expected to fall into some rigid template.


All that said, sometimes people go too far and really change the topic big time, but who's to say where that line is? I know I'm not important enough to say.


By the way, I LOVE The Doors. :)

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Well is this...


Originally posted by soundscape:

Originally posted by Jazzwee:

There lies the problem. There is no label to indicate what size it is before you buy (at least nothing obvious to me). Even as I download, some items have a size label. But the ones with no size label are 200mb each.


I've only downloaded 3 files out of 25. This would not normally be a big concern. However, they only allow you 72 hours do download EVERYTHING. The server was down last night. So I have 60 hours left. This means I cannot leave my computer or I lose the chance! Well I emailed tech support about the server being down.

Maybe you need to get download manager software?


200Mb... let's say you have a 10Mbit/s broadband connection... well, let's say you only get 5Mbit/s... should only take 5 minutes?

On topic? Off topic? I mean, it is irrelevant to Band in a Box in a way... yet e.g., Jazzwee might not be aware of download managers.
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Originally posted by stepay:

All that said, sometimes people go too far and really change the topic big time, but who's to say where that line is? I know I'm not important enough to say.

IME, it's impossible to regulate it; there will never be agreement on what's OT and what's not... and it tends to just generate ill-feeling and crush a lot of good conversations. OTOH, a kick up the ass as in the case of The Doors thread works... but IME should be done sparingly.
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Originally posted by Cydonia:

Originally posted by ProfD:

What can we do to keep it positive and fun? :cool:

I don't know. Post a reply that has absolutely no link to the topic with a cutie image? :idea:;)



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by soundscape:

Originally posted by stepay:

All that said, sometimes people go too far and really change the topic big time, but who's to say where that line is? I know I'm not important enough to say.

IME, it's impossible to regulate it; there will never be agreement on what's OT and what's not... and it tends to just generate ill-feeling and crush a lot of good conversations. OTOH, a kick up the ass as in the case of The Doors thread works... but IME should be done sparingly.

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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Soundscape, in this thread alone you already have four posts. Is this compulsive behavior on your part? ;)

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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You know, it's also the responsibility, in a way, of the topic starter to keep things on-track in his or her own thread until he/she is satisfied with the responses. If I start a thread, and it veers off-topic with humor or whatever, I generally just join in the humor a little, and then steer things back with a line like, "To get back to the question, though..." Something like that. ;)


Of course, some threads are kinda silly or asking for trouble to begin with, but that's another post.

Darren Landrum
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Originally posted by Cydonia:

Originally posted by ProfD:

What can we do to keep it positive and fun? :cool:

I don't know. Post a reply that has absolutely no link to the topic with a cutie image? :idea:;)



you must stop posting pictures of HER!!! :mad:

Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Of all the Musicplayer forums, I've found KC the most likely to go OT, to create discussions over small details and to philosophise on existentialism of chords and such ;) I see it as an asset more than a problem however. The poster can always redirect the thread if necessary, as Darren points out. Many times the side discussions provide humour and interest. I wonder if this says anything about keyboard players?
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Originally posted by Phil W:

I wonder if this says anything about keyboard players?

Of course it does. :D


Our humor is more sophisticated than our drummer friends' and our taste in the opposite sex has accelerated to the top of the heap... maybe. :freak:



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Hi Phil... :wave: too bad the World Cup is over!





(...how was that for an off-topic?) ;)

Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

Originally posted by Phil W:

I wonder if this says anything about keyboard players?

Of course it does. :D


Our humor is more sophisticated than our drummer friends' and our taste in the opposite sex has accelerated to the top of the heap... maybe. :wave:

Korg PA3X Pro 76 and Kronos 61, Roland G-70, Integra 7 and BK7-m, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, 1965 Gibson SG Standard
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I'm a guilty party with many a-hijack but it's all in good fun and we're all enjoying it. Busch's reference though was specific to Michael Gallant's post as Keyboard Editor. I didn't even realize that and for that specific case, the question did not seem to get answered.


But many threads would die from boring topics and little side debates keep the action going. There's many interesting people here and ideas and it's fun having a discussion and ribbing each other in friendship.


Now what would we do without Dave Horne here and his own hijacks? Half the threads in the this forum would die an early death and there won't be any Real men left. So I would say "minor" hijacking is normal and is indicative of normal conversation. Most discussions in "real life" (among real men) evolve.

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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If ya wanna know what I think...


I tend to only really nail stuff that I think will make more than a few people feel bad. Posts about religion and politics are prime examples. Porn is another (anything basically over PG-13). Same with violent images. I'm also not real big on ad hominem attacks.


Besides that, I tend to rely on the good taste and judgment of the people who hang out here. As a rule, most of the forumites are adults, and should be treated as such. You guys have a pretty good feel for what is and what is not appropriate.


Moreover, the forum is really self-policing. When someone steps over the line, usually Sven...ummm, I mean a few people let them know it long before I even see it.


It'd also be really great if we could leave farm animals out of it...oh, wait. :rolleyes::D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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How about a limit on how many posts one can make to a particular topic in a day? Sort of like ATM withdrawals.


Just keep the pretty pictures coming.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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