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Is there a digital piano with a great Rhodes patch?


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Adino, I'll add to MikeT156's comments that - with "modern" digital keyboards, it's possible to do everything (or almost everything) you need to do - simultaneously, from one keyboard. I used to play in a band with two keyboard players, and between us, we had nine keyboards set up, including a Rhodes. (Those boards were pre-MIDI). Now, the two of us could do everything we did back then with just one keyboard each. (I'm not considering sequencing, which is a different thing.)


So, I think 99% of keyboardists who play out and take their own equipment to gigs would prefer to bring one keyboard (and maybe a couple of sound modules) that has pretty good Rhodes and ac. piano sounds, and that also has decent organ and horns, and other patches, rather than the heavy Rhodes - which only has the one sound (good though it is), and then have to lug another one or more boards. It's the practicality of it.


It would be terrific if digital keyboards sounded exactly like the Rhodes. But while they don't, they do keep getting closer, and IMHO, they are close enough. You'll not see me carying nine boards ever again, or not anymore than one. :)



Samick baby grand; Yamaha S90-ES; Ensoniq E-prime; bongos; tambourine; djimbe


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If the real deal is your benchmark i.e. AP, EP, clav, B3, synth, etc., that can be hard row to hoe.


However, I too believe keyboards have come a long way in emulating those sounds.


At a certain point, it is just a matter of finding a board that best covers those sounds to the ears and feels right underneath the fingers. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Originally posted by ProfD:

At a certain point, it is just a matter of finding a board that best covers those sounds to the ears and feels right underneath the fingers. :cool:

Agreed. My Electro is not the most ideal board to play on, but for my applications - Rhodes and piano, with clav doing its occasional but impressive cameo - it fits the bill to an overall standard that, a few years ago, I wouldn't have thought one board could. Oh, and that red blush seals the deal :thu::D .


By the way, Konaboy, did you ever finish that project you were working on, putting (correct me if I'm wrong) an Electro 73 keybed into a custom-made box?

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"sleeper" dept:


If you want an ultralight and supercheap 88 ($499-599)

yamaha ypg-525 has nice live!grand and excellent "suitcase" Rhodes, speakers, and its own stand. many other sounds, rhythms, too.


for weighted action 88 the ypg-625 is about $750, otherwise

the same as above only heavier, w/more solid construction

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