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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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I feel obliged to apologize to the Giants and their fans. Frustrated with my Steelers, I signed on to root for the Giants, and they haven't won since. I'm sorry. It's my fault. There's something awry with my karma this year. So, I officially withdraw my support in time for the Cowboys game, because I can't stomach the idea of the Cowboys in first place.


The meltdown - We're going to remember that one for a long time. Shades of that Buffalo/Houston playoff game back in the early 90's. Is it just me, or was Vince Young throwing like Tom Brady in that last quarter? Total confidence and deadly accuracy! And that bootleg TD! Wow!


I don't blame the rookie DE who let Young slip through his grasp. The refs err on the side of the QB in close calls, and I'm sure that the Giants' coaching staff has drilled into his head to avoid stupid penalties (and fines) by drilling a QB into the ground. The Giants collectively could stop a 3-7 team from scoring 24 points in 9.5 minutes. Nor could they BUY a first down. No one person deserves the blame; about a seventy of them do.


Cleveland - 30-0 HA HA HA!


Pittsburgh - 27-0 HA HA HA! (mutters: Idiots!)


Michael Vick - I understand his frustration with his receivers. They dropped perfectly thrown passes. Atlanta could have won that game. I'd rather see Vick be a competitor who loses his cool periodically than a wimpering dud like Eli who sulks with his tail between his legs.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dan South:

Is it just me, or was Vince Young throwing like Tom Brady in that last quarter? Total confidence and deadly accuracy! And that bootleg TD! Wow!

Wasn't just you. VY looked like he was playing against USC for that last quarter or so. Now all he has to do is string 3 more quarters together like that, be consistant, and he'll be a great one for sure. He's won 4 of his last 6 so look for good things by next season.


Lienhart was also impressive yeterday. I wonder if the Bidwells will pay for getting Pete Carroll to coach him next year. Hmmm.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Dan South:

I feel obliged to apologize to the Giants and their fans. Frustrated with my Steelers, I signed on to root for the Giants, and they haven't won since. I'm sorry. It's my fault. There's something awry with my karma

How'bout rooting for thr Ravens Thursday night. :D
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Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

Yes, I admit we got away with Vincent Jackson's silly play that was ruled an illegal forward pass.

Ya think? :rolleyes:


I've never seen anything so silly. Nothing about that resembled a pass in any way. :freak:


That was a total gift - nothing more, nothing less.


That being said, I'm getting more and more psyched about the possibility of the #1 or #2 draft pick...now all we have to do is hope they don't blow it on another Robert "The Marshmallow" Gallery... :eek::mad:





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That was just plain depressing.


I had no expectations of a Packers win until I saw the snowfall. I think if it had kept snowing, Green Bay might have just won it despite the return of Alexander and Hasselbeck. But once it dried up, so did the Packers' fortunes.


Favre played well enough for someone whose throwing hand was partly numb, but he sure couldn't thread the needle tonight. It was nice to see Green Bay's defense playing well for a bit there though


Congrats to Seattle and to Shaun Alexander on his 200+ yard game.





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Because I have blasted them so mercilessly all year, it is only right that I observe publicly that the Tirico-Theisman-Kornheiser team has improved a little bit. Just a little. They're not stumbling over themselves with the same, grim keystone cop precision. They seem to have figured out that the Joe-Tony antagonism was not chamring and productive--only dry, witless and very real sounding. They're still not terribly interesting, and they still talk way too much and way too stridently, but credit where credit is due.


The best broadcasting teams have a sense of temperance and balance. For example, last night, the three of them spooged shamelessly for what seemed like 10 minutes over Donald Driver after he scored. That's intemperance. Someone needs to teach these guys that it is okay--admirable even--to express a truth--that Driver is underrated and that Favre numbers him among the best he's ever thrown to--once, with conviction. Move on. Don't put your mouth all over it, to quote Hemingway in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."


Anyone watch the Notre Dame USC game Saturday night? Brent Musberger was mussing his berger over Brady Quinn shamelessly all night, declaring his "heroism" over and over again, devaluing Quinn and embarrassing himself in the process! Temperance! Balance! Composure! Restraint! Please!


All that said, the worst jock in the booth commentator, imo, ever ever ever is the heinous Bill Mass.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Because I have blasted them so mercilessly all year, it is only right that I observe publicly that the Tirico-Theisman-Kornheiser team has improved a little bit. Just a little.

I watched just enough of the Seattle-Green Bay game to see Jimmy Kimmel ask Theisman "so how's that leg, Joe?". Man, that was BRUTAL. :eek:


They ripped Favre a bit, basically saying his arm strength isn't what it was back in the day, on a pass that was easily defensed by Seattle's secondary.


Good luck to Martin Gramatica! Hopefully he can make the most his new opportunity in Dallas, replacing the guy Peyton Manning called "the drunk idiot kicker". Gramatica was once known as "Automatica" in Tampa and had top-flight leg strength for kickoffs and long FGs, until he sort of pulled a Mark Wohlers and was run out of town by Gruden. Opposing fans found his celebrations irritating, but I loved his enthusiasm.

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I was surprised the Alexander had so many carries. I guess considering how well he ran, it kinda of makes sense and the game was close. The Seahawks looked much better last night but it appears each week in the NFC offers some different perspective. I think its going to come down to who's peaking at playoff time. Dallas appears to be peaking now. Lets hope that doesn't last too long. :D

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Anyone watch the Notre Dame USC game Saturday night? Brent Musberger was mussing his berger over Brady Quinn shamelessly all night, declaring his "heroism" over and over again, devaluing Quinn and embarrassing himself in the process! Temperance! Balance! Composure! Restraint! Please!

Agreed! :D


Mustberger had become the John Madden- "Brett Favre" parody with all his Brady Quinn Love. Brady is a very good QB, and could have potential to be great, but as soon as the announcers stop there slobbering, you realize that Quinn has lost to most of the better qb's of his own college era- Matt Leinhart, Chad Henne, Troy Smith & Josh Booty.


Best to just let him play and admire him without the extra hooplah. It takes away from his true talents.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Don't be surprised if this is Bill Cowher's last year as head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. After that freakin' LAME performance against the Ravens this week, Cowher said he accepted full responsiblity for their "pitiful" performance. I don't know how he can take full responsibility for a lack of heart on the part of his players. It's one thing to lose, it's quite another to be embarrassed. I've very seldom felt totally embarrassed by the poor play of my Steelers, but that game set an all time low. The Steelers SUCK.


This is the last year Cowher has on his contract, he and his family bought a place in North Carolina, and it's a good bet to say he'll be history at the end of this season.


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Mike, I heard commentary this weekend that also said the main reason the Steelers suck is because the players already know Cowher is leaving, and they're in a lame duck year etc.


If so Bettis nailed that scoop at the beginning of the year, then Cowher shot it down, but we'll see in a few months.

TROLL . . . ish.
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The Skins have a serious problem in the kicking department.


I would not be surprised if Dan Snyder pulls out his wallet AGAIN to sign an over-priced veteran i.e. Mike Vanderjagt. :rolleyes:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Originally posted by MikeT156:

This is the last year Cowher has on his contract, he and his family bought a place in North Carolina, and it's a good bet to say he'll be history at the end of this season.

We can only hope!


Originally posted by Trill:

How'bout rooting for thr Ravens Thursday night.

With pleasure!


(drums up bad football karma...)


Go Ravens!


Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Brett Favre's last Monday night?




By the way, my favorite commercial so far this season is the Captain Morgan ad where the guys answers his cell phone in the bar.


Wife/girlfriend: "Are you in a BAR? I thought you were too SICK to go to my sister's wedding!"


Dude: "Uh, no, that's just the TV."


And then his buddies and random people in the bar take turns saying things that you might hear if you were flipping through the channels.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I'll see it..


At a sports bar. Comcast only has NFL network on it's higher tiers.


The game itself should be a dozie, Baltimore's D verses the high powered Bengals O. TD master Carsen Palmer vs the master of the drive Steve McNair etc etc.


Of course it will be a tighter game than expected because they're in the same div, and they've played a tight one once this year. As much as I love McNair, my money is on Cincy. Baltimore can afford a loss, but this is Cincy's season.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Rabid, Weasel, steady, postman, and Jay all have to get their pick'em picks in TODAY!!!


I just posted that we change the pick deadline to "5 minutes before each game." This way, if someone misses Thursday's game, they're only out 1 pick, instead of 16.


Plus, who wants to make all their picks on Thursday?!?

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Of course, if I was going to talk smack, I'd say "Not that it matters if you get your picks in or not, you guys make up 5 of the bottom 7"...but I won't.


Well, I just checked the last few weeks' scores - whats up guys? Booooo!!!

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This situation between the NFL and the cable companies is a crime against NFL fans. :mad:


That said, I'll probably go out to a sports bar to watch it. As a Charger fan, I have a rooting interest in this game. The Chargers have an unfortunate history of late-season collapses, so I'm not predicting playoffs for us just yet. But just in case, a Ravens loss would help the Chargers in the race for a playoff bye and homefield advantage. I do NOT want to see the Chargers have to go to Baltimore in January. Sorry, Ravens fans, but that's how it goes. ;)

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Originally posted by Magpel:

WoW! Just looked at the Pickem pool group picks. dabowsa and are on opposite sides in a remarkable 8 games this week! If ever there is a big swing week, this is it.

I noticed that. There is a big disparity in picks this week. Quite a departure from the regular consensus picks being the majority.

I am either going to make a comeback and challenge you this week or fall helplessly by the wayside.


With the way the Ravens are playing, I am fearing its going to be the latter rather than the former. :(


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Originally posted by daBowsa:

Rabid, Weasel, steady, postman, and Jay all have to get their pick'em picks in TODAY!!!


I just posted that we change the pick deadline to "5 minutes before each game." This way, if someone misses Thursday's game, they're only out 1 pick, instead of 16.


Plus, who wants to make all their picks on Thursday?!?

I had to miss a couple weeks and after that it was no use even trying. I will change it to 5 min before each game becasue I'm sure many did not know there was a game tonight. I didn't until the score was flashed on the basketball game I am watching. At least now I know why I cannot find the game. No NFL channel for me. :(



This post edited for speling.

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well, the first one went my way! Jackpine and I alone get the point on the Cincy win. I "watched" most of the 4th on Yahoo Game Channel :rolleyes:


It was actually kind of torturous waiting to see if Balitmore could execute a successful onside kick there at the end.


And I missed what must have been a huge play...did Baltimore muff a punt or something?

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