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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Can't believe San Diego let me down this weekend! :confused:


Gotta remember to always bet on the Ravens in a close game.


SF got thumped by a backup QB). :rolleyes: I thought this was the one game they could win.


Miami is flopping around like a fish out of water and gave Houston its sole victory this season.


Cincy must have eaten before the big fight. They let NE showcase its running game today.


These losers messed me up in the Pick Em Pool. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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I'm not surprised. Sure, Seattle dstroyed my beleaguered NYG D but, come on, look at their point totals in their first two games! Narrow-ish wins over Detroit and Arizona.


It pains me to say it, but the Bears are the first good team they've played. It was a good status check for them.


As for the bears, yikes, that team is lean and mean. Let's hope they rack up a few more wins before Grossman goes down down for the year.

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Game of the day: Jets-Colts


Mistake of the day: Mangini going for a TD rather than a go-ahead FG, which accounted for the margin of victory.


And, man, I just don't get how anyone can question Peyton Manning's cool and guts anymore. He led not one but two scintillating, masterful, length of the field game winning TD drives--seprated by a Jets' 102 yard kickoff return--in the last 5 minutes of that game. He's so good that he gets blamed for all the deficiencies of his team, like Dan Marino, and pretty much only Dan Marino.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Very sweet, but nasty week in the NFL!


Yeah Rex Grossman looks like a 200% reborn QB. The Chicago D is what was expected, but long range spirals thrown with precision and touch are far from what I expected to see..props to Rex!


That Haynesworth spikes to the face was a terrible thing. It will probably get him tossed for most of the year. Not just because the league will say so, but because right after the offense, he went over cussin and yellin at coach Fisher. Fish ain't havin it.


For better or worse, the Vince Young & Matt Leinart era has begun.


What's goin on Nick Sabin? Is it Daunte?


Did the Bengals just make Laurence Maroney the rookie of the year? Coach Lewis, it's early, better get 'em together man.


Indy vs the Jets, what an electric game! Almost everybody in the sportsbar gave the Jets a standing O at the end of that game and final effort. Give Indy and Peyton credit for doing what they do.


Santana Moss, just ballin' outta control!!


Steve McNair, current king of the game winning drive! Jim Fassel, it's your turn to help out by getting the running game going. Even the ultimate master, Elway, had Terrell Davis to lean on in his final glory.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Rumours of the New England Patriot's death were premature. I watched that whole game yesterday, being that my Steelers had were off, and the Bengals are in our division.


I realize that the Bengals have a lot of players out with injuries, but the Pat's put the putty on them in there own house. :confused:


Mike T.

Yamaha Motif ES8, Alesis Ion, Prophet 5 Rev 3.2, 1979 Rhodes Mark 1 Suitcase 73 Piano, Arp Odyssey Md III, Roland R-70 Drum Machine, Digitech Vocalist Live Pro. Roland Boss Chorus Ensemble CE-1.


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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Another great comeback by McNair. Even though I liked San Diego in this game, it's hard not to root for Steve.





Appreciate the support, Geoff! That was painful to watch for me as a Charger fan. Shawne Merriman apparently learned an important lesson as he dragged across the goal line for the Ravens' winning TD. He said as much in a post-game quote. That lesson is that not every tackle needs to be a highlight-reel decapitation attempt - sometimes you just need to wrap up your man. It may be boring, but its a fundamental skill that you need to be good at if you want to help your defense remain in the top 5 of the NFL.


Rivers did a little better than expected against that tough Ravens defense. He and backup WR Malcolm Floyd connected on a beautiful TD pass play, during which Floyd got one defender to fall down and the other to whiff with a well-executed double move. Protection was very good against that league leading pass rush. But Rivers did have an INT and he missed what would have been a TD pass to Vincent Jackson, by about a couple of feet to Jackson's right. Marty really put the shackles on Rivers after that INT - Baltimore's Bart Scott even observed as much in the Baltimore Sun.


I'm in an odd position though, Geoff, when it comes to fantasy football. Donte Stallworth is one of my WRs but my opponent's QB is Donovan McNabb. If you guys can intercept McNabb a couple of times yet let Stallworth have 6 catches for 100+ yards or a 90 yd. TD run on a reverse, that would help me nicely. :)

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Originally posted by ProfD:

Can't believe San Diego let me down this weekend! :confused:


Gotta remember to always bet on the Ravens in a close game.


SF got thumped by a backup QB). :rolleyes: I thought this was the one game they could win.


Miami is flopping around like a fish out of water and gave Houston its sole victory this season.


Cincy must have eaten before the big fight. They let NE showcase its running game today.


These losers messed me up in the Pick Em Pool. :cool:

I missed my chance to get into the pool. Now I don't feel so bad. ;)


Sorry my Chargers couldn't hold up their end. I never thought they'd lose by messing up a field goal snap and forgetting how to tackle in the 4th quarter.


I was very disappointed in SF too. I had Alex Smith as my starting QB, due to Eli being in his bye week.


Cincy's D was exposed this week. Big time.


Miami's Ronnie Brown didn't help me (he's my starting fantasy RB).

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I think Rex is the only Gator QB from the Spurrier era to pan out in the NFL.


Both Woeful (Danny Wuerffel) and Shane Matthews were better off with a clipboard in the pros.



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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What a week in the NFL. This is one of the things that makes the NFL so interesting. New England getting beaten by Denver so you thiunk Cincy will have their way with them. You'd think the dabears and the Seahwaks would be a close game and interestingly Seattle played the better game last week against the Giants as the dabears sqeeked one out against the Vikings. The Jaguars and redskins had defensive struggle written all over it and scored a boat load of points and the Colts and Jets played a great, entertaining game. Man I love this game.


Off topic ?: If your celebrating your team scoring a TD and you spill your beer on a friend, do you owe him or beer for the inconvience? If you think yes, should this be a man law? :D

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by Silver Dragon Sound:

If your celebrating your team scoring a TD and you spill your beer on a friend, do you owe him or beer for the inconvience? If you think yes, should this be a man law? :D

No way, especially if your friend is a fan of the same team you are. He should be celebrating at the same time, not sitting there on his ass getting spilled on.


If your friend is a fan of the other team, all te better: point and laugh and call him a loser. A loser with beer on him.


HOWEVER, if you spilled your friend's beer (not your own), on him or otherwise, you owe him a freshy.


- Jeff

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I'm getting my positive mindset on for tonight's game:


The Eagles just had two emotional weeks suffering through the Giants come from behind win and then taking out their anger on the 49ers last week. Next week, they play Terrell Owens for the first time since his ugly departure from Philadelphia. If the Packers stand a chance of catching the Eagles unfocussed and off guard, this is the week.


Green Bay's infusion of young players may be just starting to gel and they finally pulled out their first win last week. This is the Packers first positive momentum of the season. Maybe, just maybe, they'll continue to play their best for a second week in a row and surprise Philadelphia with a win tonight.


On any given Monday night



GO PACKERS!!! :thu:







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Originally posted by MikeT156:

Rumours of the New England Patriot's death were premature.

You bet yer ass they were! :thu: That was some kind of pasting they put on the Bungles!


Something to remember about the Pats: The only team Belichick hasn't figured out in his tenure as Pats coach is Denver. Shanahan owns his ass. I hate admitting it (as a Pats fan) but the Pats are definitely Bronco Bitches when Shanny comes to town...

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

Maybe, just maybe, they'll continue to play their best for a second week in a row and surprise Philadelphia with a win tonight.
Or not.... :freak:
* sigh *


Yeah, it was obviously too much to hope for.


The first half was a treat though. (Green Bay led 9-7 at halftime.) The Packers had the edge until the Eagles found (and repeatedly exploited) a weakness in Green Bay's secondary (*cough* Ahmad Carroll *cough*) in the middle of the third quarter. Then, it was all over.


Nonetheless, the Packers provided some real signs of promise as the youngest team in the league. I was depressed when they let Ryan Longwell go to the Vikings, but Green Bay's new kicker, Dave Rayner, hit a 54-yarder tonight tying Chris Jacke (1994) and Ryan Longwell (2001) for longest field goal in team history! Not bad. Also, Vernand Morency did a pretty good job filling in for Ahman Green, averaging nearly four years per carry pretty good for a second stringer. On defense, the Packers got in their first sacks of the season; and other than their secondary, they showed real promise.


Philadelphia is clearly a contender again though, and Donovan McNabb looked great. Their upcoming match against Dallas should be the game of the week.





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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Very bittersweet victory last night.


Too many walking wounded to enjoy it.. Reggie Brown and Donte' Stallworth hurt last night, combined with Westbrook who couldn't even play last night.. Very ugly going into Dallas week.


On the other side, Brett looked to be in a good bit of pain from that hit to the shoulder. Let's hope the very best for him. For the record I think he played well, but the GB recievers let him down.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by antimatter:

Wow, Yahoo has Indy 19 points over the Titans. I wonder if it will hit 20.

Holy Blowout, Batman.


I can't remember a spread being that high in recent times. Of course, the Raiders play in Seattle on 11/6, so look for a 24-point difference in that one. :freak:;)


- Jeff

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On a related note, I'm sure you're all shocked to see that Art Shell has the lowest coaching confidence of anyone in the league, according to this week's ESPN poll. I'm actually amazed that 18% of people still feel like he's doing even an adequate job.




- Jeff

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Posted by MeccaJay:

Too many walking wounded to enjoy it.. Reggie Brown and Donte' Stallworth hurt last night, combined with Westbrook who couldn't even play last night.. Very ugly going into Dallas week


I agree. I was hoping to see Philly at full strength or at least close to ful strength against Dallas. Is it me or does the new stadium lack the character of the vet?

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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It's not you..


When they mentioned it last night, I was thinking maybe the post 9/11 effect may have had it's effect on the Philly fans.. I haven't been to this new stadium, but have been to the Vet dozens of times.


Back in the day you'd see a couple fat cops to busy talking with each other to worry about what you were doing...to a point. Now days, it's not uncommon to see troops or police armed with machine guns at large sporting events. Kinda takes the loud, bold, jerk right outta you.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Magpel:

Uh, The character of the Vet: would that be the courhouse and holding cell character or career-ending injury capital of the NFL character?

I think he's talking about the cups of urine that the obnoxious fans used to throw on people who were wearing jersey's from the visiting teams. :eek::(:freak:
TROLL . . . ish.
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