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How about European KC get together?


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Well as we can all see, there is going to be one excellent gathering at Phill's place soon.


What do you guys think about organizing European KC member gathering? Netherlands and Scandinavian countries are close to each other and Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina are neighobring countries... With good planning maybe we can work somthing up this fall at least on regional basis?



Fat But Fast
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Originally posted by wantpromega3:

Faruk, I can't believe you haven't gotten any response on this.. especially given your interest in *sex and travels* :eek:


Where is everybody??!

Well I know Sex and travels is corny, but it sublimates in two words what everybody is after in the end :D Correct me if I'm wrong.



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Originally posted by EricG:

Good idea Faruk :D that could be nice, and also a good excuse to take a trip. Anyone else ?

Well it seems that most of European KC members are already vacation. I think when temepratures drop and Olympics are over there would be more reponse to this idea. Boy, this is one very busy year: Euro 2004, Olymipcs...



Fat But Fast
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Hi Faruk

What about a gathering in Athens? As you said, it's the Olympics over here, and I think it's gonna be nice (apart the islands and everyhting). In any case, your idea about a eyropean gathering is just fine!



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Faruk, sorry I've missed this thread the first time. I'm all for an Euro gathering - the most likely places seem to be Frankfurt (at the MusikMesse) or the Adriatic coast (at the DISMA). DISMA is much smaller than MusikMesse, but the place is quite a bit nicer... :D


But if we agree on a meeting in Athens or anywhere else, without necessairly waiting for a music fair, well, I'm in anyway! I'd just avoid the next few weeks, as I'm a bit overwhelmed by various troubles and hassles...


Any other? (Hint: The Netherlands, too, are a nice place to have a meeting! :D )

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Originally posted by marino:

Faruk, sorry I've missed this thread the first time. I'm all for an Euro gathering - the most likely places seem to be Frankfurt (at the MusikMesse) or the Adriatic coast (at the DISMA). DISMA is much smaller than MusikMesse, but the place is quite a bit nicer... :D


But if we agree on a meeting in Athens or anywhere else, without necessairly waiting for a music fair, well, I'm in anyway! I'd just avoid the next few weeks, as I'm a bit overwhelmed by various troubles and hassles...


Any other? (Hint: The Netherlands, too, are a nice place to have a meeting! :D )

This will sound lame but I've never heard of DISMA :rolleyes: . Adriatic coast is excellent choice. When is DISMA? MusikMesse also sounds great. For me it would be great to meet at one of those shows, since it would be my first visit to any of them :eek:


I think that date of the meeting should not be rushed. For me it is much better to wait and have as much as more possible friends gathered at one place. If someone could put dates of MusikMesse, DISMA and other possible meeting points it would great.



Fat But Fast
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Hi Faruk - good morning.... :D


DISMA is the biggest Italian music fair; It's usually held in Rimini or some other place in the northern Adriatic coast. That's where the Italian instrument makers are. Those are nice places - it's where my family is from. Musikmesse in Frankfurt, however, is about eight times bigger, being the *biggest* one in the world... A meeting in Frankfurt would also mean the chance to meet Dave and other American forum members who work in the industry.


That said, both DISMA and Musikmesse are held in early spring, usually the first half of April... Nothing prevents us to have a little vacation next fall, or even in the late summer, if we could gather enough people. :)

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Sorry to be off-topic.

Marino, what is the name of those flowers that are very common in Rome and have a strong smell- it's pretty distinct. The flowers are everywhere in bunches and are small green 'tear drop' leaves with really small white flowers. There all over Italy and I want some for my yard. You have to know what I'm talking about. Can you tell me the name?


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Originally posted by marino:

Hi Faruk - good morning.... :D


DISMA is the biggest Italian music fair; It's usually held in Rimini or some other place in the northern Adriatic coast. That's where the Italian instrument makers are. Those are nice places - it's where my family is from. Musikmesse in Frankfurt, however, is about eight times bigger, being the *biggest* one in the world... A meeting in Frankfurt would also mean the chance to meet Dave and other American forum members who work in the industry.


That said, both DISMA and Musikmesse are held in early spring, usually the first half of April... Nothing prevents us to have a little vacation next fall, or even in the late summer, if we could gather enough people. :)

Good morning to you too. :D It seems that we are both early start types.

Well, fall sounds nice. In case we do not agree on the place we allways have MusikMesse to visit. I know that late summer is usualy very busy for everybody and very expensive since everybody spent lots of money on vacations. I would really like to hear some propositions.



Fat But Fast
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I'll be biking around Prague next week and will be checking my e-mail via internet cafés.


If there are any members in that neck of the woods we can at least meet for a drink ... or a bike ride.


The music equipment fairs seems like a good idea and I'd vote for Germany (or Holland if they ever have them here).


The Musikmesse 2005 will be held from 6 to 9 April (Wed - Sat) in Frankfurt.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by clusterchord:

i'm in. it'd be nice to meet you Marino. Italy, Germany,Adriatic Coast it all sounds fine. Early fall perhaps, or spring.


i'm leaving for the adriatic coast today actually :D


so, everybody have a nice holiday!



I wish you very best vacation :D Where are you going? Islands or the coast?



Fat But Fast
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Hi guys

In any case I'm in for a european summit wherever this is gonna take place, Italy, Germany you name it. But whoever will organize it has to get in contact with everybotdy quite early, in order to plan our schedules. I think next Mars-April is a good date (not so hot, nor so cold)

p.s. 1

Marino, there is a possibility for me to be in Rome at November the 21 with Omar Faruk Tekbilek. I'll let you know ASAP)


p.s. 2

October 18th there is a Medeski Martin & Wood concert in Paris (at "Le Bataclan"). I'll propably be there. Check out their site (www.mme.net) and calculate your budget! That's another posibility for us european members to meet in the "city of light"



Be grateful for what you've got - a Nord, a laptop and two hands
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sounds like an excellent idea.

only problem is that I haven't got a drivers license (yet, i gonna start this year) and nog much money to take a plane or something.

Because of this, for me Germany is the best place.




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Originally posted by Ohtar:

sounds like an excellent idea.

only problem is that I haven't got a drivers license (yet, i gonna start this year) and nog much money to take a plane or something.

Because of this, for me Germany is the best place.

If I go the beurs in Frankfurt next April, I'll give you a lift from Den Bosch if you're interested.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by yannis D:

Marino, there is a possibility for me to be in Rome at November the 21 with Omar Faruk Tekbilek. I'll let you know ASAP)



Please do let me know! :)
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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

The Musikmesse 2005 will be held from 6 to 9 April (Wed - Sat) in Frankfurt.

...and I will be there...I'd totally be up for trying to schedule a get together then... :thu:


We did a small musicplayer dinner in Frankfurt a few years back - it was quite a good time. :cool:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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Originally posted by galiwaves:

Marino, please do let me know the name of them flowers...


Galiwaves - I'm sorry to say that I have no clue. The point is that there are several kind of flowers which match your description, and I'm no expert. You could be talking about belle di notte, ciclamini, campanule... (these are the Italian names, of course). The little I know is, all of them come in several different colors, other than white. It's probably one of the three I mentioned, although I can't be sure.

Sorry I can't be of more help!

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It seems that most of friends here will be able to come and visit MuikMesse in April 2005. And even better is a chance to meet with forum members from outside Europe :D . It would be one great International KC members get together/dinner/hangover in the morning! I hope I'll see you guys in Frankfurt.

I just figured it out: somebody was relly clever to organize that kind of show in the country of beer, and we all know how much we all love beer :D ! (and when you put sex and travells on top of it... :rolleyes: )



Fat But Fast
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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

Originally posted by Ohtar:

sounds like an excellent idea.

only problem is that I haven't got a drivers license (yet, i gonna start this year) and nog much money to take a plane or something.

Because of this, for me Germany is the best place.

If I go the beurs in Frankfurt next April, I'll give you a lift from Den Bosch if you're interested.
well yes dave. would like that very much.

We will have contact!




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Originally posted by Faruk:

I wish you very best vacation :D Where are you going? Islands or the coast?



thanks, i just got a hold of a internet caffe. First the coast Crikvenica and Zadar, then islands of Pag and Rab..


anyway, musikmesse 2005 seems like most probable plan. Its 10 hours drive for me, so i'll go for sure..


now, back to beach..

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