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FORUM CD: Vol. 6 - please post your credits here!

Dave Bryce

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Steve J. needs everything organized into one thread so he can harvest it easily for the art work. If you could take a moment to post your credits here (even if you've already posted them in the other thread), it'd be appreciated...


Song list:


Edelweiss - Frank Lucas

Lucy in the Sky with Bartok Carlo Mezzanotte

For Mr. Grove (tribute to Dick) - Steve Leblanc

Rebecca Roger Hooper

Promenade/Firth of Fifth - Dave Bryce

Common Ground Laurie Z.

Piano Improv #1 Michael Erwin

Thoughts About Nothing - SP Gulliver

For Mr. Grove (tribute to Dick) Part 2 Byron Gaither

Trio of Tunes - Pat Azzarello

Honky Tonk Train Blues - Dave Fifield

Wabi-Sabi Carl Kramer

Waltz in Db - George Hoar

Are You Alone? - Janet Graham

The Sentinel - Phil Traynor

Sashi Jerry Aiyathurai

So Little Time - Dan Stecko

Rebirth Albert Ibrahim

Hatikvah - Sruly Nachfolger


Total time: 1:10:35


Intro blurb:


After five incredibly creative volumes of synths, singers, sequences, solos, and songs, it seemed like the right time here at The Keyboard Corner to pull the plug, kill the power, light a candle or two and dust off that forgotten piece of furniture over there in the corner. The one that many (if not most) of us started onThe Piano.


Whether it is a spinet or upright, baby or concert grand, the piano remains a complete and unique instrument. It is the strings and brass, the tympanis and bells, woodwinds and percussion all rolled into one. Its the whole orchestra. An acoustic instrument with infinite dynamic range. An instantly familiar sound that is as different as each person who sits down to play it. It is classical, jazz, country, Latin, and rock n roll, all at the same time. And its just a piano.


So enjoy the next hour or so, sit back, take a deep breath, relax, and let the hammers and strings do what they do. Its time to lower the electric bill and raise a toastcheers.


Byron "steadyb" Gaither


...and my tune credit:


Promenade/Firth of Fifth (Moussorgsky/Banks)

Performed on a Yamaha MOTIF ES8, recorded straight to an Alesis Masterlink.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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For Mr. Grove (tribute to Dick) Part 2 Byron Gaither


Recorded at dB Studios

Dave Bryce - engineer


Kawai KG3 grand piano, mic'd with Groove Tubes and Marshall mics, GT VIPre pre-amp. Tracked to DP3.


"Santa Claus I Coming to Town/Someday My Prince Will Come" medley arrangement originally done for a Dick Grove piano recital in 1986.

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I don't know what amounts to too much information.


Feel free to lop off anything you want from the following:


I played a Roland RD-100 to a Tascam Porta 02 MKII through a Zoom RFX-1000 Multi Effect Processor. I then burned the CD from the Tascam to my friends Philips stand-alone burner.


This work represents one in a series of stream of consciousness improvisations that started without a single idea in my head. Each attempt for this compilation was built from openings that my fingers simply fell upon at random. Since, this method of composition is bound to create a plethora of missed and or sour notes as well as off time passages, I have entitled this piece, Wabi Sabi


Wabi Sabi expresses the Japanese aesthetic that there is beauty in imperfection. This philosophy pretty much sums up the feelings that I wish to humbly evoke with this musical offering of spontaneous creation.


Thats about it.



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"Rebecca" composed in 1983 by Roger Hooper;

Performed using a Yamaha S80 triggering an Emu e6400 with a William Coakley Volume III Piano sample; recorded into Logic Audio 6.3.

Dedicated to my beautiful wife Rebecca!

Composer/Performer at Roger Hooper Music

Product Trainer at CASIO



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For Mr. Grove (tribute to Dick) Stephen LeBlanc

Recorded at dB Studios 2003

Dave Bryce - engineer


Kawai KG3 grand piano, mic'd with Groove Tubes and Marshall mics, GT VIPre pre-amp. Tracked to DP3. Improvisation based on a theme written by S. LeBlanc in 1989 for a private recital with Dick Grove.

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The Sentinel Phil Llarion Traynor


This piece was recorded on a Korg D1600 digital hard disk recorder, played on a Roland RD-500 digital piano, through a Zoom RFX-100 multi-effects unit. Mastered in Cool Edit Pro, using Waves and BBE plugins.


This song happened quite by accident. I went into the studio ostensibly to write a smooth jazz piece for what was to be my first Smooth Jazz CD (a dichotomy of silence now available), and I wanted to warm up. Something told me to roll tape, as it were (OK, bits), and so I flipped the deck on and started noodling. 9-odd minutes later, it was done. This is an edited-for-length version; the full version will appear on my upcoming CD, Heaven.



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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OK - I pasted from a couple of previous posts of mine.




"Lucy in the Sky with Bartok"

("Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by Lennon - McCartney)


Carlo Mezzanotte, piano and piano arrangement


Yamaha C3 Conservatory grand piano, recorded with a Neumann stereo mic, thru a tube preamp into Cubase SX. We added a *very* slight EQ and a tiny bit of Lexicon 480 reverb.


Recording engineer: Alessandro Guardia



I had the concept of this piece a long time ago. I've always been a big admirer of Bela Bartok - one of his strong points was to take simple popular melodies and arrange them with striking modern harmonies, but leaving the strenght and clarity of the melody intact.

I've alway wondered what Bartok would have done if confonted with some of today's best pop melodies, the Beatles in particular. So I took one of my favorite Beatles' songs ("Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds") and arranged it in Bartok's style. It's mostly in odd signatures - 5 for the verse, 7 for the chorus, with a few twists in the middle.




Of course, this is much too long, so feel free to strip away anything that's not needed or simply doesn't fit.

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So Little Time


Malmsjo Acoustic Grand & Nemesys GigaPiano librairies layered together & triggered by a Yamaha S80 weighted action.

I developed this tune while on a work contract in Sweden, hence the interest in the Malmsjo library. I used to sneak into an 12th century church in Nykoping to practice it on an actual Malmsjo piano.


Dedicated to Bev.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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Note on my piece:


It is unusual for me to submit or even perform a piece exactly as it is written on sheet music - I much prefer to just sit down at the piano and improvise, or else do my own version of someone else's music - I rarely if ever play something exactly the same way twice. These two pieces are especially challenging to me for different reasons - Promenade has passages that are interesting to play, but to me it is so much about simple feel. The piano intro to Firth of Fifth is technically a blast to perform, and yet also has to maintain a certain feel which (as we all know) can be difficult to allow to flow when one is concentrating on playing the right notes.


It was quite a challenge for me to be able to play through them pretty much exactly as they're both written (thanks to Bart Garratt for providing me with the sheet music for Firth); and, in it's own way, is more daunting to me than free-form spur-of-the-moment improv, which I do all of the time. Consequently, I felt this was an appropriate selection for me to submit.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Feel free to edit as appropriate


Trio of Tunes


A medley of:

Flowers and Diamonds

Port Ludlow

Kisses and Chocolates


All written and performed by Pat Azzarello (copyright 1996 through 2002).


Recorded using GigaStudio with the East/West Steinway B sample. Some reverb applied in GigaStudio. No compression or EQ applied.

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"Thoughts About Nothing..." - composed and performed by SP Gulliver


60% of the sound - Yamaha FS1R /"Full Tines" (with a modified effect) + Behringer Composer

25% of the sound - Ensoniq TS-10 (also as a controller)/"Brite Roads" + Peavey Deltafex Twin

5% - SD-1 /"Velo Flange" + ART Multiverb Alpha

5% - MR Rack /"Brook Pad" + Zoom RFX-2000

5% - Waldorf Micro Q /"Noise Pad" + Zoom + ART


Recorded through the Behringer Eurodesk mixer (with the RNC compressor in master inserts) onto the Tascam CD-RW4U on a re-writable CD.


Hm... I'm not sure if one can make out this abracadabra. :D

I am back.
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Composed and performed by Michael Erwin.


Notes: Akai S2800 with 16MB of RAM playing the Fazioli F228 Soft multisample from EastWest Ultimate Piano CD, recorded direct to DAT.


©1997 by Michael Erwin



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I seem to missing or have problems with the following credits. I'm sorry I can't put together who Soundscape Studios is. Anyways here's who I have a problem with:

6. Common Ground Laurie Z.

12. Waltz in Db George Hoar -

17. Hatikvah Sruly Nachfolger




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Originally posted by b_3guy:

I seem to missing or have problems with the following credits. I'm sorry I can't put together who Soundscape Studios is. Anyways here's who I have a problem with:

6. Common Ground Laurie Z.

12. Waltz in Db George Hoar -

17. Hatikvah Sruly Nachfolger

Soundscape Studios=Sruly Nachfolger
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Here's what Laurie posted in the other thread:


Originally posted by Laurie Z.:

For the artwork, here's my recording info:

(simple, direct, no smoke, no mirrors :) )


Alesis DG8 direct into Alesis Masterlink. Recorded and written realtime for the Camano Commons Groundbreaking Ceremony Sept. 6, 2003.


(Would've been nice to do a Marino-type session, but no time this time. :rolleyes: )





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Steve -


The art looks great, as usual!


My only comment is that the additional thoughts that I put in the thread concerning why I chose to submit the piece weren't really intended to go in the notes - they were just sort of an FYI.


I suppose it'd have been a better idea to have put them in a different thread... ;)


Anyway, if you need space, or wanna change to a larger font, feel free to remove that part from my notes.


As always, thanks for your efforts! :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Yeah, same for me. I added the notes as info for you all - but I didn't hope there would be enough space in the cover to actually print them. So please Steve, feel free to remove, change or reduce them as necessary. I could also provide you with a shorter version.


And... thanks again!! :)

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I would like to shorten/edit my notes as follows:



Roland RD-100 with a Zoom RFX-1000 Multi FX Processor recorded on a Tascam Porta 02 MKII.


This work represents one in a series of stream of consciousness improvisations that started without a single idea in my head. Each attempt was built from openings my fingers fell upon at random. Since, this method of composition is bound to create a plethora of missed and/or sour notes as well as off time passages, I have entitled this piece, Wabi Sabi


Wabi Sabi expresses the Japanese aesthetic that there is beauty in imperfection. This philosophy pretty much sums up the feelings that I wish to humbly evoke with this musical offering of spontaneous creation.



Not a great deal shorter, but still less bulky than before.



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Here's a new version of my credits, with the notes shortened. If it's still to much, feel free to just skip the notes. :)




"Lucy in the Sky with Bartok"

("Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by Lennon - McCartney)


Carlo Mezzanotte, piano and piano arrangement


Yamaha C3 Conservatory grand piano, recorded with a Neumann stereo mic, thru a tube preamp into Cubase SX. We added a *very* slight EQ and a tiny bit of Lexicon 480 reverb.


Recording engineer: Alessandro Guardia



I've always admired Bela Bartok's ability to take simple popular melodies and arrange them with striking modern harmonies, but leaving their original strenght and clarity intact. I've often wondered what he would have done if confronted with some of today's best pop melodies, the Beatles in particular. So I just thought to arrange "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" in Bartok's style. it's mostly in odd signatures - 5 for the verse, 7 for the chorus, with a few twists in the middle.

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