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Top 10 synths?

Dave Bryce

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Top Ten Of All Time (In Chronological Order)


(1) Moog Modular - Switched On Bach, Clockwork Orange soundtrack, Lucky Man. These recordings introduced the synthesizer to many people.


(2) Arp 2600 - Weather Report, Star Wars (R2D2), Edgar Winter's Frankenstein


(3) Oberheim SEM (2, 4, and 8 voice configurations) - First multi-timbral polyphonic synth, Zawinul, et al.


(4) Minimoog - The template for things to come.


(5) Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 - One word: memory.


(6) New England Digital Synclavier - Integrated system with sampling, resynthesis, hard disk recording, wave level editing, and notation, all of the features that we take for granted today. Brought a lot of film composers into the electronics world.


(7) Yamaha DX7 - Unleashed the power of digital synthesis on the masses.


(8) Korg M1 - Introduction of the affordable workstation concept. First moderately priced synth with full samples (not just attacks) on board in ROM.


(9) Kurzweil K2000 - First affordable, multi-technology (ROM, sampling, DSP) synth. Programming possibilities way beyond preceeding product.


(10) Yamaha VL1 - First production synth based on physical modelling.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Based on Dan's list... no special order...





* Minimoog - The template for things to come.


* Yamaha DX7 - Unleashed the power of digital synthesis on the masses.


* Clavia NORD LEAD - A standard nowadays for virtual analog sounds. I'd pick a SUPERNOVA II, a Waldorf Q or a Virus anytime over the Nord... but this is the most used IMO.


* Korg Wavestation - Wave sequencing and all those monster layers Korg made famous later.


On Workstation Concepts:


* Korg M1 - Introduction of the affordable workstation concept. First moderately priced synth with full samples (not just attacks) on board in ROM. I prefer to think on the 01/W as the big dad of the workstations.


ON TECHNOLOGY Breakthroughs:


* New England Digital Synclavier - Integrated system with sampling, resynthesis, hard disk recording, wave level editing, and notation, all of the features that we take for granted today. Brought a lot of film composers into the electronics world.


* Ensoniq MIRAGE - Cheap sampling for the masses.


* Yamaha VL1 - First production synth based on physical modelling.


* Hartman NEURON - A really new and cool concept


* Alesis Andromeda - 16 voices analog synth with state of the art technology and great sound, at an almost affordable price

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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1. Minimoog

2. Roland System 100

3. Alesis Andromeda (desert island synth #1)

4. Sequential Prophet VS

5. Roland SH 09

6. Korg MS 20* (not the sound, it's here because of the design - this is how all synths should look like)

7. Technosaurus Systems* (in despite of the horrible design)

8. Kawai K5000S (additive synthesis with an almost easy to use user interface)

9. Hartmann Neuron (I am beginning to understand it...)

10. Oberheim OBX 8* voice (best sounding polyphonic substractive analogue)


The sequence changes every month, but these are my favorite ten synths.


* = not in my possession.


Worst synth ever: Yamaha DX 7. It's brown; 100 steps in velocity only; user interface is crap; it made people think that a Fender Rhodes sounds like christmas bells.

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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In no special order, and since i'm fairly new to the synth world , I'll only submit 6 to avoid filling in with synths I'm not that familiar with.


Nord Lead 3.


Roland JP-8000 - my absolute fav. all it's missing is distortion.


Korg MS-2000 - very "electronic , raspy , crunchy, tweaker sounding". oone of a kind sound IMO.


Novation K-station - when i played my friends, it sounded very modern and "high quality in sound".this observation was during the time that i just messed around on synths in stores , and began liking electronic music, so when i heard this live , it was nice. just missing a couple octaves of keys*


Roland sh-32 -fun and good for the money.looks cool too.


Roland MC-505 - the synth on this has the most fun , cool presets!


I imagine that if i've played a Virus or Waldorf, they would take the place of 505 and,or sh-32 in my list.



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1. Moog MiniMoog - THE lead synth.


2. Arp 2600 - The lead synth for musicians who were "out there".


3. Yamaha DX7 - I hated it but it changed things.


4. Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 - Who needs an orchestra when you have these pads.


5. Rhodes Chroma - In 1982 it had a split keyboard, auto-tune, computer interface, amazing modulation matrix, 16 part multi-tembre, and was expandable. This showed what keyboards could do in the future.


6. Clavia Nord Modular - Still has a better interface than any software modular.


7. Oberheim Matrix 12 - Who does not want one?


8. Roland Jupiter 8 - This keyboard WAS new wave.


9. Synclavier - The ultimat GAS attack, if you had $100,000 to spend.


10. E-mu Emulator I - Sampling for the masses, if you could afford $8,000-$10,000.



This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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Yes, he does!

Here's ten I like a lot and if I like don't like one, it was too important to forget this one (DX7).

1 - Minimoog

2 - Arp 2600

3 - SC Prophet 5

4 - Roland Jupiter 8

5 - Yamaha DX7

6 - Oberheim Matrix 12

7 - Korg M1

8 - Roland JD800

9 - Alesis Ion

10 - Yamaha Motif ES



Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life.

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If the list includes samplers, then:


1. Minimoog

2. ARP 2600

3. Oberheim 4 voice

4. Emulator

5. Kurzweil 250

6. Yamaha DX7

7. Korg M1

8. Moog Modular

9. Prophet 5

10. Roland TR808 - changed the way we thought about drums in pop music, for better or worse

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Well, this thread turned into a "for their time" mixed with some "for all time" instead of what's currently available, which I think some of us in rural land would more like to see opinions on. You urban guys get to try out all the nice new stuff (Hey, I said urban, not urbane... You are sooo self conscious) The usual suspects were all quickly listed and now the rest of us who agree with the list sound like parrots. :)

Some that were great, ground-breaking for their time (like the M-1 and DX7) in my opinion are not great for all time, meaning worth still owning in light of what's currently available in the same technology.


I am going to vote for just one more - a product not yet made and maybe will never be made - Memorymoog Voyager, which is just a polyphonic version of the Mini Voyager. I'm going to go ahead in put it in the great for all time list...




"It is a danger to create something and risk rejection. It is a greater danger to create nothing and allow mediocrity to rule."

"You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at." W.H. Auden


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Originally posted by humannoyed:

I am going to vote for just one more - a product not yet made and maybe will never be made - Memorymoog Voyager, which is just a polyphonic version of the Mini Voyager. I'm going to go ahead in put it in the great for all time list...

Funny you should mention this...


Last week, I went to see Bob Moog demo the Voyager and his other current products. Someone asked about a "polyphony Voyager". In a nutshell, his response was the it would require too much expensive hardware to considering bringing to market. If he sells a single voice instrument like Voyager for roughly $3000, how much is a muli-voice Moog?


He did allude to the marketability of a new version of the Taurus. ;)

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I'll try to make a list based on excellence as instrument, not importance in history - and limit it to hardware.


-Moog modular


-ARP 2600 (and 2500)

-SEM family


-Prophet T8




-SY99 (advanced FM + sampled sounds)





Buchla 400 and 700

Various modulars (E-mu, Polyfusion, Aries, Buchla, Serge)

Jupiter 8 / MKS80


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I would by a new Taurus if they used the Taurus II form factor and put a MicroKorg-like minikeyboard on the control section.


Top 10 in terms of desirability (no order):

Oberheim Matrix 12

SCI Prophet T8

Alesis Andromeda

Yamaha DX-1

Waldorf Wave

Korg Wavedrum

Oxford Oscar

Yamaha VL-1

Access Viruc C

Yamaha FS1r


Top 10 currently available:

Alesis Andromeda

Roland V-Synth

Moog Voyager

Waldorf Wave

Nord Lead 3

Access Virus C

Kurzweil K2600

Yamaha Motif (haven't heard the ES yet)

Korg Triton

Dave Smith's Evolver

"For instance" is not proof.


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My top ten, which like Dave B are based on personal taste and preferences


1. Moog Modular

2. MiniMoog

3. K2600

4. Wavestation

5. Andromeda

6. z3ta+

7. Reaktor

8. Prophet VS

9. Arp 2600

10 Matrix 12


I must admit that I have never played the modular or the Arp

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Originally posted by felix.:

Nice how SteadyB slipped in a couple of extra - I hardly noticed.


Reminds me of the trick you learn as a kid where you convince your friends you can count 11 fingers on your hands. :D

I like steady's logic - no pun intended. ;)


The Prophet 5 and 10 had identical sound engines. The 10 was just two 5's in one box.


I'd be hard pressed to tell an OBXa from and OB8 in a blindfold test.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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1.Elka Synthex

2.Alesis Andromeda

3.Alesis ION

4.Roland System 700

5.Yamaha Motif ES 6

6.ARP 2600


8.MOOG 55

9.Fairlight CMI III

10.MOOG Taurus



Access Virus TI keyboard,Alesis ION,Yamaha Motif ES 6,Roland Fantom XR.

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Originally posted by Dan South:

The Prophet 5 and 10 had identical sound engines. The 10 was just two 5's in one box.


I'd be hard pressed to tell an OBXa from and OB8 in a blindfold test.

Yep - he probably wouldn't have been flagged if he had just done those two...it was slipping the T8 in that set off the bells for me.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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My list would be very biased due to my limited experience with different synths. As you know I own only 5 at the moment. They are all my favorites. Period. I also played on several more and have borrowed some others from time to time, so here I go (first 5 are my own synths and next 5 are those "others") :


Ensoniq SD-1

Ensoniq TS-10

Ensoniq MR Rack (remember skyy with his Casios? :D )

Waldorf Micro Q

Yamaha FS1R

Yamaha DX7 FDII

Roland D-50

Korg M-1

Emu Proteus (can't recall the number...)

Kurzweil K2500


Honorable mention: Prophet 5


All those synths serve(d) me well and thus belong to my personal Top 10. I never played (I even didn't touch!) any Moog, Arp, Oberheim, PPG and such. Sorry...


And finally my humble wish list (hardware only) :


Alesis Andromeda

Alesis Ion

Alesis Quadrasynth Piano +

Arp (don't know it, could be any model I guess?)

Clavia Nord Lead 1,2,3

Clavia Nord Modular (are there more Clavias?)

Dave Smith's Evolver

Ensoniq Mirage (love this name)

Ensoniq ASR-88

Emu Vintage Keys

Emu Morpheus

Emu Procussion

Emu Orbit

Emu Proteus World (Orchestral wouldn't hurt as well. ... Heck, give me Virtuoso too!)

Emu Emulator III (I and II)

Hartmann Neuronnn ( :love: )

Kawai K5000

Kawai ... (that one with a killer piano sound)

Korg Wavestation

Korg Triton

Korg Karma

Korg TR Rack (my MR Rack needs a company)

Kurzweil K 2600 (and K 2500)

Moog Voyager

Moog Modular

MiniMoog (just to round up the collection)

Novation Basstation

Novation Supernova

Oberheim Matrix 12

some PPGs... (don't know, are they any good?)

Roland D-550

Roland JD-800

Roland XV 5050

Roland Fantom

Roland V-Synth

Yamaha Motif

Yamaha VL1


mmm... DX7 too...

a couple of Akai samplers...

oh and all the instruments by Waldorf. :)


Well, I think that would do it for awhile.


No wait! There is also Synclavier!!!... :eek:

I am back.
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strictly based on personal preferences:


  1. Clavia Nord Modular
  2. Moog MiniMoog Voyager
  3. Korg OASYS PCI
  4. Yamaha VP1
  5. Waldorf MicroWave XTk
  6. Sequential Prophet VS
  7. Oberheim Matrix 12
  8. Modcan/Cyndustries Modular
  9. Alesis Andromeda
  10. NI Reaktor

Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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Not in any order (different synths, different music, different moods):


- Matrix-12

- Andromeda

- ARP 2600

- Wavestation

- DX-7

- K2600

- Jupiter-8

- MiniMoog

- OBXa

- Alesis QS Series (please don't laugh...I am deadly serious. For its job of giving me decent, easy-to-access sounds that I can use in 90% of pop and rock material I play live, its relative small size and weight, good-feeling keybed, and capable method of shifting between being a performance versus compositional tool, the QS has been a workhorse for me over the years).


There ya go.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Rabid:

Notice how the Motif ES keeps slipping even though it has not been released. Ok, DB has one. But who else?

Mike Martin has one too... :D:D:D


Steve F, steabyb and Steve L have all played/heard mine.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I thought about listing the best of the current crop, but -


- I haven't tried that many of them.

- I probably WON'T try many of them, because either they'll be replaced by the time that I do, or they're difficult to come by, or I'll go for a soft synth instead.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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