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The Official 2003 NFL Thread!

Geoff Grace

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Originally posted by thrashole369:

I just enjoy it when the raiders look like the bengals no matter what time of year it is.

Sure, and pre-season's your best chance for that happiness. Enjoy it while you can...it won't last. :)


- Jeff

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Well Jeff, there just rusty thats all for the most part.


This years problem seems to be the line moreso than anything else. Is it me or should the Raiders second team O-line be starting? Aikman and co were right, they may need a shakeup. Time will tell.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel:

While Rick Mirer did fine, but he's not the guy who'll be leading the Raiders to another AFC title.

Mirer was one of those guys who never lived up to his potential. When he first started in the NFL with the Seahawks, I thought he was going to light up the league. He was mobile and accurate and ran the offense efficiently even as a first year starter. Then, nothing. As I remember he lost the job to Dave Krieg (who wasn't anything special). Watching Mirer move the Raiders down the field last night, I couldn't help but wonder what went wrong.

See you in the regular season. :evil:;)

Oh, you can count on it. :P
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Originally posted by thrashole369:

Ok but If plummer fired off that kind of preformance we would be hearing a ton of flack from the raider brigade.

Not from me. Not until it counts, anyway...gloating about preseason is like dancing about architecture. :D


I just enjoy it when the raiders look like the bengals no matter what time of year it is.
As mentioned above, get yer fill now... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Rick Mirer... :D Heh, that's a good one... ;)

Perhaps you could trade for Ron Powlus, too, so as to have a matched set of Notre Dame Quarterbacks that were busts... :freak:


Joe Montana, Joe Thiesmann, where are you now? :eek::confused::thu:

"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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That is a drag. :( Vick is a lot of fun to watch. Hope Doug Johnson is up to the task...


:bor::bor: Steelers and Eagles in a storm delay. Maddox looked pretty poor... As did some of the officiating. Really sloppy play from both teams (something close to 200 yds in penalties combined midway through the 3rd quarter)

"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Wow, bummer about Michael Vick's fractured right fibula . I wonder how long he'll be out for. I hate to see injurites ever, but especially during preseason.

That totally sucks. Man, I hate pre-season injuries. What a waste... :mad:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Incredibly terrible news on Mike Vick. The hit didn't even look like a big deal, but when that leg goes under you like that, expect the worst.


I watched the Titans/Bills game yesterday. Titans look strong, as far as pre-season goes. They'll be a force again this year.


- Jeff

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That is a true shame about Vick. Although maybe it's a blessing in disguise. If they finish badly enough they may pick up an early first round stud draft pick and kick ass next yeare.


I grew up in Penn State country, so of course I became a Miami fan so I wouldn't be like all the hicks I lived with. I know it's just the preseason, but what do you guys think about Ken Dorsey's prospects in the NFL? The older I get the more I realize that sports reporters are little more than glorified frat boys with journalism degrees, and a large percentage of the time don't know what the hell they're talking about (take the Mark Cuban thing for instance. How can one guy take that much shit from sports reporters for saying one very basic thing that we all know is true?). The 2 things that bother me are these: One is that he wins. I know that sounds cliche, but when he's under center he'll find a way for his team to win. Elway had that, Jordan had that, Favre has that. I'm not sure there is a more valuable trait in any athlete (granted dorsey isn't the physical specimen those guys are). The other thing that bothers me is reporters rediculous notion that they can predict a players success in the NFL. If you're not a patriots fan you can probably name two Pats players (maybe). Tom Brady and Troy Brown (maybe you only know Brady). Both went to the pro bowl in '01, and are a 6th round pick from Michigan and a 7th round pick from Marshall, respectively. It just makes me wonder. All this Dorsey guy does is go out and win in every situation he's in, and all people do is put him down. Again, I know it's just the preseason, but honestly, wtf has Carson Palmer done on the field that makes him any better than Dorsey. I don't like the niners one bit, but I hope Dorsey makes every team that needs a quarterback and passed up on him sorry.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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Mike Vick's injury might just be a blessing in disguise. If the falcons can hold out and win a few games they will be much more diciplined. They will not have to rely on Vick to win for them. The Titans looked pretty fresh. They are going to be tough if everyone stays healthy.

Reach out and grab a clue.


Something Vicious

My solo crap

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I grew up in Penn State country
Where bouts you from Berkleeboi? I'm from Harrisburg/Lebanon area here in pennsyltucky.


And, if you are in fact from Penn State country--


WHY AREN'T YOU A STEELERS FAN :confused::eek:;)


Also--Dorsey may have the 'intangibles', but physical skills (arm strength, for example)may be lacking. Too soon to tell, and keep in mind he had an AWESOME supporting cast at Miami....

"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

Wow, bummer about Michael Vick's fractured right fibula . I wonder how long he'll be out for. I hate to see injurites ever, but especially during preseason. Sorry for your team, meccajay! :(



Thanx bro.. Actually the Titan's and Eagles are still my teams. The Falcon's, well I guess they go under my favorite team to watch category....for now.


Count Vick out for about 5-6 games(8weeks) just going by McNabb's simalar injury last year. If the Falcon's can go 4-2 instead of 2 -4 then all is well. To early to know what they'll really do. Here in Atlanta folks are looking at the win Doug Johnson had on the Giants last year as there guide to Doug Johnson lead Falcon's. I wouldn't say that's so accurate because there wasn't really any feel for Doug or Film to go on as far a the Giants gameplanning for him. This year after the 1st 2 games that changes so have to wait and see. By the way the Falcon's line is horrible against fast defenses. The Ravens defense was in the backfield on every play. Vick was like 0-4 with a pick before that play were he ran out of frustration. Oh well, good luck Doug.


In other news. My Titan's look primed and ready. We got some reciever's this year for a change, and they look good. Really looking forward to this season. Still don't think they'll beat the Raiders in week one, though I hope we do. Nothing has ever been more predictable in the last 5 years than the Titan's having a slow start. That's just the way we are.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Not that people aren't already talking enough about Justin Fargas, Raiders' phenom rookie RB (he leads everyone in the NFL in rushing this preseason by a mile with 198 yards on 35 carries).


But I just read something interesting: last year at SC, he weighed 198 (he's up to 220 now). But he was bench-pressing 475.


475! That is a strong young guy. I think he's got a terrific career ahead of him. If he plays enough, he could be this year's LaDanian Thomlinson or Shaun Alexander.


- Jeff

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Posted by Biggus:

Where bouts you from Berkleeboi? I'm from Harrisburg/Lebanon area here in pennsyltucky.

And, if you are in fact from Penn State country--


I'm from Lewistown. It's about 30 miles south of State College and an hour north of Harrisburg. I actually went to Penn State for a year to do some core classwork (and saved about 15 grand vs Boston). I'm about as far as far from being a Steelers fan as you can be, in that I'm a Pats fan, true and true. When I was really young, like 8, I liked the New York Football Giants because that's who my dad rooted for. When the won the superbowl under Parcells he moved to New England with half of the team, including Dave Meggett, whom I really liked at the time for some reason. I've rooted for NE ever since. Now probably the only team I like less than Pitt is Oakland (I would dislike Baltimore if they were any good and worth disliking), although I like fans from both PA and CA. You guys stick with your teams despite their inability year after year to win the big game :D (btw Biggus, that superbowl with Neil O'donnell broke my heart :rolleyes: )


And I'm cool with saying we don't know about Dorsey yet, and he certainly did have a great surrounding cast (although no one is saying McGahee is good but he had an awesome O line so he'll struggle in the NFL). I'm not trying to start the Ken Dorsey fan club in musicplayer or anything, I was just wondering what the general consensus on him was by some of the avid football fans on here. I know if I had one drive and could pick one quarterback from this year's draft to lead it, I'd pick Dorsey without question. And I think he'll be one of those guys like Flutey who just goes around and wins in whatever situation he's put in but for some reason never gets the respect because of hacks like Rob Johnson and Carson Palmer.

*Howard Zinn for President*

**Pilsner Urquell for President of Beers!**

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I'm from Lewistown. It's about 30 miles south of State College and an hour north of Harrisburg. I actually went to Penn State for a year to do some core classwork (and saved about 15 grand vs Boston).
I hear ya on that. I graduated in '91 and tuition was through the roof then...


I generally get up to 2 or 3 PSU home games a year, and usually go right through Lewistown.... Small world, huh?


If I had to pick one guy from this year's QB class to lead 'The Drive', as you put it, it would probably be either Boller or Leftwich. I think Carson Daly, er, Palmer will be yet another bust in a proud tradition of busts in Cincy.


Low blow on O'Donnell, BTW :D

"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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Wow! Callahan is considering starting Fargas over Garner in next week's game against the Vikes.


He was considered the fourth man on the roster (beneath Garner, Wheatley and Madre Hill) until two weeks ago. Now he's not only vying for Wheatley's position, but could end up beating out Garner for the starter job. Of course, we'll see how he does against the first line guys soon here.


This is why I like pre-season. :thu:


- Jeff

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Another thought: Duce Staley is fucking up his whole career right now. Too damn bad.


- Jeff

What a big baby! There really seems to be a love-hate thing with players and ownership in Philly, though.


Is Fargas THAT good? Haven't seen dem Raiders yet pre-season, so I'm a bit curious.

"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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I see Fargus making the 2nd team. That's about as far as he can go during preseason.


Beating out Garner is gonna take some real good performance's in real game showcases. Plus it takes the 1st unit O-line supporting him as they do Garner. By the time all that happens it could be week 11 if he's lucky.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Biggus:

What a big baby! There really seems to be a love-hate thing with players and ownership in Philly, though.

Duce is in the fourth and final year of his contract. As sportswriter Peter King says, "That is an embarrassment, really. Duce, I have one year left on my deal with HBO. I want to know where I stand with them in 2004. So you know what? I think, even though I have a contract for THIS year, I'm not going to show up when the show starts shooting in September. I'm going to hold out and force them to give me a new contract for 2004 and beyond. Let's see how that goes. I'll tell you how that would go, Duce. I'd be on the street, on my ear, and not only would I not be a free agent after this year, they'd rightfully prevent me from working anywhere in 2004, too. Just like the Eagles could do with you."


Is Fargas THAT good? Haven't seen dem Raiders yet pre-season, so I'm a bit curious.
As far as pre-season play goes, he's been the shit. Great lateral movement, explosive speed. Again, it remains to be seen in terms of how it works during play against starters.


Originally posted by Meccajay:

Beating out Garner is gonna take some real good performance's in real game showcases. Plus it takes the 1st unit O-line supporting him as they do Garner. By the time all that happens it could be week 11 if he's lucky.

You're probably right. I like Charlie Garner a lot, but especially in the Raider camp, it's good to see some young new talent.


Originally posted by Postman:

To quote our dear moderator:


Hel-looooooooo...Earth to Weasel...pre-season....

Yes indeed. Just looking at a pre-season player since I may not see him again for a little while. Hey, we lost that game against SF despite his league-leading performance. I'll take the "W" everytime instead! :)


- Jeff

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Duce is in the fourth and final year of his contract. As sportswriter Peter King says, "That is an embarrassment, really. Duce, I have one year left on my deal with HBO. I want to know where I stand with them in 2004. So you know what? I think, even though I have a contract for THIS year, I'm not going to show up when the show starts shooting in September. I'm going to hold out and force them to give me a new contract for 2004 and beyond. Let's see how that goes. I'll tell you how that would go, Duce. I'd be on the street, on my ear, and not only would I not be a free agent after this year, they'd rightfully prevent me from working anywhere in 2004, too. Just like the Eagles could do with you."
Oh, don't get me wrong. I really dislike the Eagles, and their management (and Andy freakin Reid, for that matter :eek: ) The whole thing with Staley is like watching a car wreck happen. You want to look away, but you can't...
"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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You know what's funny? I can't put my finger on it. Its totally arbitrary. There is something about the guy that I just don't care for, yet I can't name it? (Sorry, I'm a very irrational football fan).


Actually, I think as a Steeler Fan I'm envious of the fact that the OTHER Pennsylvania team made it farther than we did last year in the playoffs. Not to mention the fact we got hosed AGAIN by a bad officiating call (Randle El's touchdown overruled on replay)- OK, its only preseason, but....


I'll stop rambling now :freak:

"You can't enjoy yourself unless you're having fun."
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My absolute favorite sports columnist is probably ESPN's Gregg Easterbrook, who writes the TMQ (Tuesday Morning Quarterback) page.


His thoughts on the Duce problem:


Staley asserts that he is boycotting camp because he is "just interested to know how I fit into the team's plans;" and yet, shockingly, "not one person in the Eagles front office has given me any idea of what the future holds for me as a player." What the future holds? Duce, you can hire your own fortune teller. As for being informed of the team's plans:


The phone rings.


DUCE. Hello.


ANDY REID. This is Andy Reid, head coach/executive vice president of football operations. (Note: his actual title.)




REID. I just wanted to let you know we are planning to use you at running back. That's where you fit into our plans.


DUCE. Oh! Well, that clears it up. Why didn't you say so in the first place?


When a player or draft choice is unsigned, it's up to him to decide how to handle the business-end question of whether to report. But Staley has a contract. No one put a gun to his head to make him sign it. Both by law and word of honor, the contract commits Staley to report to the Eagles and do his job. Time to keep your word, Duce.


I think that about says it all.


- Jeff

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Huh, maybe him shuttling to the Bucs *isn't* so far fetched.


BTW, the Buccos looked like ass last night. Well, Brad did quite well, but the D was soft. Humph.



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Llarion:

BTW, the Buccos looked like ass last night.

Doesn't matter. My Titan's look like gold in preseason so far...they did last year too when they beat down the Raiders in preseason, and then once the season started they got creamed by the Raiders twice in a row. I wouldn't worry too much 'bout them Buck's.


Unless there playing the Saints.

TROLL . . . ish.
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