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Evolver - WOW!!!!

Dave Bryce

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Okay, so I got my Evolver today...


What an awesome synth!!!!


First impressions: the filters kick total ass, the presets are really cool - almost every one of them makes me want to boot up DP and start recording...yeah, sure, the interface is a bit cryptic, but that's a minor detail - I'll get inside it over time. Besides, there's all sorts of computer editing options downloadable from Dave\'s web site .


I kinda wish it was polyphonic, but then I look at my MiniMoog and that goes away too. Listening to some of the sequences, you almost forget it's a mono synth. Plus, if you really need poly, there's a MIDI overflow/poly mode that allows linking of multiple units.


Evolver rules! I think it kicks the daylights out of almost every monosynth I've ever played, both sonically and in terms of programming power. If any of you are thinking of getting one of these, do it do it do it. At $499, it is nothing short of a steal.


I LOVE THIS THING!!! :love::D:thu::cool:


I know, I know - I need to learn to express myself... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

I'll have to check that out. I'm definitely interested. :thu:

You are, of course, more than welcome to come over any time, my brother. I think I know a little bit about the general direction that your taste runs, and I'm guessing this thing would just kill you.


Let's do a finals game!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Rabid:

By the way, I forgot that he was involved in Reality.

Dave's got a litany of achievements under his belt. He's the guy who built the first microprocessor controlled programmable synth, which also happened to be the first polyphonic synth (Prophet 5)...and, or course he's pretty much the the guy who's responsible for the MIDI spec, not to mention the acronym itself.


Among his designs are two of my favorite synths - the Prophet VS and the Wavestation.


The brother is bright. ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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the question is Dave, why did you wait eight months to get one? :D


yes, I had my order in within 10 minutes of being able to order...and got a custom serial number at that! :)


indeed, the Evolver is a lil monster...strange that when it appeared and I posted to this forum no one seemed that interested in it...

Go tell someone you love that you love them.
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Congrats on your Evolver purchase. :thu: I wanted one as soon as I read about it being shown at the WNAMM 2002. I too was an early purchaser at the initial release and also submitted the PC1600x presets that are on the download section of the DSI site. I also have Encore Electronics Knobby presets programmed for it. The only problem is, you need to send the Knobby back to Tony at Encore for a hardware upgrade in order to use sysex values from -128 to +255. The upgrade is free and his turnaround is quick. The nice thing about using the PC1600x with Evolver is the sixteen sliders are perfect for using with the sequencer. :cool: The buttons come in handy too by being able to change waveforms quickly and being able to get a squarewave by just one push instead of turning the knob to adjust the proper width.

Yeah, all in all, Evolver is a great little synth that should be seriously considered by those in search of a nice compact, midi equipped, synth with great delay and distortion effects as well. Oh yeah, the delay :D , Dave what do ya think about the onboard delay?


Anyway there are a couple of discussion

groups here:






Check 'em out if you can pull yourself away from Evolver long enough to do so.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Rabid:

By the way, I forgot that he was involved in Reality.

Dave's got a litany of achievements under his belt. He's the guy who built the first microprocessor controlled programmable synth, which also happened to be the first polyphonic synth (Prophet 5)...and, or course he's pretty much the the guy who's responsible for the MIDI spec, not to mention the acronym itself.


Among his designs are two of my favorite synths - the Prophet VS and the Wavestation.


The brother is bright. ;)



If I remember correctly, wasn't Sequentials first product a programmer, not a synth itself? Again, if memory serves me right, it stored voltages that would be sent to the synth, but these voltages were modulated by envelopes within the programmer (so the synths envelopes were bypassed).
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

I'll have to check that out. I'm definitely interested. :thu:

You are, of course, more than welcome to come over any time, my brother. I think I know a little bit about the general direction that your taste runs, and I'm guessing this thing would just kill you.


Let's do a finals game!



I'll be in touch :)
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Have fun with it DB, and let us know if we need to start putting food under your studio door. :D

It's too hot to go outside anyway. :P



Q:What do you call a truck with nothing in the bed,nothing on the hitch, and room for more than three people in the cab? A:"A car"....
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Originally posted by PatAzz:

If I remember correctly, wasn't Sequentials first product a programmer, not a synth itself? Again, if memory serves me right, it stored voltages that would be sent to the synth, but these voltages were modulated by envelopes within the programmer (so the synths envelopes were bypassed).

I'm pretty sure that my original statement that the Prophet-5 was the first microprocessor controlled programmable synthesizer is correct. I'm not sure what product you're referring to, nor do I know for sure what Sequential's first product was...got a link? Or a name?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just recieved my Evolver!


First the key buy award, and then DB´s words of wisdome - and then I could not resist anymore! I got the Evolver yesterday, and I´m mighty impressed by it; the sound, the features, everything ROCKS! a fun thing to do is use one of the digital oscs as a sub osc - extremely warm, analog and fat sound! this is indeed the monosynth to have, and at the price it´s nothing short of a steal! Thanks for the tip, Dave and the rest of you guys!


Gotta go tweak now! :freak:


/J :D nas

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Anderton has a little article in the latest EQ about using Evoilver as a guitar processor.


As if I needed any more incentive to lust for this thing. Waiting till my August birthday. These are lean times and I'm going to need a good excuse.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by PatAzz:

If I remember correctly, wasn't Sequentials first product a programmer, not a synth itself? Again, if memory serves me right, it stored voltages that would be sent to the synth, but these voltages were modulated by envelopes within the programmer (so the synths envelopes were bypassed).

I'm pretty sure that my original statement that the Prophet-5 was the first microprocessor controlled programmable synthesizer is correct. I'm not sure what product you're referring to, nor do I know for sure what Sequential's first product was...got a link? Or a name?





Wasn't doubting you on the microproc controlled synth... I just was commenting that they had another product (the programmer) out before the Prophet 5. I'll I seem to remember a couple of advertising pictures of Rick Wakemen with them, but those issues are long gone (late-70's era).


Here's a link that references it (and a sequencer.

Programmer Picture


Sequential Circuits Page @ Synthmuseum

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Originally posted by PatAzz:

Wasn't doubting you on the microproc controlled synth... I just was commenting that they had another product (the programmer) out before the Prophet 5. I'll I seem to remember a couple of advertising pictures of Rick Wakemen with them, but those issues are long gone (late-70's era)

Interesting - I've never seen that before. Wow - I wonder what it was supposed to control?


I'll have to ask Dave about it.


Thanks, Pat!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Interesting - I've never seen that before. Wow - I wonder what it was supposed to control?


I'll have to ask Dave about it.


Thanks, Pat!



I'd be interested to hear what Dave says...


IIRC, it was to allow you to program patches for a number of synths in the market place (especially the Minimooog). You progrmammed values in the programmer, which were then sent to the synth as voltage signals. There were a number of outputs from the programmer that you connected to the VCA and VCF inputs of the synth. It had it's own set of envelopes, which modulated the voltage signals according to the settings within the programmer. I also want to say that it stored 32 programs, though I may be inheriting that number from the first Prophet.

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Unfortunately, my wife is not the problem. She loves it when I buy gratuitous gear because it gives her implicit approval to indulge her expensive passion: body work. That's right--massage, chiropractic, pilates, cranial-sacral therapy, all of which tends to cost a pretty penny and very little of which is covered by our insurance.


So, alas, the problenm here is bigger than a wife with a vice like grip on the purse strings, and more complicated. The problem is that *I* am the one cast in the role of frugal till-keeper. I have to outwit my own conscience to get this thing, not my wife!


Originally posted by Mark Zeger:

Originally posted by Magpel:

Waiting till my August birthday.



Tell your wife that, like wedding anniversaries, birthdays have symbolic gifts. Just as a 25th anniversary is "silver", your next birthday is "analog". :thu:

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Unfortunately, my wife is not the problem. She loves it when I buy gratuitous gear because it gives her implicit approval to indulge her expensive passion: body work. That's right--massage, chiropractic, pilates, cranial-sacral therapy, all of which tends to cost a pretty penny and very little of which is covered by our insurance.


So, alas, the problenm here is bigger than a wife with a vice like grip on the purse strings, and more complicated. The problem is that *I* am the one cast in the role of frugal till-keeper. I have to outwit my own conscience to get this thing, not my wife!


Originally posted by Mark Zeger:

Originally posted by Magpel:

Waiting till my August birthday.



Tell your wife that, like wedding anniversaries, birthdays have symbolic gifts. Just as a 25th anniversary is "silver", your next birthday is "analog". :thu:

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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