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FORUM CD: Rate" Trumpet Concerto, 3rd movement"

Dave Bryce

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As many of you know, we are currently in the process of doing another CD compilation of original material submitted by members of this forum.


As with the last original compilation, the entries will be posted for review by all of the members of the forum whether or not they have contributed a piece. With that in mind, please check out "Trumpet Concerto, 3rd Movement" (submitted by Dan South), and tell us what you think!


If the artist of the piece would care to post any notes about the piece in this thread, they should feel free to do so.


Thanks for listening!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Just beautiful, Dan! :thu:


What were the various sounds from? The trumpet was interesting as, to my ears, it moved from a very realistic simulation to a more synthesized, a la Wendy Carlos, approximation of a trumpet throughout the piece. I liked that effect.


The articulations were very expressive and well played.



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I really love Dan's work. I think he is a naturally gifted composer and I look forward to keeping up with his musical career.


Although I am absolutely blown away by the electronic version of "Trumpet Concerto", I know that I'll be even more estatic when this work is performed by a live orchestra. I am aware that it can be difficult to get new music performed but not impossible so I'll continue to be patient. Anyway wouldn't it be nice if Wynton would record this with the Berlin Philharmonic?


Keep it coming Dan, this is great work!!! :thu::thu::thu:

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Thanks to all for your extremely generous comments.


bleen, I wish I could be one tenth the synthesist that Wendy Carlos is. Most of the patches are slightly modified presets from the Roland Orchestral expansion board for the JV-1080.


Lincoln, thanks. Someday maybe I'll have the guts to send a copy to Mr. Marsalis, but I have to clean up a few wacky notes first.


mzeger, cool! Perhaps I can send you a CD with the background instruments along with the printed trumpet part sometime. Let me know.


nel/astor, thanks but no, I have no training in composition. I just really love Baroque music. It was the first music that really lit my heart on fire. I also used to be a trumpet player, and this is the kind of stuff that I would have liked to have been able to play had I actually been any good. :D


The composition took a while for a few reasons. I worked on all three movements at once, and the first movement is about twice the length of this one. Also, I was composing and sequencing at the same time, and I spent a lot of time painstakingly editing individual notes to get the parts to sound as realistic as possible. I went through a couple of minor revisions before I arrived at this arrangement. As time passes, I see the need for one more revision.


I once read that the Brandenburg Concerti were revisions of Bach's earlier works, so I guess I'm not "cheating" TOO badly by developing the piece over time like this. ;)


Thanks again for the compliments.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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