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selling my QSR - looking for a decent rhodes patch


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Hi y'all! I've been trying to tweak my QSR's rhodes patches and am at the end of my rope.


Everyone says the S80 has the killer rhodes, but I'm not looking to spend that kind of cash, or carry around 88 keys. I'm playing the A-33 so I was thinking maybe I'd try a Roland module...any suggestions?


I'll probably get something used. In addition to the rhodes patches, this new module will also have to contain a usable piano.


I've heard good things about the "Keyboards of the 60's and 70's" expansion board - what's the cheapest module that will accept this board? Is it worth it (ie, the 1010 isn't rackmountable). Is there an expansion board with decent pianos that I could pop into a Roland module?


Thanks for the help!

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Yamaha's Rhodes patches do sound very good indeed. From the P80 to the Motif, S03, and S80 I've been impressed by the basic Yamaha Rhodes sounds.


They really need to improve the velocity switching though. It's far too obvious, especially in the lower 2 octaves.

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I have the "60's and 70's" expansion board. It does have some decent rhodes patches in it ... a pretty good variety, too, but I don't know that I'd consider the EP's its strength. I bought it for the B3 and other organ patches, of which it has many, many good examples.


I have an S-80, and don't think the roland's rhodes patches are as good as the Yammy's. I did notice you said the S80 didn't fit your needs, though. I would definitely check out the 60's and 70's board somewhere, but spend some time with it, since you've indicated you're pretty particular about your rhodes sounds.


Might also look into a used EMU proteus 2k (probably get one on ebay for $500 pretty readily now .. maybe even less). Its got a billion patches, but included amongst them are some ep's, including rhodes.


good luck,


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I would agree with the rest of the opinions. If you want a good set of rhodes patches you should get the Yamaha boards: S08, S30, S80, S90 & Motif.


I know that yamaha makes some rack mounted modules. Look Here. But, I don't know what kind of synth engine these modules have. I would go to a local store and check them out.





Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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Originally posted by dabowsa:

Are the sounds from those Yamaha boards available in a module?


Does anyone use Roland rhodes/piano patches (1010, 1080, 60's & 70's)?

Used to have 60's & 70's. Got rid of it. Unusable for solo rhodes. Was ok in live mix though. Problem was blaringly obvious velocity switching and sample mappings.
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Yes, you can get the S80 rhodes patches in the CS6R I think -- I know it's missing some of the piano samples but I think most of the rhodes samples are there. It can also take the piano board which IMHO has some very good rhodes samples on it as well, although they are really not tweakable as the built in samples on the module are. The CS6R come with more of a dance patchlist but you can download a sysex S80 patchlist to update it with at www.yamahas80.com



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Not in my opinion. Same with the supposedly Emerson-inspired tonewheel organs. There's a bizarre buzzy quality about the patches so that they sound like no Rhodes or Hammond I've ever played or heard live OR on record. I keep having to remove effects from the patches to get them even close to useful.


Originally posted by mzeger:

Wasn't "Rayz Roads" (sp?) a good Rhodes program for the QS?

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


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