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FORUM CD: Rate "Monologue"

Dave Bryce

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As many of you know, we are currently in the process of doing another CD compilation of original material submitted by members of this forum.


As with the last original compilation, the entries will be posted for review by all of the members of the forum whether or not they have contributed a piece. With that in mind, please check out "Monologue" (submitted by Tusker), and tell us what you think!


If the artist of the piece would care to post any notes about the piece in this thread, they should feel free to do so.


Thanks for listening!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Wow Tusker!

Great sound/performance! I like it.

The tracks volume bounces around a lot. Not a bad thing but some of the more delicate passages seemed to get a little lost, (0:37 m/s) and I did have to rush to my mixer interface to turn it down as really powerful low notes got a little too powerful! :) Again not a bad thing and a little out of the ordinary. Cool.

What are you playing for "Monologue"? Like the filter/mod work that starts at 1:30 m/s!

I enjoyed it.



Like the "Bach like" passage that begins at about 1:00! Nice transition back to the original scale, very smooth.

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Thank for your comments. That's pretty encouraging. Actually I did an oops and uploaded the unmastered file first when I sent a shortcut to David. The mastered (if you can call it mastering) file is here . I uploaded the mastered file but I think Dave got the earlier one.


The 'mastered' file is slightly smaller as I chose different mp3 settings. It's also a little smoother, at least on my system.


The tune was intended as a way of putting monophonic synthesizers on the spot. They often get treated as a special effect or icing on the cake. Or people do lots of overdubs with them. And I love how the sound in that context but they get treated as an add on, or not really a performance instrument.


So I wondered if a mono-synth could carry a tune with no accompaniment and no automation. Here you go ... you get the whole stage Mr. Monosynth. What would you do with it?


The tune was done on a Yamaha AN1X in mono mode with no automation. All timbral changes were played live. In an Asian/Free Jazz manner improvised pretty loosely around the mode that I chose. However I had thought about the transition to the "bachish" section as well as the textural changes I would go through. And some of the melody elements were already in mind.


The biggest issue I noticed is that playing rhythmically on a mono instrument is a lot harder than on a piano or organ (or any other keyboard) where one could use note density (# of notes) to show the outline of the rhythm pattern. I have a great degree of respect for solo fiddlers after doing this piece.


It was fun to do. I hope you like it. :)



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I´ve slept a total of eight hours since friday (long gigs!), and I´ve been missing buses and trains all day long. I book a day for golf, and you can bet it rains... well, you get the picture... I was pretty grumpy... and now, something different is afoot! I´m smiling and whistling again. Really nice track, well thought out and excellent performance. Makes me think of a party last week, when a flutist from Turkey did an impromptu piece on a plastic flute in a back yard (great reverb!) at one o´clock in the morning... Now I guess I´ll HAVE to dig out my copy of "The first seven days" again! :D Thanks; very inspiring! /J
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LOL. I must be a musical nudist. Steve I felt a lot more naked after you pointed out that I had no clothes. ;):D


Yeah AnalogAddict, although I meant it to sound like a synth, I was also paying homage to the ethnic solo instrument tradition. It's tough working up a bunch of emotion and character from a single voice and yet they do it. Solo shawm players, flautists, fiddlers, duduk players... I am a huge fan. :D


Thanks for the comments guys.



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Definitely a gutsy thing to try, and that AN1x is really expressive. Very organic, fluid, ethnic sounding piece. I'd considered doing something like that but never had the inspiration, or the nerve! :D


So now that the studio is all wired, do some more! :D

This keyboard solo has obviously been tampered with!
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That piece has pushed me toward trying to find a used an1x. I really like the idea of a solo synth piece, and what you do with the synth is really expressive. I also like your technique, you must be classically trained or something... Very nice and adventurous piece... Takes guts to play one monophonic instrument and to resist the temptation of adding other parts to it... Good job.



Gear: Yamaha MODX8, Mojo 61, NS2 73, C. Bechstein baby grand.

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