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Dave Bryce

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The dreaded Gear Acquisition Syndrome...


I am curious what pieces of gear and/or software y'all are currently eyeing. Are you just drooling over it/them, or do you intend to actually acquire said toy(s)?


Personally, there's a certain Matrix-12 on my hit list, along with copies of Bomb Factory's 1176 and Fairchild plug-ins.


Oh, you didn't think that this thread was gonna be about that other kind of lust, did you? That's what the trombone thread is for... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I've been dying for a Steinway D concert grand since the first time I ever played one, in the Govenor's suite of the Seattle Four Seasons hotel about 18 years ago, the thing literally pulled the music out of my fingers. I've never heard a piano sound like that is my life, and owning one is definitely on my "before I die" list.



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I just consummated my gear lust after a long chase after an Alesis Andromeda. It was the first case of gear lust I've had in years, I thought I was over the gear lust thing after I got Pro Tools. I obsessed over the Andy quite a bit. The tale of how I actually got it is a story for another day...


Currently in my sites is something FM. I'm thinking about an EBay TX802 or NI Dynamo or Reactor, but I don't think my computer can handle the latter (G3/350). I'm also eyeing the MOTU Firewire 828 box, and I just spotted the cutest little $250 Hexapad from Roland (SPD-6).


Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.




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I've got serious issues when it comes to Access Virus. I've wanted one since I heard about the things years ago. I would take any one of them. I've only seen one in my whole life and that was just one of the modules. It's been that mysterious synth that I've heard all about and has managed to escape me somehow. Maybe it's the whole mystique that makes me want it more.
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Well lessee - for a drummer I think I'm set on keys at this point. In the past 3 years Ive acquired 2 Hammonds (kept the A100), a Leslie & Pro3T, a Roland JP8000, a Rhodes MK80, a Nanopiano, a new PA system..... I think I'll spend the next few years practicing & playing. I think (hope? LOL) I'm done with GAS for awhile; after all I do have a mortgage to pay.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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I just received a Roland MKS-70 synth module (late-80's analog) that I bought off of Ebay. It sounds pretty much like I remembered and it doesn't seem like it will be too difficult to program. Ebay is a seductive place and I try to avoid it because it's just too tempting to bid on something that you really aren't sure you want.


If I am lusting for anything, it would be a nice reverb/multi-effects unit. Maybe a TC Electronic or Lexicon.

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I was lusting after a SidStation so I scraped together the credit card and ordered one straight from Sweden. It came in 2 days ago and I have to say that it's the MOST bizarre, insane synth I've ever layed hands on. I'm having some REAL fun!



Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision


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I dunno...all my money's tied up in diapers and Barney videos for the time being. Dave, can I just lust after your Matrix-12 when you get it? Wait...lemme borrow it, I'll bring it right back, I swear. I'd also take an Andromeda, if anyone wants to loan me that, too.


I also want a new bass, but haven't a clue as to what I want exactly. Perhaps a MusicMan Stingray, or an early '70s P-bass, or a Rick. As soon as I know for sure, the lust will begin. Then, in another 16 years when I boot my kid out of the house (and he's on a complete scholarship so I won't have to worry about college bills), I'll get that bass.


- Jeff

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Principals of lust are easy to understand...


If I start to drooll about all toys I`d like to have, I think I`ll never stop, so I`ll stick to what I need badly:


First I`d need nice master keybord, not necesserally full 88, one or two keyboard moduls, prefferablly with vocoder option or vocal harmonizer or a affordable workstation, good keyboard stand like Apex II, and a pair of active keboard monitor boxes or ketboard PA, it`s all equipment that I need right now to start touring with my band, you know.


If anyone feels like he wants to give me something, my birthday is on 27.08. every year.


Well that`s about it. I`ll not let my self lust for andromeda or something, `cos I know I want have it until I win the lottery or I rob a bank.



Fat But Fast
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Cool! A chance to drool without looking like a fool! OK, enough of that, here's my list;


Within the next 6 months I will be getting an 88 weighted note keyboard. At this moment I've narrowed my choices down to either a Yamaha S80 or Alesis QS8. If I find a Korg SG ProX in mint condition for a good price, I'd probably jump on it unless someone out there has horror stories about it. The only reason I didn't get it several years ago is because it only receives on 1 MIDI channel (grrr!) but if I'm only using it as a stage controller I wouldn't worry about that. Between the other two, I'm currently leaning toward the Yamaha at the moment. At least until we all find out for sure what's going on with Alesis.


Here's the top of my "If I could afford every toy I'd like" list;

Matrix 12, Jupiter 8, Memorymoog, B3, Clavinet D6, Rhodes 88 w/ MIDI, Wavestation, etc. Oh, what the hell. As long as I'm dreaming, why not include a Bosendorfer on the list. At least a 7 footer. I recently got a chance to play one of these, and I loved every note of it!


Before I die, I fully intend to own a Steinway grand and a Minimoog (Or maybe a New Performance Synth, but that's another thread!)


Peace all,




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You know what, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have... I always tried to buy instruments with some depth, so of course I'm *still* learning them http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif I even have a Matrix-12 http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif

But OF COURSE I would love to have


A good Hamburg Steinway


A Kyma system, and


a powerful enough computer to run it AND Reaktor AND Logic Audio AND Pro Tools AND... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


A real recording studio (not "home studio")


A modular Moog, or more modestly a New Performance thing


and... oh, let me stop dreaming, I said I was satisfied, right..?


Dave: Get the Matrix-12. It has NO comparison. I was fool enough to sell the Chroma (me idiot), but NEVER occurred to me the though of getting rid of the blue thing. It's one of a kind! Maybe it doesn't roar like a Moog, but it has definitely a character. Sometimes I use it for "digital"-type sounds rather than the usual analog farts everybody expects.



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MY Hammond XK2 is on it`s way. I also want the bass pedals, a second keyboard,a midi drum machine, and last but not least, a Motion Sound Pro 3t. Once I collect all these, my marriage might as well be over. :c)

 "Let It Be!"

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Having "downsided" my gear over the past few years (I had to get rid of my Simmons SDS7 for space reasons http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif and a JX3P plus others) I am modestly starting to build it up, starting with as Korg Ms2000 in the next few days.

BTW does anybody remember the Jen SX1000? I have had for years and I love it



http://iandixon.tripod.com - Free Music

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Korg's new CX-3 Hammond simulator. I've actually got the money for one right now, but none of the stages we play on are big enough (already have a Kurzweil, EX-5, and Nord Lead on stage). What to do, what to do...


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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I saw a Lamborghini the other day... does that count?


If not, I want a new Taylor badly!! Mine is cool and all, but you can get more than one, right? How about a 12-string this time...


If it's a keyboard we're talking about, I'd love a B-3, or even a copy (Hammond, Roland, Korg)... I'm not picky! Something with real drawbars!!!

Bill Murphy


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Since this is a sort of a wish list...


1) A PENTIUM IV processor for my Studio's computer, of course, the fastest one available with a Giga of Ram. A free subscription to www.nakednews.com wouldn't be that bad to include http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif


2) Since I already have the newest CUBASES and LOGICS, I would like to have SONAR and a bunch of DXi Instruments.




4) KORG KARMA. I usually don't like Korgs, but the KARMA thing seems to be good for cool moving textures.


5) EVENT's EZ-Bus Mixer



Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


Instagram: guslozada

Facebook: Lozada - Música y Tecnología



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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:


YOU should get an Andromeda, my brother. You are one of the people who it was made for...





I'm very flattered, but I think you're right. Now, if I only could find one... I've never seen or heard an Andromeda in person yet.

Not to mention that buying American has become inaffordable! Given the Euro/Dollar exchange, power of purchase, taxes and blah blah, just DOUBLE the American price and you'll know the European equivalent. I've even stopped buying CD-ROMs for my Kurz. With some of them, you could buy a whole japanese synthesizer for the same price, I mean a *good* one. Sigh...



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Originally posted by marino:

I'm very flattered, but I think you're right. Now, if I only could find one... I've never seen or heard an Andromeda in person yet.


I will have my friend Salvo Zocco from M. Casale Bauer in Italy get in contact with you, if you wish...I believe that perhaps he may be able to help you.


Send me your email address/contact info to:



I will put him in contact with you, my brother.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well... I want a 52" Steinway K for my own room. Yes, that's right, a vertical; that's all I've got space for and it's somewhat within my reach. Maybe a Bosendorfer 225 Grand later on when I've got my own place. I also want a Ferrari 550 Maranello with small microphones hooked up to the back of the exhaust pipes and wired to my car stereo set to station 1. Ooooooh... dreamy...




This message has been edited by DOS on 05-25-2001 at 04:21 AM

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I have made some investments recently and I'm quite happy at the moment.

The only thing I want right now is days with 48 hours.






This message has been edited by smedis on 05-25-2001 at 06:54 AM

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I will have my friend Salvo Zocco from M. Casale Bauer in Italy get in contact with you, if you wish...I believe that perhaps he may be able to help you.



Thanks three million, Dave, but that's not necessary. I already know Salvo! I got his number at Casale Bauer, so I'll call him directly... as soon as I am finished with paying my new grand piano, and also have a bigger mixer (My 24-channell is totally taken already). http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

What I meant, anyway, was that no big instrument store in Rome has an Andromeda in show - yet. I'd love to spend some time with the beast.


Thanks again for your support!





This message has been edited by marino on 05-25-2001 at 07:39 PM

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