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I want it!!!

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I'd have to agree with Dave except that I don't have the piano of my dreams so I'd say I'd "die" for a great 7 foot with some sort of midi recording system.. Disklavier or otherwise.. in fact I think I'll have to say a K.Kawai 7 foot with a Gulbransen midi system - the only way to get polyphonic aftertouch in this world (other than with a Clavichord).


I also want to say this: if I had no budget constraints and could afford a keyboard that I might not use very often, I would buy an Ensoniq ZR-76. I love the keys on that instrument (same as Fatar 1176) and there is something very comforting about its layout - it's easy to sit down and compose without having to think at all about setups or parameters for the sequencer. Plus anything you play is always recorded. I think in the "Desert Island Synth" thread I initially said this keyboard, even though I also would say K2600..

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Anyone know where to get one?

I've heard of people having them... I've

never seen one.


I did see a MIDI trumpet.. not quite

what I want.


I've also heard of people who can

fit a T-bone mouthpiece with a pick-up

to hook to an amp... Anyone seen those?

I want.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





PS: I would also die for Dave's "equipment". http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

Valkyrie Sound:




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Maybe you could play a midi theremin with your right hand moving as if you were playing trombone, and then have a Yamaha BC-3 that would sense your breath pressure and turn it into mouthpiece harmonic information via some midi patch in Max. Then you could program the Ethervox's pitch information with the breath information to produce actual notes. Oh, and then with your left hand you'd need a Midi-plunger, which you know you can get at Toys R Us.


Seriously, though.. I am pretty sure that the Yamaha Silent Brass system (which is mostly for Saxophone) will take the sound from your bell and pitch-to-midi it so that you have a midid output. That's the way the system works: It plugs up almost all your sound and then lets you control the volume of a midi'd patch of your instrument.


Or you could just make a very large donation to the MIT Media Lab and have somebody make you some unique new instrument.


Man, I wish I played Trombone.. sometimes I think that whenever I'm playing a Brassy Oberheim Sawtooth patch that I'm basically just trying to imitate a trombone player, except with resonance.

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Are you saying the opposite sex should be redesigned with more knobs and sliders, thus requiring less frequent journeys into mystifying submenus? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Originally posted by lastresort001@aol.com:

Roland JP-8000... but I don't know about die for it. I'd give up sex for a little while. Tweaking all those knobs and sliders has been more fulfilling at times.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Originally posted by valkyriesound:



Anyone know where to get one?

I've heard of people having them... I've

never seen one.


I did see a MIDI trumpet.. not quite

what I want.


I bet Steiner can make you a slide version of an EVI (the MIDI "trumpet" controller). Money talks.


I used to want a Holton Firebird - a Maynard Ferguson designed trumpet with valves AND a slide...and Maynard's range to go with it!


As for the topic, I'll take an Oberheim 8-voice w/2 manuals (not an OB-8...the while-faced one with the SEMs). What did those sell for in the '70s, $8-10K? I know someone who bought one...it could loosen the fillings in your teeth!

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Originally posted by lastresort001@aol.com:

Roland JP-8000... but I don't know about die for it. I'd give up sex for a little while. Tweaking all those knobs and sliders has been more fulfilling at times.


I've got one of those JP8000s, and I didn't have to give up sex for it. I just had to cut off my left arm.


Michael Oster

F7 Sound and Vision


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Wait a minute, this is a trick question isn't it---if I'm dead how do I make use of the gear ?! How about we partner up & then I can use it after you pass on http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif ("He was such a fine man with so much potential...I only hope to carry on the work in his name & do the best I can...").




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Originally posted by marino:


Things I don't have: Kyma


Like a blue-ribbon fool I failed to pick up a used copy of John Paul Jones' Zooma when I had the chance, now I'll have to find it new...the album is apparently primarily Kyma.


I've never used it, but I have the literature stashed like a porn mag, to open in the dark hours and drool... looks like a hell of a system.








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A Fairlight IIx

Granted, it's dated, it's limited, and it colors the sound, but they are just SO cool, that I'll lust after one forever.




This message has been edited by joegerardi on 05-18-2001 at 03:59 PM

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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1) Yamaha CS-80 (or, while we're at it, a GX-1); btw- if anyone knows of a CS-80 in good condition for sale, please eMail me!


2) Steinway B Grand Piano (matte black, oh, and a house big enough to put it in!)


3) vintage Moog Modular (about series 55 size)


4) mint Hammond B-3 (with Leslies, of course)





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Originally posted by Steve44:

Seriously, though.. I am pretty sure that the Yamaha Silent Brass system (which is mostly for Saxophone) will take the sound from your bell and pitch-to-midi it so that you have a midid output. That's the way the system works: It plugs up almost all your sound and then lets you control the volume of a midi'd patch of your instrument.


Thanks for the idea... but that won't quite

work... The silent brass system doesn't output

MIDI at all. It just plugs up your sound, picks

it up with a little microphone and then

puts it back out into headphones or the line out.

It's more like a DI for Trombone. No pitch to MIDI

at all.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif


I may still get one.. then I can run it

through a POD or something... could get interesting! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Or you could just make a very large donation to the MIT Media Lab and have somebody make you some unique new instrument.[/b]


Hmm... when I have that kind of $$$! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Man, I wish I played Trombone.. sometimes I think that whenever I'm playing a Brassy Oberheim Sawtooth patch that I'm basically just trying to imitate a trombone player, except with resonance.[/b]


There's nothing like the real thing! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Again, thanks for the idea... I'm trying

to find anything to make T-Bone playing

interesting again...




Valkyrie Sound:




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1. A pipe organ at least the size of the one in the Mormon Tabernacle - and a matching hall.


2. The Elephantophone from Marsipulami/Spirou comic books.


3. The worlds most valuable violin. I have no clue how much it would be worth, but I wouldn't be surpriced if it exceeds $5-8 million.

I would sell it to the highest bidder and spend most of it on a couple of nice houses/apartments around the globe - doesn't need to be very big or fancy, as long as they are located at the right spots.



Just my 2c. worth of daydreaming...




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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