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Tsunami song 1- General Discussion / News

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Hey all.

I will need URL info at some point, to add to releases to media.


I agree that other donation methods should be present, and encouraged. Maybe radio buttons in 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, etc. amounts... I dunno.


What about the download, how secure is it? And what about dissemination of the song beyond "our control"?


Back to writing...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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How about stream? make it non-downloadable?


if someone really wanted to post url to the song they could, no matter how secure we try to make it.


you know Base might have known about this sort of things Shars, he works in an IT company.


COuld everyone give a breif progress report as to where theire up to, and if alls well for the deadline. Maybe we could all help iron out problems if there are any.

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Streaming... well, I can see where that might be cool... but honestly, I think a old fashoned D/L should be fine. People are probably going to want something tangible, that they can burn to a CD, listen to in the car, take to work to show their friends (word of mouth advertising), etc. If people file share it, then 1) they're pretty low and crass (and we can even put a plea on the site that appeals to their honesty - in light of the situation, you'd have to be quite the ass to take the song and not contribute to the assistance fund for those in need) and 2) it's just extra word of mouth publicity...


I was wondering - and almost posted "I wonder how long it will take to show up on the P2P networks?", but after a bit more thought, I didn't think it was going to be a significant issue after all. What do you folks think?

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Yeah, Phil, that's what I was getting at with security, P2P and sharers. I agree they'd have to be an ass to do it, but that's never stopped all the asses from doing similar.

I am, however, unsure of a good alternative.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Shars and all, iTunes has an "affiliate" program that allows you to link directly from your site to a song in their catalog and they collect the money.


You might want to contact iTunes, tell them about the project, and ask them if the song can 1) be added to their catalog quickly, 2) perhaps they can increase your commission or contribute a matching donation, and 3) once it is in their catalog perhaps they can promote it themselves on their own web site, and mention that proceeds from the download will be donated to help the tsunami victims.

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DJDM thats a great idea but I just posted this on the music thread so thought i would throw it out again to see what people think of it.


I have an idea as to overcome the payment thing on the site.

We basically have the page for the DEC on the payments page which is secure anyway and when people have donated, they are then directed to the download page to get their MP3.

That way, the donation is made directly to the DEC and not us so we are not liable for tax and we just give them their song.

Hows that sound?

We can also ask people to email in with the amount they have givern sowe can total it up as we go along...just an idea.

Phait may be able to advice here I hope

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I don't think it would take much effort to get Weed to contribute their funds from the proceeds as well. I'm easy with whatever solution people decide on and having multiple d/l options for the file still sounds like a solid idea from a marketing standpoint. More locations to get the file that way. Always a good thing. :)


Shars my only concern about a secure page is that people can't check out the file before d/l. Unless I'm missing something about that process?

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I agree, if possible, more DL options is better for everyone.


The iTunes idea might have some merit, depending on their attitude and their cut (if they keep it).






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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£25 million rasied so far by the British public and another £50 million donated by the goverment...this is great news and all since 6.30 last night!

It shows how the British public can come together,all differences aside, to help quickly when its needed.

Its great to be a brit today and my nation has made me proud and I am sure Chris will agree!

Well done to all I say! :thu:

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Originally posted by forceman:

Dear Mr. nursers:


How are we going to be updated on the project status (instrumentation, mixing, production, etc)?


Will Mr. Bunny give up regular updates (or mp3's) or??


Your fiend,


Buggered if I know :D


Seriously though - I will be keeping in touch with Bunny and Phil and once an mp3 is ready for download I will create a link to it :thu:

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I'll try to keep people updated.


Right now, we're still receiving tracks. Nursers, the Pub folder at your site appears to be empty. Have you recived Forceman's bass tracks yet?


I'll post rough mix mp3s as we go, if I have time.


REMINDER: We have a new click/guide track from Tedster which is the one people should be recording along to. Here it is: http://tedster.net/fearmixrough2.mp3

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When I finish up my guitar, I am gonna send it to you Nursers and then you can do some majic and send it to Bunny. Is that ok?


This song is great. All I have done on the guitar is mimic the lyrics and it sounds good. I gotta go to bed now but I will finish up tomorrow.



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Hi Guys...or shall I say Good Morning from London.


A dear friend of mine, Ricahrd Morell,has taken up the challenge of sorting out some bandwidth and also payment options for us and beleive me, if anyone can do it, its Richard.

He is browsing here at the moment to catch up on all that has been said so far so please welcome him and thank him for his help.

I am sure he will explaine what he can do to help us and also how and beleive me, if anyone can get us noticed its Ricahrd.

Thx Rich and welcome to Collab also known lovingly as Faces of Friendship :thu:

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