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[quote]Originally posted by guitplayer: [b]45 People. That's all that were on board the plane that crashed in Shanksville, PA. Ever been on a plane with so few people... you feel so all alone. I wonder how they talked... and decided what to do. Of all the 9/11 stories, this is the one that impresses me most . It's SO American. "We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore". They REFUSED to allow their plane to be another bomb... They got mad, they got even. I HOPE I would have the balls to do the same. As always, great thoughts and emotions shared here... so American. :cry: guitplayer[/b][/quote]Some of the many heros on 9/11
I really don't know what to put here.
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[quote]Originally posted by RobT: [b]Great words of wisdom from the Tedster. Today's my birthday. Birthdays from a year ago on will never be the same. I wonder if folks who were born on or have birthdays in December during the year Pearl Harbor was attacked feel similar. Nonetheless, I feel blessed to still be alive. I hope that healing and justice will prevail.[/b][/quote]My birthday, too. 09-11-60. You expressed my feelings well, [b]RobT[/b].
I'm not a "people" person, I'm a "thing" person.
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[quote]Originally posted by Tedster: [b]I remember the endless threads on the forum here after last 9/11...just a bunch of everyday people trying to make some sense of it all. And it really helped. We cried together, rejoiced at news of friends who were safe (Dan South for instance) together...shook our fists at the world's villains together...and began to heal together. .[/b][/quote]Yeah Tedster, I was just remembering that today too. It did feel like a small community then, and I will always remember getting through those times with you guys and gals...
- Calfee Jones
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[quote]Originally posted by RecreationalThinker: [b] [quote]Originally posted by RobT: [b]Great words of wisdom from the Tedster. Today's my birthday. Birthdays from a year ago on will never be the same. I wonder if folks who were born on or have birthdays in December during the year Pearl Harbor was attacked feel similar. Nonetheless, I feel blessed to still be alive. I hope that healing and justice will prevail.[/b][/quote]My birthday, too. 09-11-60. You expressed my feelings well, [b]RobT[/b].[/b][/quote]Right back at you RecreationalThinker. We've got the same day and the same year. If you were born between 5 and 6 am that would be toooo much...



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said here... this forum is way more comforting than watching the news today. I guess my family here and I will have to call my aunt in WV tonight.... for those that don't recall I lost a cousin at the Pentagon. I'm still looking forward to the furture.. Valky

Valkyrie Sound:




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This morning on a local radio show they were reading the names of the people who died one year ago. They read the name then rang a bell, I was only able to listen to two names before I started to tear-up. God Bless America ikestr
...hertz down low....
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I too pray that God blesses America, and the world. But I also pray that we're worth blessing. Eh, I think we are. ;) Mostly I pray that the idiots still trying to kill people and wage war around the world for some weird cause that isn't even scriptural fail utterly and die at their own hands. And Jeff said what I've understood, that music is a powerful force, able to shape minds and soften hearts, like a gift from heaven, like life and love. I keep that in mind whenever I write something. You guys who have birthdays today, have a blast. God bless us all.
This keyboard solo has obviously been tampered with!
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Peace to everyone. Happy b-day to RobT and RecreationalThinker and my friends twin boys that were born a year ago. I'm a lurker usually around here that discovered this place after drifting over from the lowdownlowdown. There is a great group of people here, I've learned and laughed a lot. Let love,compassion, and understanding rule.
"Don't Ask Me I'm Just The Bassplayer" UBP
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I was about to lose all hope perusing the other troll-ridden threads. Thank God for this one. I joined this forum a little after 9/11. Things were just starting to get back to normal. It has been a pleasure to learn and laugh with everyone of you. Funny how the posters causing so much dissension on the other threads won't touch this one. I tell you a person's actions tell so much more of their intentions than the crap they want you to believe. Let me shut up, before I speak them up. Anyway, Happy Birthday to my man, RobT(this guy always feels like a musical big brother to me) and Recreational Thinker. It's a beautiful day where I stay, I hope you guys have a great one. And Tedster, man, you really are a great writer. Awesome post, simply awesome. And Jeff, I love that challenge/oppurtunity you brought to our attention. It is good to be reminded of how helpful or harmful our gifts can be. I think the responsibility of having such a gift is something we should all keep in mind, if not for anything, it would make for great music. Peace and blessings to you all, and condolences to all those who have dealt with personal tragedies on this day last year. Jedi "Stop thinking, and end all your problems" Lao Tzu

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


The Buddha's Last Words


R.I.P. RobT

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Well I don't have too much to add to all the thanks here... I did go back and read the old threads that Geoff posted (thanks!) and remembered what it felt like that day and how much it meant to me to have this little community around. And further to what Jeff said about having a gift... a lot of people in the modern world think that anybody who devotes themselves to something like music or athletics, is doing a "frivolous" job, unimportant in the scheme of things. The people doing the REAL work supposedly are the doctors and the teachers and the laborers and the electrical engineers and the politicians. But the thing is, art informs the decisions made by any culture, thus I consider it the front line for change in the world. On a personal level, it's also a way to deal with demons - you know, the demons we all have in us that can make us hate others, hate the hand we were dealt, hate the world. How do we know how many people might have done something as awful as the terrorists did, if they didn't play music, or listen to it, and suddenly find a reason why the world can be OK? There are so many tortured people in this world and if music has made any one of them think twice before committing some unspeakable act of hatred, then what we do is never frivolous.
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Aww, thanks Dblackjedi and all, but I really think that's what all of us were or are feeling. Well, most of us anyway. And there have been a lot of very thought provoking responses here. I remember going through either what was a minor tornado, or possible microburst, back in Michigan. Prior to the event, neighbors paid little attention to each other. All of a sudden, the weather went wild, and there were downed trees all over the place, many laying on peoples' houses. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but all of the neighbors came out to see how each other were faring. All of the guys came out with chainsaws, and everyone started helping each other clear away the debris...being neighbors, y'know. After a short while it faded back to the regular thing, but it was great while it lasted. Too bad it can't last all the time. Why does it always seem to take a disaster to bring people together?
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You know, now that its gone through much of the day, I'm so bummed out about what happened to all those families. I'm probably more pissed about it now than then. I've had tears in my eyes & a catch in my throat for most of the day. Damn, I'm getting sentimental in my dotterage. Bless you all my friends, in what ever way holds truth and solace to you. May such a thing never happen anywhere, ever again.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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[quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: [b]I'm still looking forward to the furture.. Valky[/b][/quote]I'm sorry Valky, somehow I missed posting what I had intended in my other post. I wasn't aware and I'm really sorry. You are one of way too many that was directly affected by the terrorist attack. I'm fortunate, as so many of us are, in that we experienced the devestation second hand. Bless you for being as strong as you are. I don't know if I could be the same. My respect for you has gone up immeasuarably & it was pretty high to begin with. All my best... Dak


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Thanks to all who have contributed to this beautiful thread. It's a wonderful tribute to those who gave their lives on this infamous date one year past. It's also a wonderful tribute to the power of friendship, a power that transcends distances and borders and cultures and language barriers. I passed through the subway station at Union Square, yesterday. The police department has erected a commemorative display dedicated to the officers who died in the attacks. There's also a HUGE poster listing the names of ALL of the victims in NY, VA, and PA. It wraps around three walls. I found the name of my ex-colleague. I thought that he was the only one that I knew who didn't make it. In speaking with someone from the office today, I learned that another former colleague was killed. - Valky, if you can send me the name of your cousin, I'll look it up on the poster and send you a photo if you wish. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to check that list for more familiar names. - I hear that there's a web site that lists the names and photos. - It's amazing how far the tentacles of horror can reach. Everybody lost someone or know someone who has. Everyone. From New Jersey to California and around the world. One of the ceremonies today honored victims from ninety-two countries. NINETY-TWO! I don't think I can even NAME ninety-two countries off the top of my head. I heard a poll on the radio this morning saying that the majority of people here in NJ think about the attacks every day. I know that that's been true for me. It's staggering. No other tragedy has ever had such an inescapable, overwhelming, incessant, protracted, relentless effect on my life. And I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones; I didn't lose anyone all that close. I can't imagine what the families who've lost loved ones are going through. It must be as horrible today as it was a year ago. Thanks once again to all who sought information as to my whereabouts last year. Your friendship and concern mean as much to me today as they did then. My deepest condolences to all of you, lurkers and participants, who've lost someone or who know someone who has. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. DRS

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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You know, I'm left kind of... numb. It seems people have gotten over it *too* well, things are a little too... normal. It's not that people have forgotten, it's like it's faded into the "not real" category again. It's both a positive and negative thing for being American I suppose. I was surprised to find I didn't hear hardly any reference to it today at all. I haven't watched any of the TV coverage, I think it pretty much qualifies as ghoulish at this point. I *want* to look from an intellectual curiousity standpoint, but what I'm looking at is truly horrible - I don't want to develope a detachment from the images.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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[quote][i]Originally posted by Master Zap:[/i] Whats scary is I *heard* about 9/11 *right here*, clearly documented in the top thread posted up there.... so for me 9/11 is linked to musicplayer.com forever. Wierd :/ /Z[/quote]Same here. I think it was [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=001922]this thread[/url] in [b]The Keyboard Corner[/b] that notified me.

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Thanks once again to all who sought information as to my whereabouts last year. Your friendship and concern mean as much to me today as they did then. My deepest condolences to all of you, lurkers and participants, who've lost someone or who know someone who has. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. DRS[/b][/quote]Dan... I still remember when we were trying to find you after the attacks. It was all a nightmare. GEOFF: I was still at home preparing to go to the office when I saw the news. As soon as I got to the office I started posting. Maybe my contributions on that post were not exactly great, but I wanted you to know the point of view of someone out of the States; same pain, same fear... It's great we're all still around and it's good this "anniversary" had no -bad- surprises. God -whoever it is- bless America.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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Most of you do not really know me yet, (I only came on board in June), but I spent about two hours reading the posts from last year here today. All I can say is that I wish I had been on these boards then. The sense of community here is really, well, extraordinary. I did not have that when the skies over NYC were filled with smoke and screams in 2001 and I felt really lost out here on the left coast one year ago. I am sorry for your losses Valky and Dan. I can’t know what it is like for either of you. We were still wrapped in the strong arms of the union over here so it took longer to feel the impact. By the time it reached us the blows felt like someone turned out the lights and laid into us with baseball bats. Most of us stumbled out into that beautiful sunny morning with our eyes agog, looking to the skies for errant jet trails. Today was the most beautiful day in recent memory. There is a touch of autumn in the air and the leaves are just starting to turn. A parade to the fallen passed by my studio here in downtown Seattle after lunch. I began to feel empty. My coworker was talking about something, but I could not really hear him. I mumbled “un huh” several times and shook my head in conciliatory acknowledgment. I felt like I was back where I started last year. Unconnected. Unfeeling. Unconscious to the true horror of what it all came down to. So I came back into my office and started reading all of your posts from last year. I was looking for a connection. Something to help me understand. Something that would give me a sense that all was not as black as a moonless midnight. In reading your raw emotional responses I got something back. Your voices gave me a feeling of connectivity that I did not have last year at all. In your archived posts there was much confusion, some misunderstanding and a great deal of anger but mostly there was a struggle to understand. Understand and then to heal. Condemnations, and spiritual rants abounded but the level of class and compassion are more than laudable. They were inspiring. The very best of all us was on display here. For a little while the people that we all wish we were everyday became tangible through words. Your words. Thank you all for being here then and now. - DJDM
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[quote]Originally posted by dblackjedi: [b] Anyway, Happy Birthday to my man, RobT(this guy always feels like a musical big brother to me) and Recreational Thinker. It's a beautiful day where I stay, I hope you guys have a great one. [/b][/quote]Awww Man, ya makin' me blush in cyberspace. Stick to your guns man and don't be afraid to grow.



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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